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"The past is history and the future is a mystery.."


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One of my favorite sayings.


Amid all of the negative feelings towards the Bills for 2009 for obvious reasons my gut tells me we're in for a surprise. Often when everyone thinks one way, things turn out another. I have a feeling the Bills will have a great season. I think AVP will turn out to be just what the doctor ordered. I also feel Maybin will contribute a tremendous amount this year helping out our Defense. The offensive line will gel sooner than we think once Walker goes back to RT, and Bell (our new Jason Peters) goes to LT.


The naysayers will argue with my gut feeling, and I don't blame you. In fact, I agree with your concerns. But something tells me we're in for a bit of surprise...Its a strange feeling, I know.


Let's comeback to this thread in 2 months to see if I was wrong.



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