mrags Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 I wish all the bad things in the world to happen to the New England Patriots and their horrible fairweather fans. They were no where to be found when they sucked. Now they are good and show up by the busload to the Ralph each year. If one more fan talks s#@t to us after we lose im going to stab them in the neck with a rusty spoon. And we are not the only ones. The rest of the NFL hates the Cheatriots. They get boo's and "Cheater" chants everywhere they go. The NFL Draft proved that to me.
BobDVA Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 1. Tie: Dallas Cowboys, New England * 3. Dallas Stars 4. USC 5. Tie: New York Jets, Miami Dolphins
SouthGeorgiaBillsFan Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 This year the Vikings have jumped to the top of the heap all because of Favre and his Roger Clemens "rent me" attitude So you hate the vikings for hiring the best available QB who can give them a shot to win the SB? I think Favre's attitude is "I want to play football." Plain and simple. And who are you or anyone else to even have an opinion about it? It isn't anything to you, doesn't affect you in any way, and you're not even a vikings or packers fan. Seriously you need to get a life, since you have nothing better to do that sit around looking for reasons to hate.
pBills Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 Patriots Miami Patriots because I am so sick of the "their crap don't stink" mentality. Even after they were caught videotaping. Miami - Just annoying me because of tradition - however lately it's the whole Wild Cat thing. Really? No team in the AFC East let alone NFL has a defense that practice for that. Dear god, it can only take them so far.
Pete Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 Patriots Red Sox Duke Glasgow Rangers Mexico national soccer team
FightClub Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 So you hate the vikings for hiring the best available QB who can give them a shot to win the SB? I think Favre's attitude is "I want to play football." Plain and simple. And who are you or anyone else to even have an opinion about it? It isn't anything to you, doesn't affect you in any way, and you're not even a vikings or packers fan. Seriously you need to get a life, since you have nothing better to do that sit around looking for reasons to hate. If Favre's attitude was "I want to play football", then he would have stayed where he was and "played football". Instead he jerks around every team he is involved with to the point where they cannot construct their team because he won't commit to "playing football". His attitude is everything that's wrong with sports, and it is becoming more and more prevalent and ruining the game I happen to love. So, I don't have to look very hard to find that distasteful and root against him this year. The good news, from my perspective, is that Favre is not the "best available QB who can give them a shot to win the SB". They already had a good team, and would have been well-served not employing a drive-killing interception machine to ruin it. I'll have fun watching him after his first three interception game with a giant ice-pack on his shoulder, blaming his injury for his poor decision-making, like he does every year. Really has nothing to do with my life - one of the things I do is watch lots of football on Sunday ticket every year, so yes, in that process each year I have teams that I root for and those I don't, for various reasons like the one stated above. Including a personal attack in your response shows a level of immaturity that isn't appreciated. Thanks, though
BuffaloWings Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 Right now.... Patriots* Cowboys Dolphins Once New England's* run stops, I'll hate them less. I'll always hate Dallas for a handful of reasons - one because I had an old boss who's a Dallas fan and ribbed me every day for almost 3 years about my team's allegiance, two because of Jerry Jones and Jimmy Johnson, and three because of the Super Bowls. The Fins are up there because the 0 for '70s still haunts us. I don't think many people outside of WNY consider the Dolphins to be the Bills' traditional rival.
Jim in Anchorage Posted September 27, 2009 Author Posted September 27, 2009 ACK! Hate to drag a old thread up but I forgot the "broad street bully's clutch and grabbers. That team damn well put the NHL out of business.
bluenews Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 Miami New England Raiders Cowboys Jets Whatever team emplys Bill Parcells
PearlHowardman Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 Currently? The Buffalo Bills, no explanation needed. me2
Wooderson Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 So you hate the vikings for hiring the best available QB who can give them a shot to win the SB? I think Favre's attitude is "I want to play football." Plain and simple. And who are you or anyone else to even have an opinion about it? It isn't anything to you, doesn't affect you in any way, and you're not even a vikings or packers fan. Seriously you need to get a life, since you have nothing better to do that sit around looking for reasons to hate. I'm Wooderson and I'm able to have an opinion about anything I want, thank you very much.
EasternOHBillsFan Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 Patriots Steelers Dolphins Jets Cowboys Flyers Leafs Penguins Bruins Rangers Red Sox Mets Yankees Braves Astros
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 Flyers Evil. Evil I say. I hate the road cones. Those rat bastards and their announcer Jim Jackson. Every time I har that SOB's voice on my TV I want to throw something through the screen.
Arkady Renko Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 It's hard for me to hate the Dolphins all that much. For people like me who grew up during the Kelly years, the Dolphins were the team that the Bills always beat in the playoffs.
The Senator Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 St. Joseph Collegiate Institute Marauders "To build a school on Kenmore Avenue is to build no school at all." - Rev. James Van Dyke, S.J.
Southern McButterpants. Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 1- Miami Dolphins 2 - Canisius H.S. Dancing Daisy's (had to get the Daisy shot in after the St. Joe's shot. SJCI - Better than your high school since 1861. Semper Fidelis)
Booster4324 Posted September 27, 2009 Posted September 27, 2009 Dallas, no other team even comes close.
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