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The Obama speech to school kids released

The Poojer

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What did anyone expect?


I am sure the birthers and teabaggers will got thru it with a fine-toothed comb only to discover that if you extract every [nth] letter (pick on) those letters will combine to lay out his socialist agenda in a "subliminable" message.

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no it was different before hand...the material was along the lines of writing about how the school kids could help president obama, the director of education has since admitted the wording was incorrect and they have since revised it. the main concern was people thought the president was going to 'push his agenda', very socialist in nature to alot of people, me included, there was no preview of what he was going to speech. only after the uproar did the administration agree to release the content and material in advance, once that was made clear there was further uproar about the 'assignment' of writing about 'how I can help President Obama'...once again, that was revised. No one is disputing the subject matter as it is now laid out....people were simply leery of what he might have said....ya gotta admit, the administration does have a strong history of missteps that they have had to backpedal on, people wanted to make sure there were no missteps to a population of impressionable minds.....




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The suggested readings for students were biographies of the Messiah. That was taken out.

I think a lot of people are on hyper-drive lately on Obama as there have been a lot of things to bust his nuts about (face it, lately he's been like the Dick Jauron of presidents) and I think this got caught up in that. This isn't that big of a deal to me, and I think the concept of a lesson plan was actually a good one. The problem (and I readily admit this problem is based on how little Obama, as a person, appeals to me) is that is it so ridiculously ego-driven that it's embarrassing. My understanding is that they were supposed to write an essay about "How can I help the president?" or some such topic. Change "president" to "country," and I suspect most people wouldn't be wasting as much time as they have on this. And while I don't think anyone can even attempt to run for president without a ridiculous ego, having a big ego and wearing it on your sleeve are two different things.


By the way, he made a kickass speech today. After all the criticism he's been taking lately, AND his plummeting approval rating, I couldn't believe how enthusiastic that crowd was today. They were cheering and screaming like it was a Beatles concert. It was pretty amazing. I mean, that couldn't have turned out any better if he staged the whole speech in front of a union picnic.

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The problem (and I readily admit this problem is based on how little Obama, as a person, appeals to me) is that is it so ridiculously ego-driven that it's embarrassing. My understanding is that they were supposed to write an essay about "How can I help the president?" or some such topic. Change "president" to "country," and I suspect most people wouldn't be wasting as much time as they have on this. And while I don't think anyone can even attempt to run for president without a ridiculous ego, having a big ego and wearing it on your sleeve are two different things.


God forbid kids write an essay about how to help the president. God forbid someone read a book about the current president in school. Imagine what awful things could happen. The kids could learn to think. The kids could think about their civic duties.


So glad my child is not a product of public education.

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God forbid kids write an essay about how to help the president. God forbid someone read a book about the current president in school. Imagine what awful things could happen. The kids could learn to think. The kids could think about their civic duties.


So glad my child is not a product of public education.


Why does it always have to be about him? Is he so devotion starved that he now needs to go to the people who were almost literally born yesterday and tell them to read and write good things about him?


Yes the speech now has been made harmless, but the whole original and creepy "tell me how I inspire you" was way over the line.

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pbills, as I, and others, have said, now that i have seen the speech I agree, the problem was that in the beginning there was alot of 'vagueness' surrounding it, and the fact that there is not alot of trust in this administration made this a very uneasy pill to swallow, at least from my perspective. I was honestly worried, in the beginning, that this speech would be to promote the President's agenda, one in which I am not in total agreement with, to these impressionable kids. Now that I have seen the speech, of course I have no issue with it, nor would I assume would anyone else. It was the uncertainty in the beginning that scared people away....


All parents should want their kids to hear that speech today. What could it hurt?
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Why does it always have to be about him? Is he so devotion starved that he now needs to go to the people who were almost literally born yesterday and tell them to read and write good things about him?


Yes the speech now has been made harmless, but the whole original and creepy "tell me how I inspire you" was way over the line.


First, you haven't seen the original speech. No one has.


Second, if the president says something you disagree with, call it to your kid's attention. That's called parenting.


Third, a presidential address to kids can't help but be inspirational.


Fourth, kids can help the president in a million ways that aren't offensive. Why is it so bad that the president challenge kids to figure out ways to help him? It's civics. If you as parent don't agree with how your kids express their support for the president, talk to them. Again, parenting.

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pbills, as I, and others, have said, now that i have seen the speech I agree, the problem was that in the beginning there was alot of 'vagueness' surrounding it, and the fact that there is not alot of trust in this administration made this a very uneasy pill to swallow, at least from my perspective. I was honestly worried, in the beginning, that this speech would be to promote the President's agenda, one in which I am not in total agreement with, to these impressionable kids. Now that I have seen the speech, of course I have no issue with it, nor would I assume would anyone else. It was the uncertainty in the beginning that scared people away....



I just don't get why people were upset in the beginning. Like Obama is going to try to manipulate the children of the country? Just the whole thought of "Oh no, he's spreading his policies and socialism to kids, ahhhhh run for cover, protect your children from our President". It's just sad that people believe that.


The speech should have never had to be posted, it should be an honor, or at least a very cool thing for the kids to see the President of their country. I also don't get the lack of trust in this administration. It's not like the previous eight years was very transparent, hell we're still finding out things that were done.

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God forbid kids write an essay about how to help the president. God forbid someone read a book about the current president in school. Imagine what awful things could happen. The kids could learn to think. The kids could think about their civic duties.


So glad my child is not a product of public education.

Like I said, this is just not that big of a deal to me. The real problem isn't what was or wasn't in the original version speech. This is just a personal opinion, but the problem is that the president, for lack of a better phrase right now, is facing a PR problem, in part because he's managing things like Dick Jauron and in part because his party opted to demonize those who would protest or disagree with his ideas. And regardless of who you are, when you have a PR problem, and the demonized people perceive you as being on weak knees, then everything you say or do is going to be scrutinized by them.


By the time he gets ready to speak on Wednesday, this will be a blip on the rearview mirror, right next to Van Jones.

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