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I support the recent moves


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Walker was at least a solid RT though



With all due respect, not sure this is accurate at all. Decent, acceptable, marginal - sure. 'Strong' you are amplifying.


The timing of the moves is almost irrelevant. As stated earlier, the probability exists information about Schonert's backstabbing was late to emerge in training camp and Jauron acted swiftly. For some here this equates to "panic" and being in shambles. To others, it was a solid move given all circumstances.


Regarding Walker, he was getting beat out in camp......and is over paid....and is slow....and is weak...and not happy at a new position.....and, by most accounts, becoming more of a distraction......so, why is this a bad move?


It is like the Bobby Shaw incident of a few years back, he gets released and 1/2 the board initially reacts in a tizzy and chants that our FO is a joke, then reality emerges and then it all makes sense :)


The hypersensitivity of some of you makes it easy to think a good lot of you are daytime soap opera fans moreso than football. :doh:

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With all due respect, not sure this is accurate at all. Decent, acceptable, marginal - sure. 'Strong' you are amplifying.


The timing of the moves is almost irrelevant. As stated earlier, the probability exists information about Schonert's backstabbing was late to emerge in training camp and Jauron acted swiftly. For some here this equates to "panic" and being in shambles. To others, it was a solid move given all circumstances.


Regarding Walker, he was getting beat out in camp......and is over paid....and is slow....and is weak...and not happy at a new position.....and, by most accounts, becoming more of a distraction......so, why is this a bad move?


It is like the Bobby Shaw incident of a few years back, he gets released and 1/2 the board initially reacts in a tizzy and chants that our FO is a joke, then reality emerges and then it all makes sense :)


The hypersensitivity of some of you makes it easy to think a good lot of you are daytime soap opera fans moreso than football. :doh:

Bobby Shaw was a WR, not an offensive lineman who was supposed to play the most important position on the line. Most people with even modest football acumen KNEW that Langston Walker COULD NOT play Left Tackle in the National Football League but that didn't stop the "braintrust" at OBD from wasting a ton of very precious snaps this offseason trying to force that fat ass square peg into a thimble sized round hole.


Offensive line has been a problem in Buffalo for over a decade and this is simply another example of how utterly clueless the leadership (non-playing) of this "organization" is. They could very easily have spent the entire offseason developing Bell for the spot but instead wasted that precious time. It would have seemed ridiculous but there is at least a chance that Bell could become a player but there was NO WAY IN HELL the cement footed Walker was ever going to be able to handle that job. Even the friggin' Raiders understood that. Read that sentence again.


The Schonert situation is even dumber. He didn't become a control freak 4 days ago and any manager worth a crap recognizes mistakes and rectifies them at the time they will do the least amount of damage, not the most. Dick Jauron is not a rookie head coach and given that EVERYONE in the world knows this season is it for him without serious production, it stands to reason that if there was ANY doubts where Schonert was concerned that he should have been replaced BEFORE the draft, not a week before the first (and tone setting) game of the season.


Of course, Jauron could have gone to Ralph and tried and got shot down because of cash. I'd totally believe that given Ralph's track record where coaching is concerned. My feeling on the subject is Ralph is agonizing over the ridiculous decision to extend DJ early last season - the latest ridiculous organizational management decision in what is an amazing history of ineptitude.

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Bobby Shaw was a WR, not an offensive lineman who was supposed to play the most important position on the line. Most people with even modest football acumen KNEW that Langston Walker COULD NOT play Left Tackle in the National Football League but that didn't stop the "braintrust" at OBD from wasting a ton of very precious snaps this offseason trying to force that fat ass square peg into a thimble sized round hole.


Offensive line has been a problem in Buffalo for over a decade and this is simply another example of how utterly clueless the leadership (non-playing) of this "organization" is. They could very easily have spent the entire offseason developing Bell for the spot but instead wasted that precious time. It would have seemed ridiculous but there is at least a chance that Bell could become a player but there was NO WAY IN HELL the cement footed Walker was ever going to be able to handle that job. Even the friggin' Raiders understood that. Read that sentence again.


