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I support the recent moves


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Walker was a fat blob better suited to competitive eating. or nose tackle in football terms. this guy is not a left tackle.


that does point out jauron's and schonert's retardation though. that they would even try him at left tackle.


i also like the firing of schonert.


hopefully jauron is next

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Walker was a fat blob better suited to competitive eating. or nose tackle in football terms. this guy is not a left tackle.


that does point out jauron's and schonert's retardation though. that they would even try him at left tackle.


i also like the firing of schonert.


hopefully jauron is next


Agreed...Turk was awful and Walker got outplayed...we are a better team for these moves....

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Walker was a fat blob better suited to competitive eating. or nose tackle in football terms. this guy is not a left tackle.


that does point out jauron's and schonert's retardation though. that they would even try him at left tackle.


i also like the firing of schonert.


hopefully jauron is next



Do you support the timing of it all? :thumbdown:

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Do you support the timing of it all? :thumbdown:


the timing of the moves illustrates jauron's ineptitude as well as ralph's. schonert should have been gone long ago just like jauron should have be long gone by now

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The moves aren't bad moves as such; the problem is that they're completely reactionary to a terrible preseason when they should have been anticipated by our crummy 2008. As such, we didn't have time to find a real OC (hopefully, AVP will work out) and we're taking a huge risk on Demetrius Bell.


It shatters the remaining hope that the front office knew what it was doing, and we had to give them credit. They're flailing around here, and they've got almost no chance to succeed.

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But is it DJ or was it RW not wanting to fire these people and eat their contracts. Things then got worse so RW had no other choice. As far as LW, I have no problem with Bell at LT, just wish he had played all of training camp there instead of making the move now. LW wasn't a bad right tackle either so if you had left him on the right side and Butler at guard, the entire line I think would have been better. That I'll blaim on DJ, but not thr firings, that's on Ralph


Havign said all that, I doubt things will be nearly as bad as everyone is thinking. The coahes obvioiusly saw LW ability at LT and felt going with someone brand new was the better option.


the timing of the moves illustrates jauron's ineptitude as well as ralph's. schonert should have been gone long ago just like jauron should have be long gone by now
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Walker was a fat blob better suited to competitive eating. or nose tackle in football terms. this guy is not a left tackle.


that does point out jauron's and schonert's retardation though. that they would even try him at left tackle.


i also like the firing of schonert.


hopefully jauron is next



Walker was not a bad RT...This was the position that he was signed to play...NOT LT..

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the timing of the moves illustrates jauron's ineptitude as well as ralph's. schonert should have been gone long ago just like jauron should have be long gone by now


The timing of the Schonert move is immaterial. NOTHING changes except perhaps that Bellyache has a little something to ponder regarding AVP. Not that The Cheat is gonna lose any sleep over it.


If Bell outplayed Walker (and everyone seems to agree that's the case) then cutting Langston makes perfect sense. Had Bell not been injured when he was, I think the Bills would have made the move sooner.



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Walker was a fat blob better suited to competitive eating. or nose tackle in football terms. this guy is not a left tackle.


that does point out jauron's and schonert's retardation though. that they would even try him at left tackle.


i also like the firing of schonert.


hopefully jauron is next


Yea, and Chris Drury, Daniel Briere, and Brian Campbell can replaced by players from within the organization who are hitting their prime like Pomminville, Roy, and Sekera. Whatever. Justify the moves however you want but the team has become worse bottum line.

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Yea, and Chris Drury, Daniel Briere, and Brian Campbell can replaced by players from within the organization who are hitting their prime like Pomminville, Roy, and Sekera. Whatever. Justify the moves however you want but the team has become worse bottum line.


NONE of the players or personnel that were let go took us to the AFC Championship last year. Your comparison is way off.

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The timing of the Schonert move is immaterial. NOTHING changes except perhaps that Bellyache has a little something to ponder regarding AVP. Not that The Cheat is gonna lose any sleep over it.


If Bell outplayed Walker (and everyone seems to agree that's the case) then cutting Langston makes perfect sense. Had Bell not been injured when he was, I think the Bills would have made the move sooner.




The timing is the issue though. Part of the problem with the Peters trade is that the FO did nothing to address the loss of their starting LT other than name Walker the starter. Keeping in mind that Walker is obviously too fat and slow to play LT, perhaps they could have used one of the four draft picks they spent on defensive backs on a left tackle to add a bit of depth to the position.


I know that the organization is high on Bell, but a late round pick with limited college experience in his 2nd year sounds like a bit of a gamble when it comes to protecting your QBs blind side.


And firing Schonert, again, presents the issue of timing. What have you really learned about Schonert in August that you didn't know last February. The majority of offenses this guy has been involved with over his carreer have produced mediocre results.


Replacing Schonert in February would give a much larger pool to pull a replacement OC from, rather than relying on AVP, who's a good guy sure, but he has no playcalling experience.


And now it's a good bet that Jauron will be fired early in the season, a move that could have also easily have been made last February.


In the end, it was plainly evident that Walker was not a LT, Schonert wasn't a good OC, and that Jauron is a poor head coach at the end of last season.


Instead of actually cleaning house and hiring a competent FO regime to run this past offseason, the Bills continued their disjointed clown show.


And that's just a bit annoying.

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I disagree with the idea that Jauron will be fired early in the season. I think the Bills will get off to a great start and be a very hard team to beat. The defense will be quick and unpredictable, and the no-huddle will drive people crazy. TO will be all over the place catching passes, and Lee Evans will sneak out for the occasional bomb. Parrish will be a wildcard in the offense.


It's gonna be fabulous.

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Walker was a fat blob better suited to competitive eating. or nose tackle in football terms. this guy is not a left tackle.


that does point out jauron's and schonert's retardation though. that they would even try him at left tackle.


i also like the firing of schonert.


hopefully jauron is next



Walker was at least a solid RT though


if this wasnt about money they should have moved him back to RT, Butler back to RG, moved Wood to LG and put Levitre on the bench...at least this way they would have two guys starting where they started last year that were actually not horrible


now they have possibly one of the worst offensive lines we will ever see


Oher would look pretty good on this team right now wouldnt he?

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Walker was a fat blob better suited to competitive eating. or nose tackle in football terms. this guy is not a left tackle.


that does point out jauron's and schonert's retardation though. that they would even try him at left tackle.


i also like the firing of schonert.


hopefully jauron is next


maybe so - the problem is half this board could have told you that at the beginning of the Peters trade. The FO was so confident they put Walker in that position. Sure he made a lot of money - but he was a decent RT. In fact, it was the only side of the OL that had decent gains on runs by Lynch.


The timing and the lack of a backup plan sucks. Bell won't be ready till about 4-5 games into the season. Sound familiar?

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maybe so - the problem is half this board could have told you that at the beginning of the Peters trade. The FO was so confident they put Walker in that position. Sure he made a lot of money - but he was a decent RT. In fact, it was the only side of the OL that had decent gains on runs by Lynch.


The timing and the lack of a backup plan sucks. Bell won't be ready till about 4-5 games into the season. Sound familiar?



all that mattered was that most of you, you suckers, bought into this team. ralph got your money now you get the pile of sh-- that you should expect by now. enjoy

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