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I was just offered FREE NFL ST!


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I'm not getting dragged into this. I have my opinion and no one is going to convince me that the way most fans have approached the ST this offseason has been ethical.


The problem is that most people calling are not thinking about taking their business elsewhere. They are lying. They are lying because they read on the internet they can pay less for something if they say certain words to certain people. If that is what you want to do - that is your business. Clearly, you feel guilty over this or you wouldn't be responding to me.


It's not something I personally feel comfortable with (and several others chimed in agreement) and it isn't something I would teach my children to do.


OTOH, if someone is truly dissatisfied with a product then by all means let company X know. I have no issue with legitimate gripes. I make them all the time. I'm a very pro-active consumer.


However, I wish DTV would take a certain percentage of these people who call and complain and disconnect their service on their 1st threat w/o a counter offer. Maybe if people knew they had a 1 in 5 chance of having their bluff called - DTV could focus on real calls, from real customers who have real complaints.


I hear ya on the dissatisfaction thing. After dealing w/ Verizon Online's crap for far too long, I decided to call up Comcast just to see what it would cost to switch from DSL to their cable modem. I figured it would be costly, especially since I've had DirecTV since I bought my home in 2001 and have no interest in switching to cable. So, this was just for my internet usage. Yeah, it cost me more (not nearly as much as I feared), but it's absolutely worth it to me to have reliable service and customer service that doesn't make me want to strangle someone. Once I decided to call Verizon back to cancel my DSL service, they tried all kinds of crap to get me to stay w/ 'em. Sorry, not interested. If you wanted to keep my service, try being a bit more professional and reliable. You weren't, so....see ya.


I've had zero issues w/ my Comcast service in the time since I made the switch.

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I hear ya on the dissatisfaction thing. After dealing w/ Verizon Online's crap for far too long, I decided to call up Comcast just to see what it would cost to switch from DSL to their cable modem. I figured it would be costly, especially since I've had DirecTV since I bought my home in 2001 and have no interest in switching to cable. So, this was just for my internet usage. Yeah, it cost me more (not nearly as much as I feared), but it's absolutely worth it to me to have reliable service and customer service that doesn't make me want to strangle someone. Once I decided to call Verizon back to cancel my DSL service, they tried all kinds of crap to get me to stay w/ 'em. Sorry, not interested. If you wanted to keep my service, try being a bit more professional and reliable. You weren't, so....see ya.


I've had zero issues w/ my Comcast service in the time since I made the switch.

After a year the cost will probably DOUBLE for Comcast. Maybe Verizon will have FIOS available then in your neighborhood.

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Say 3 Our Father's and 5 Rosaries... maybe that will make you feel better. I could put in a good word with St. Peter if you really are concerned. :rolleyes:



Now eball is going to call you up and say he is dropping RC for Hinduism. Can you give him 2 OFs and 2 Rs and a word with Peter and Paul instead to keep him?

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A bit OT, but mildly relevent....


I have been a happy DTV customer for just over 7 years. I had it originally for ST, but due to cost and the number of games on "regular" tv, I dropped ST before last season.

Fios was just installed in my neighborhood and I did switch over to their internet service which I love. The only thing that holds me back is No Sabres games in HD. Each month when I get my DTV bill (about $110, plus $46 for internet, plus $40 for telephone) I wonder, are 40 hockey games (probably only 20-25 I will watch) a valid reason for not switching.


Hell the whole house DVR thing Fios offers makes me think it is worth it most of all.



Member #2891 :rolleyes:

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A bit OT, but mildly relevent....


I have been a happy DTV customer for just over 7 years. I had it originally for ST, but due to cost and the number of games on "regular" tv, I dropped ST before last season.

Fios was just installed in my neighborhood and I did switch over to their internet service which I love. The only thing that holds me back is No Sabres games in HD. Each month when I get my DTV bill (about $110, plus $46 for internet, plus $40 for telephone) I wonder, are 40 hockey games (probably only 20-25 I will watch) a valid reason for not switching.


Hell the whole house DVR thing Fios offers makes me think it is worth it most of all.



Member #2891 :rolleyes:


well, you'll get the VS. games on HD. Right now, you ain't getting squat from DTV on VS. Plus, fios does have one or two HD channels dedicated to the NHL. So, that might be hit or miss.


I switched. The benefits were too great in my opinion.

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well, you'll get the VS. games on HD. Right now, you ain't getting squat from DTV on VS. Plus, fios does have one or two HD channels dedicated to the NHL. So, that might be hit or miss.


I switched. The benefits were too great in my opinion.


I need to make a concerted effort to watch all the crap I have recorded on my 3 DVRs and THEN I can switch! :rolleyes:

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Guess I'm in the minority in that I just re-activated my DirecTV account (as opposed to canceling - or threatening to cancel.)


For the past 3 years I'd just sign up for ST and the base package and cancel after 4 months (I owned my own box so I didn't have to sign a contract and could go month to month.) Of course, they changed the signal last year and my old box no longer worked so I had to make a decision this year - go full time with DTV or miss out on games (or buy a REALLY expensive box.)


We got an offer in the mail to "come back" which included every premium channel plus base channels for free for 6 months (on a 2 year agreement) plus a free HDDVR plus free Superfan. We just couldn't pass that up and after pricing what it will be once we actually have to start paying the bill (6 months from now) it's on par with what we payed to our local cable provide.


