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Guest dog14787

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Guest dog14787

We kept watching and waiting for it to happen last season, but it never came. Something even Steve Fairchild was able to accomplish during his tenure as OC for the Buffalo Bills. Rhythm, being in sync and getting into a rhythm comes from good play calling and proper execution. We can perform the simplest plays and be successful if we find the rhythm. Good execution and play calling will help find that rhythm and once you have the rhythm the sky's the limits.


Sometimes its the simplest things that separate the winners from the losers. To me it feels like a dark cloud that's been hanging over Buffalo has finally been lifted. Its just a gut feeling, but I billieve AVP is going to find that long lost rhythm that has been missing from the Buffalo Bills offense for so long.


With the new season almost upon us I hope everyone will look at the big picture and realize we can still accomplish our main objective which is to make it into the playoffs. We have a good football team from top to bottom including the coaching staff. Now that I've had time to reflect, the change that DJ has made to help turn this ball club around was a brave call to make, it took courage and yes, maybe a little desperation , but I admire DJ for making the call and its time to move forward.


I billieve...

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This reminds of the winning rookie contest entry. Sure, T.O. MIGHT get 11 TDs and 1,200 yards receiving. Sure, Trent Edwards might be a winning quarterback. Buffalo might actually recover and pull itself out of 3 generations of wasteful management and suburbanization.


I also might get in a car wreck and die on the way home. I might get a job drumming for the Jonas Brothers.


All we can do is watch the games, or attend the games (hopefully considerably intoxicated) and hope for the best. Here's some speculation for you, the Bills will be worse than the 2005 or 2003 Bills.


This is going to get me flamed all day, but I really don't think we are any better off without Tom Donahoe.

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