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I was just offered FREE NFL ST!


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Personally, I would do whatever I had to do (legally) to get a cheap price with DTV. Because at the end of they day, they will do whatever it is they have to do to get as much from you as they can. They aren't offering you free Sunday Ticket and all of these other discounts because they like you. Take a look at their cost to provide service to us versus what they charge us and then you'll see what I am talking about. Cable/Sat TV is an oligopoly imo.....

Sad but true. I recently had a similar experience but it was the cable co. cutting my bill $25/month to keep me from going to DSS and ST. Unfortunately its only for 6 months and theoretically you have to threaten them every 6 mos. to get the best price. I was/am still considering getting ST but this made me decide to wait til after the NE game to decide. Wouldn't it be nice if they just gave everyone the same, best deal all the time?

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Well, Steve let me know he's going over my head (that leaves out VABills I guess) and is going to get me fired. :wallbash:

So I should be expecting his call any minute?

You better get your affairs in order. Call Langston if you need a ride home.......

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Oh this Steve in Atlanta saga is just too good to be true! I love when the FNG's come in here full of brimstone and bluster!


Congrats on getting a decent offer Scott, if you don't take it tell them to call and offer me the same service, I promise I'll take it!!!

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1st of all, not to get all moral here, but I'm not a real big fan of calling up a company and pretending that I am dissatisfied, just to get discounts. I don't know, that just doesn't seem right to me.

Since you're "not getting all moral here," I'll add that I'm not a big fan of companies raping their customers with an overpriced product. The business world is full of negotiation, compromise, and gamesmanship -- you should know that.

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Since you're "not getting all moral here," I'll add that I'm not a big fan of companies raping their customers with an overpriced product. The business world is full of negotiation, compromise, and gamesmanship -- you should know that.


Ohhhhhh.... so you go into Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, woof down a NY Strip, lyonnaise potatoes, asparagus, and have some nice creme brulée, only to end your meal with a complaint to the manager about their overpriced food and a demand for a partial refund? Is that the type of gamesmanship we should all participate in? :unsure:


No thanks. I prefer to be honest with the people I do business with. It may be a small gesture in an otherwise crappy world, but that's the way I roll...


PS: sorry I hit the mark, clearly you feel uncomfortable with your own actions. :censored:

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Ohhhhhh.... so you go into Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, woof down a NY Strip, lyonnaise potatoes, asparagus, and have some nice creme brulée, only to end your meal with a complaint to the manager about their overpriced food and a demand for a partial refund? Is that the type of gamesmanship we should all participate in? :unsure:


No thanks. I prefer to be honest with the people I do business with. It may be a small gesture in an otherwise crappy world, but that's the way I roll...


PS: sorry I hit the mark, clearly you feel uncomfortable with your own actions. :censored:

What's dishonest about telling someone you feel you're being overcharged and are thinking about taking your business elsewhere?


(the restaurant analogy is a horrible one, by the way -- but I'm sure you already know that)

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What's dishonest about telling someone you feel you're being overcharged and are thinking about taking your business elsewhere?


(the restaurant analogy is a horrible one, by the way -- but I'm sure you already know that)


I'm not getting dragged into this. I have my opinion and no one is going to convince me that the way most fans have approached the ST this offseason has been ethical.


The problem is that most people calling are not thinking about taking their business elsewhere. They are lying. They are lying because they read on the internet they can pay less for something if they say certain words to certain people. If that is what you want to do - that is your business. Clearly, you feel guilty over this or you wouldn't be responding to me.


It's not something I personally feel comfortable with (and several others chimed in agreement) and it isn't something I would teach my children to do.


OTOH, if someone is truly dissatisfied with a product then by all means let company X know. I have no issue with legitimate gripes. I make them all the time. I'm a very pro-active consumer.


However, I wish DTV would take a certain percentage of these people who call and complain and disconnect their service on their 1st threat w/o a counter offer. Maybe if people knew they had a 1 in 5 chance of having their bluff called - DTV could focus on real calls, from real customers who have real complaints.

