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What sucks the most about cutting Walker is that we could


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It wouldn't matter with this staff/ownership. We could trade straight across with the Patriots and within 3 years Belichick would be back on top and we'd be picking DBs at the top of the first round.


That is very true, since we do have the worst management in football. I guess until that changes nothing will. :thumbdown:

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It wouldn't matter with this staff/ownership. We could trade straight across with the Patriots and within 3 years Belichick would be back on top and we'd be picking DBs at the top of the first round.


Yep, so true, the Bills are a bunch of idiots. It doesn't matter how hard they try they just suck. Seriously Darin, we are 6 days from opening night, lets be a little opptomistic! We haven't lost yet!

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Yep, so true, the Bills are a bunch of idiots. It doesn't matter how hard they try they just suck. Seriously Darin, we are 6 days from opening night, lets be a little opptomistic! We haven't lost yet!

Ever heard the phrase "There's one born every minute?" Guess why that exists.


I've been following this team for over 35 years. With a couple of very short exceptions, this is one of the most poorly run franchises in pro sports. There's little to be "opptomistic" about when you've seen this show before. About 27 times.


There are too many of you who only remember the late 80s/early 90s.

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Ths Eagles gave Peters six-year contract for $60MM.


Walker was making $5MM per season.


They should have dumped Walker and re-signed Peters.


What part of Peters did NOT want to play is hard for Bills fans to get? I mean seriously...He signed for LESS money in Philly because it was not about the money it was about the fact he wanted out of here...Its a win win for Peters...he either GROSSLY overpaid to stay in Buffalo (where he did not want to be) or he gets traded.


The best part about the whole we should have kept Peters people as they also ignore the fact that when he finally reported last year he was GROSSLY out of shape proving that he did not care at all about helping this team, he cared about his money. If the team mattered he would have at least been prepared to be in shape IF he got his contract demands met. So even IF we give him the money he wanted (which he wasnt even close to worth) he STILL would have been just as fat and out of shape when he reported and still would have had a crappy year...


Not here is the best part...if we would have paid him and he goes on to struggle and give up all those sacks (which he would have still as he was in such bad shape) then you all would be screaming the FO is sooooooo stupid for paying some unmotivated bum who doesnt want to be here one of the dumbest contracts we have ever handed out...


people on here are priceless

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Ever heard the phrase "There's one born every minute?" Guess why that exists.


I've been following this team for over 35 years. With a couple of very short exceptions, this is one of the most poorly run franchises in pro sports. There's little to be "opptomistic" about when you've seen this show before. About 27 times.


There are too many of you who only remember the late 80s/early 90s.

dont forget 64-66...and 80-82.........and uhmmmm///im thinking im tthinking.........98-99......................................and.....................................



One could get verrry old waiting for the good times to come to the Buffalo Bills.

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What if Bell turns out to be really talented like Peters?

What if he wants to join Peters in Philly?

The Bills have proven time and again that we cannot hold on to any real talent.

Not trying to be negative here . But I see it coming. Bell becomes a star,

and wants to be traded, unless we sweeten up his rookie contract.


Our problem is not finding good talent. Our problem is we cannot hold on to good talent

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