The Schonert situation is even dumber. He didn't become a control freak 4 days ago and any manager worth a crap recognizes mistakes and rectifies them at the time they will do the least amount of damage, not the most. Dick Jauron is not a rookie head coach and given that EVERYONE in the world knows this season is it for him without serious production, it stands to reason that if there was ANY doubts where Schonert was concerned that he should have been replaced BEFORE the draft, not a week before the first (and tone setting) game of the season.


Of course, Jauron could have gone to Ralph and tried and got shot down because of cash. I'd totally believe that given Ralph's track record where coaching is concerned. My feeling on the subject is Ralph is agonizing over the ridiculous decision to extend DJ early last season - the latest ridiculous organizational management decision in what is an amazing history of ineptitude.


Not sure the first game is 'tone' setting...many teams start out strong and end weak and visa versa. In fact, just last year the Bills were 5-1 and that did not end up well. And during one of the Steelers Superbowl trips, they may have started 0 and something....just saying.....


Clearly, some recent events have fostered strong emotion in some fans...not sure it is warranted; that is all. Jauron et al are easy targets right now BEFORE the season....I like to think Bills fans are strong enough to critique, oh, after a game and not some meaningless pre-season stuff.


Oh, and you missed the explicit intent of my Shaw reference -- fans often overreact....a game has not even been played. That is all. Your reply was fine but mostly misplaced and off target. Thanks for the read however.

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Not sure the first game is 'tone' setting...many teams start out strong and end weak and visa versa. In fact, just last year the Bills were 5-1 and that did not end up well. And during one of the Steelers Superbowl trips, they may have started 0 and something....just saying.....

Really? New England is coming off a very disappointing season where they lost their star QB in the first quarter of the first game and didn't make the playoffs. They're playing at home and are going to try and send a message to the football world in prime time that they are back and as good as ever.


Buffalo was probably the worst 5-1 team in NFL history. 4 of the five wins were over teams that combined to win 16 games all season. As soon as they faced any adversity, they folded like the mentally fragile team they've been for nearly a decade. This season the test isn't the seventh game of the season, it's the first - against a team they've beaten exactly ONCE in sixteen tries.


Knowing all these things, you don't think this game is tone setting?

Clearly, some recent events have fostered strong emotion in some fans...not sure it is warranted; that is all. Jauron et al are easy targets right now BEFORE the season....I like to think Bills fans are strong enough to critique, oh, after a game and not some meaningless pre-season stuff.

Preseason is meaningless when you're a successful, veteran team with a strong mindset. The BILLS are not that in any way, shape, form, or fashion. What we saw, yet again, is more of the same poor preparation and execution - a continuing theme of the last 3 seasons. They can make all the excuses they want but this preseason is simply further proof that this team has not and is not evolving.


Good teams don't fire offensive coordinators the week before the season opener. They don't cut guys running with the ones 6 days before the first game. Bad teams do.

Oh, and you missed the explicit intent of my Shaw reference -- fans often overreact....a game has not even been played. That is all. Your reply was fine but mostly misplaced and off target. Thanks for the read however.

You need to look up the definition of misguided because it clearly doesn't mean what you think.


I'd love for the BILLS to prove me wrong but I've been a fan for 35 years and this is the same sh-- cake Ralph has been serving for most of his tenure. Enjoy your half full glass of warm piss.

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Agreed...Turk was awful and Walker got outplayed...we are a better team for these moves....


Well well, we r out bluffing the king of bluffers and Coach D.J. is a shark! What do I mean?..lol....Think about these rash, unfathomable moves at the most inopportune time! (actually opportune time)...huh???