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Anybody who's had NFL Sunday Ticket a full season, with Superfan, AND has a base programming package above the Choice level, if they call and threaten to cancel, will eventually receive ST for $20 off and free SF. It's just part of DirecTV's negotiation schedule that all their CSRs have in front of them. I tried to do it while I still had the Family Pack as my base and they wouldn;t let me, so I upgraded to Choice Plus and they did it.


Oh and if you feel guilty about it, you're missing the point. DTV makes money on the deal, even at that "cheap" a price, so they don't care a BIT that they have to "eat" any of that "regular" price. It's all smoke and mirrors.

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I'm not getting dragged into this. I have my opinion and no one is going to convince me that the way most fans have approached the ST this offseason has been ethical.


The problem is that most people calling are not thinking about taking their business elsewhere. They are lying. They are lying because they read on the internet they can pay less for something if they say certain words to certain people. If that is what you want to do - that is your business. Clearly, you feel guilty over this or you wouldn't be responding to me.


It's not something I personally feel comfortable with (and several others chimed in agreement) and it isn't something I would teach my children to do.


OTOH, if someone is truly dissatisfied with a product then by all means let company X know. I have no issue with legitimate gripes. I make them all the time. I'm a very pro-active consumer.


However, I wish DTV would take a certain percentage of these people who call and complain and disconnect their service on their 1st threat w/o a counter offer. Maybe if people knew they had a 1 in 5 chance of having their bluff called - DTV could focus on real calls, from real customers who have real complaints.

I thought about taking my business to FIOS about 450 times. FIOS is an awesome service, and their internet service is untouchable. I've had it now for three years. In those three years, DTV keeps skyrocketing in price based now around Superfan (which is garbage) and the ST. Then I realized you could call and get ST for $150 instead of $370......are you kidding me? I'm actually appalled that DTV would give this deal to thousands of customers but not call me and offer me the same. So, why not call them on it? If anything, take the $220 you save and buy your wife a nice gift, spend it on your kids, or put it away in a bond for your kids for later in life.


The only reason DTV has about 5 million of it's customers is because of the monopoly on ST that they have. On top of that, they create something called Superfan which is a way to double charge their customers for HD signals who are already paying to receive the HD signal in their monthly fees? And I'm supposed to feel sorry for bluffing them?


The problem with them calling our bluffs (not sure that's even a word), is that they are so dangerously close to pricing people out of ST, they actually can't call your bluff, or people will switch......especially to FIOS. If FIOS had ST, I would totally switch in a minute.


The problem with the steak argument is that competitors are actually allowed to also sell steak. So complaining at one place about overpriced food, when other options are available is kind of ignorant, no doubt. However, DTV is the only one that can carry the NFL ST, obviously, and they are dangerously close to pushing away from the ticket toward superior products like FIOS.


I understand your point, but I hardly feel sorry for DTV and it's monopoly on ST.

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I'm not getting dragged into this. I have my opinion and no one is going to convince me that the way most fans have approached the ST this offseason has been ethical.


The problem is that most people calling are not thinking about taking their business elsewhere. They are lying. They are lying because they read on the internet they can pay less for something if they say certain words to certain people. If that is what you want to do - that is your business. Clearly, you feel guilty over this or you wouldn't be responding to me.


It's not something I personally feel comfortable with (and several others chimed in agreement) and it isn't something I would teach my children to do.

Dude, don't project on me. The only reason I responded to this post is because you began a moral argument with a "not to get all moral" preamble -- and that's hypocritical.


If it is widely known that a company's pricing strategy is based upon overcharging and then relenting when challenged, it's hardly unethical to call them on it.


(And by the way, if you read my recent post concerning my conversations with DTV, I never threatened to leave. But I don't take issue with those who do.)

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Dude, don't project on me. The only reason I responded to this post is because you began a moral argument with a "not to get all moral" preamble -- and that's hypocritical.


If it is widely known that a company's pricing strategy is based upon overcharging and then relenting when challenged, it's hardly unethical to call them on it.


(And by the way, if you read my recent post concerning my conversations with DTV, I never threatened to leave. But I don't take issue with those who do.)


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