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Jauron's idea to fire Turk


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I agree. Jauron is fiercely loyal to his staff. One example was that he never canned Shoop as his OC even though everyone was calling for it in Chicago. However, I think the big difference is that Shoop was onboard with what Jauraon wanted. Turk wasn't and nor was he willing to be flexible as things were getting worse.

Jauron supporters have long been tossing the nugget out there that maybe this year Jauron will "get it" and become a head coach that holds people accountable, etc., etc. Well, we have a case here which totally supports that fervent wish; Jauron has, from all the evidence, taken a very uncharacteristic and extremely bold move to correct something that was blatantly broken. Ironically (or maybe not), the first thing that happens is Jauron is divorced from the move entirely and relegated the role of the dutiful stool pidgeon.


And that says a lot just in its own way. If this had happened in New England, there would be no question who made the call. Heck, there isn't really any question who made the call in Kansas City or Tampa Bay.

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We also looked crappy last season, waiting until a week before the new season starts to pull the plug on Shonert is just wrong. :rolleyes:


Tearing apart our O-line was wrong :thumbsup:



Who the F#@k is running this organization, I'm one of the most optimistic people on the face of the Earth, but F#@k me to tears :unsure:


How was tearing apart our O Line wrong? Peters did not want to be here and Dockery was so over paid it was rediculous. We then drafted 2 of the best O Line players in the whole draft and have a young Bell emerging as a potential future LT. We even got us an upgrade at Center...


Our O line will be MUCH better for it long term...wasnt like the O line we had was going to be the difference of us winning the SB this year or not...its just going to to take time for them to gel, but I bet by mid season this year they will already be better than last year.


All we really did was cut Dockery...Peters trade happened becuase of Peters...he forced himself out of Buffalo and then signed for less money in Phi than he was demanding here just as I predicted he would because he only wanted to stay here if he got a contract he was not worth...his intention was to get out of Buffalo or be grossly over paid if he had to stay...

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I can definitely agree that it was DJ's idea to fire Schonert. If of course you ignore DJ's entire tenure in Buffalo and RW's 50 year ownership of the Bills.


DJ's loyalty and RW's meddling cannot be ignored here. Although I will say the guy had to go, he never should have been hired in the first place.


What I can't figure out is exactly what Jauron will want to do differently. Will he want to take even less risks? Look at his idiotic defense with everybody playing back from scrimage, and Aaron Schobel in pass coverage. The man looks to have zero aggression.


Seriously, do you have any idea what to expect?

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Guest dog14787
What I can't figure out is exactly what Jauron will want to do differently. Will he want to take even less risks? Look at his idiotic defense with everybody playing back from scrimage, and Aaron Schobel in pass coverage. The man looks to have zero aggression.


Seriously, do you have any idea what to expect?



DJ's plan is simple, addition by subtraction, less formations will equal better execution and more production.( could be true)


AVP on the other hand states that the schemes are good and endorses the same offense that DJ says needs to be changed.

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What I can't figure out is exactly what Jauron will want to do differently. Will he want to take even less risks? Look at his idiotic defense with everybody playing back from scrimage, and Aaron Schobel in pass coverage. The man looks to have zero aggression.


Seriously, do you have any idea what to expect?


Well, in thinking it over perhaps DJ could have been responsible, with a push from RW. I'm sure during the off-season, particularly after the TO signing, that it was made clear they needed to win. It's a classic case of being backed into a corner and fighting back with all you've got. Perhaps DJ saw the light.


As for the team, there's so much uncertainty. I'm glad TS is gone, but I fear it's too little too late. We'll be able to tell a lot by about 10PM on 9/14.

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Guest dog14787
Well, in thinking it over perhaps DJ could have been responsible, with a push from RW. I'm sure during the off-season, particularly after the TO signing, that it was made clear they needed to win. It's a classic case of being backed into a corner and fighting back with all you've got. Perhaps DJ saw the light.


As for the team, there's so much uncertainty. I'm glad TS is gone, but I fear it's too little too late. We'll be able to tell a lot by about 10PM on 9/14.



I'll reserve judgment ( or try to) at least for a couple of games. I'm not expecting any miracles Monday night against the Pats. If we can get out of there without completely embarrassing ourselves would probably be the best thing to hope for in my opinion.

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Guest dog14787
AVP didn't say that.



"We have a system we all feel good about, we collectively put it in and went through it during the off season and I don't know of anything that really needs to change"


Hmmmm, that's almost word for word.( so why fire Shonert )

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Why does everyone think Ralph initiated the firing? The newspaper guys are even wrinting it. I know DJ hardly ever has an original idea or a spine, but Turk's own comments pretty much prove it was DJ. Do you honestly think Ralph was the guy telling him to simplify the offense and "was on his back all offseason"? If it had been Ralph why attack DJ after getting canned? It makes no sense to attack him in the media if you want another job in the NFL. He let his emotions and highly likely the truth as he saw it come out.

as usual it was something inbetween....so lets say it was 80% ralph and 20% dick

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To me all of this is irrelevent because you cant go out and beat teams that have their act together with this kind of internal turmoil.


DJ is a dead man walking......no pun intended


Come on. Let them play a few games. This argument is such a joke. Give Dick a chance!


[this message funded by the anti-lesbian council for more nookie]

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"We have a system we all feel good about, we collectively put it in and went through it during the off season and I don't know of anything that really needs to change"


Hmmmm, that's almost word for word.( so why fire Shonert )

Here's also what he said:


Van Pelt isn't planning any major schematic changes on offense, but there will be a different approach to how he does things.


He wouldn't say that means simplifying the offense, but he didn't rule it out either.


"We want to be efficient no matter what we do and I think the best way for us to do that is to make it easy for the players and let them play fast and with confidence," said Van Pelt, who intends to seek input from Studesville and the rest of the offensive coaching staff in formulating his weekly game plans. "If that's simplifying it, and we're efficient, then that's effective."

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What I find interesting is that people think it was either DJ OR RW.....


I tend to believe it was a mixture of the two......DJ is desperate........he knows this team is floundering and does not know how to fix it.


Then you have a owner who really needs to take the blame for where this team is at overall but in his mindset will not do that.....so he is looking at DJ.......


They talked.....boss aint happy....do something....offense would be a good place to start......Turk gone


A fair arguement

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What I can't figure out is exactly what Jauron will want to do differently. Will he want to take even less risks? Look at his idiotic defense with everybody playing back from scrimage, and Aaron Schobel in pass coverage. The man looks to have zero aggression.


Seriously, do you have any idea what to expect?


Did you catch the little "more attacking" comment he made during the press conference? Maybe he does want to take more risks and force the ball to TO and Evans. Maybe a more simple offense means chucking it down field on slants, posts, and fly patterns as opposed to multiple formations that all end up in 6 yard curls or dump offs to the RB's.

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What he said!!!!


Early in 08, Trent was called upon to win those games. It did seem like it was all in his hands. It worked for a while but he was young, and defenses caught on.

Even Elway didn't win a superbowl until he utilized his running game, and Trent is not John Elway. I really do know that the league is very pass oriented these days. That said, our team plays in Orchard Park, NY. Every team needs to run the football and prevent opponents from doing the same. The Bills need this that much more, and this has been much of what is wrong with us for over a decade.

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