Well if Coach Belicheck knows what he is contending with he wins 8 out of 10 times, but....but...Coach D.J. is pulling the wool over his eyes and everyone is in on it....hmmm u say? Grab a Sody pop and listen in....yep...After all this is Coach Turks offense like it or not....but now Coach Belicheck has to prepare for anything and everything now that everything is topsy turvy....This is all part of the unexpected deception....We have several tricks up our sleeve and our offense definitely was holding back alot of the plays, terminology etc..in the preseason...it's gonna b hard to prepare for us and the unknown...also (check this out)...Coach Turk will be rehired (mark my word..I know!) The day following the game..Everyone will kiss & make up..chuckle! (Tue Sept 15 at a press conference with Russ Brandon at 1:00 P.M. Eastern Standard time. You know who is the real master of this plan? (hint...INITIALS R.W.) One of the reasons D.Bell had many snaps with the first team and also played with the first team some during the preseason is that we knew if DB was healthy we were gg to let go LW move on (and he'll b well off for his part in this)...Trent is confindent...T.O. (THE MAN) wasn't really injured...there's more and more surprises before and after the game so get your popcorn ready and sit back and enjoy the show. Although it won't be an easy task even with the deception..I think we will win somewhere round 27-24...maybe by a bigger margin! How do i know all this (who do I know?)Who am I really?? hmmmmmmm...probably nobody...Maybe I have watched the Wizard of Oz or the Philadelphia Experiment one too many times!! Y'all see...enjoy the post and the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well well, we r out bluffing the king of bluffers and Coach D.J. is a shark! What do I mean?..lol....Think about these rash, unfathomable moves at the most inopportune time! (actually opportune time)...huh???

Well if Coach Belicheck knows what he is contending with he wins 8 out of 10 times, but....but...Coach D.J. is pulling the wool over his eyes and everyone is in on it....hmmm u say? Grab a Sody pop and listen in....yep...After all this is Coach Turks offense like it or not....but now Coach Belicheck has to prepare for anything and everything now that everything is topsy turvy....This is all part of the unexpected deception....We have several tricks up our sleeve and our offense definitely was holding back alot of the plays, terminology etc..in the preseason...it's gonna b hard to prepare for us and the unknown...also (check this out)...Coach Turk will be rehired (mark my word..I know!) The day following the game..Everyone will kiss & make up..chuckle! (Tue Sept 15 at a press conference with Russ Brandon at 1:00 P.M. Eastern Standard time. You know who is the real master of this plan? (hint...INITIALS R.W.) One of the reasons D.Bell had many snaps with the first team and also played with the first team some during the preseason is that we knew if DB was healthy we were gg to let go LW move on (and he'll b well off for his part in this)...Trent is confindent...T.O. (THE MAN) wasn't really injured...there's more and more surprises before and after the game so get your popcorn ready and sit back and enjoy the show. Although it won't be an easy task even with the deception..I think we will win somewhere round 27-24...maybe by a bigger margin! How do i know all this (who do I know?)Who am I really?? hmmmmmmm...probably nobody...Maybe I have watched the Wizard of Oz or the Philadelphia Experiment one too many times!! Y'all see...enjoy the post and the show!!!!!!!!!!!!!


if it makes you feel better

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Some of you just don't get it and never will- do you think Jauron would have put Walker at left tackle if he was allowed to get someone better? You can only do what the people above you allow.....then a scapegoat has to be found when you fail.....just as we have for the previous few coaches/coordinators before they were fired. We are in an endless loop because of incompetence

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I'd love for the BILLS to prove me wrong but I've been a fan for 35 years and this is the same sh-- cake Ralph has been serving for most of his tenure. Enjoy your half full glass of warm piss.


Two things, simple really; first, I have been a fan for about 35 years also (roughly) and I'm not sure this means anything significant. Second, 'warm piss'...really? Kind of a smarmy reference.....with a negative connotation, no?


While I do not agree with your post or replies, not sure I would offer you a flippant reference like that. Plus, I am ignoring the fact I did not mention 'misguided' as you implied.....and tried to cleverly submit that I do not know what it means. I get the fact that conversations go that way sometimes (not listening and just waiting to retort regardless of the other's statement).


Enjoy the season, I will.

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