Mostly, I'm just glad to be rid of the horrible cable DRV which had very limited search functions, very little hard drive space and only recorded about half the stuff that it was scheduled to record.

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OK Fplks, I've laid low long enough. What does FIOS stand for and what does it offer? Not familiar with it at all...


Fiber Optic Services


It is Verizon's answer to communications and entertainment. Fiber optics direct to the home. Basically it offers a huge communication pipe to offer phone, internet, and TV services.

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OTOH, if someone is truly dissatisfied with a product then by all means let company X know. I have no issue with legitimate gripes. I make them all the time. I'm a very pro-active consumer.

However, I wish DTV would take a certain percentage of these people who call and complain and disconnect their service on their 1st threat w/o a counter offer. Maybe if people knew they had a 1 in 5 chance of having their bluff called - DTV could focus on real calls, from real customers who have real complaints.

My problem with DTV is whenever I would call in with a legitimate problem (losing signal because of bad dish install, DVR dying/died) they seemed like they just didn't care. No offers of free credit or channels because of my issues, just promises to have someone come look at the dish next week, and they'll ship me a new dvr, I'll have it in 5 days. That's not good customer service when with TW I can have a tech here tomorrow, or go get a replacement box from their office today.


Do they string it across telephone poles or run it underground?

In my older neighborhood, it's on the poles. In the newer confusing cookie cutter housing tracts, they bury it.

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if you are upset then call them and be truthful with your complaints. I think that is the right way to go, but not everyone agrees.


Personally, I would be pissed about all these side deals that are going on. Bob gets $150 and free SF, Tom pays $220... someone else pays something different.



Exactly! I get the early bird $270 "deal," kinda pissed because it went up again. I only have the basic service with 2 boxes (non-HD) and no movie channels. The only reason I have it is because of the Bills. I pay $270 to watch about 12 Bills games a year (I tend to go to 4 or so games per year). I rarely watch any other football with the package.


This is the first I've heard of side deals, I admit to not paying much attention to the threads on this. Is DTV offering lower prices on ST if you call and complain? I've been a subscriber since 2000, except 2002-04 when one of my apts didn't allow a dish on the roof (I know they can't do it, but it wasn't worth the fight; besides I went to McFaddens every Sunday).

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A bit OT, but mildly relevent....


I have been a happy DTV customer for just over 7 years. I had it originally for ST, but due to cost and the number of games on "regular" tv, I dropped ST before last season.

Fios was just installed in my neighborhood and I did switch over to their internet service which I love. The only thing that holds me back is No Sabres games in HD. Each month when I get my DTV bill (about $110, plus $46 for internet, plus $40 for telephone) I wonder, are 40 hockey games (probably only 20-25 I will watch) a valid reason for not switching.


Hell the whole house DVR thing Fios offers makes me think it is worth it most of all.



Member #2891 :)

I also have HD Direct TV & FIOS for internet. The problem with FIOS TV is the DVR has a SMALL hard drive compared to Direct TV's & the remote is IR only which means you can only control a DVR from the room it is in. I have all my DVRs connected to TV's in other rooms & can control them with remotes all over the house via built in radio frequency. As far as price, Direct TV only charges $5/mo extra for each DVR after the 1st. FIOS is about $20 per DVR. I have 4 DVR's & I have all of them hooked up to my 52" HDTV in the TV room & can control all of them from there, that is an extra $15 with Direct TV. It would be an extra $60 for FIOS & I could not control them all from that room.

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I also have HD Direct TV & FIOS for internet. The problem with FIOS TV is the DVR has a SMALL hard drive compared to Direct TV's & the remote is IR only which means you can only control a DVR from the room it is in. I have all my DVRs connected to TV's in other rooms & can control them with remotes all over the house via built in radio frequency.


1st, there are 3rd party remotes galore to fix the rf problem. 2nd, TiVo works very well with fios. Personally, I'm waiting until series 4 comes out - then I'm getting that and returning the fios receiver.

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1st, there are 3rd party remotes galore to fix the rf problem. 2nd, TiVo works very well with fios. Personally, I'm waiting until series 4 comes out - then I'm getting that and returning the fios receiver.

Yeah I had a 3rd party remote with my old TIVO years ago, it did not work as well as my Direct TV remotes do. Maybe they have improved on them since then. If I ever decide to switch to FIOS TV I will do the same & get TIVO's. I had 2 series 1 TIVOS & LOVED them, then had TIVO through Direct TV. I would also need the OTA tuners TIVO has & my Direct TV DVRs have because Direct TV & FIOS say I am in the Tampa zone but I am closer to Ft Myers & can get their signals OTA.

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I'm not asking anyone to feel sorry for DTV...


What would be an interesting discussion though is what happens to their ST pricing structure after this season? Now that gobs of people are paying $150 for it - are you going to pay $270 next year? Will you ever pay that again? Will you hate DTV with every fiber in your body if they dig in their heels and stick with $270...?


I may take them up on their $120 deal, but I'll never pay another dime more for it. If they want to offer it again to me next year - so be it.

Just as a side note ,i just recieved mail in my DTV mailbox and Sunday Ticket has a free preview for week 1.I was a Sunday Ticket subscriber until i realized it locked me in my house on Sundays and the price was skyrocketing.The year i cancelled (3 years ago,i think)they offered the 8 final games of the season with SF for $179.I took them up on that offer,and then cancelled before the start of the following season.The question now with VS. When the Sabres play on VS are we going to be able to see it on MSG,or are we going to have to buy the Center Ice Package? :)

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