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More fall out from the Lockerbie bomber release

The Poojer

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I have to call BS on this, if for no other reason, than because of this:


‘The US was kept fully in touch about everything that was going on with regard to Britain’s discussions with Libya in recent years and about Megrahi,’ said the Whitehall aide.


‘We would never do anything about Lockerbie without discussing it with the US. It is disingenuous of them to act as though Megrahi’s return was out of the blue.


'They knew about our prisoner transfer agreement with Libya and they knew that the Scots were considering Megrahi’s case.’

If the US was really in on this for the past few years, it's pretty clear the current administration would be showing EVERYONE the classified discussions between Brown and Bush or Cheney, and pointing out how Bush knew about this the entire time, etc. No way Obama and Clinton are collectively stupid enough to have known about it, only to B word to Brown about it.


I could very well be wrong, but I suspect Brown is screwed, and he's got no other out.

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Gaddafi said he was sorry a few years back. So that was supposed to take care of it I suppose.


I don't know why the F he's being allowed to enter the US for his visit to the UN. We let the nutjob from Iran in, but he didn't to my knowledge blow up anything that killed a bunch of innocent people.


The day they let this jerk leave Scotland CNN had one of the parents of the Syracuse University victims on and she was claiming that this was all part of an "oil conspiracy". At the time I thought she was a little whack - obviously she was right.


My friend's daughter died on that plane. The US should have bombed Libya into the stone age.

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Gaddafi said he was sorry a few years back. So that was supposed to take care of it I suppose.


I don't know why the F he's being allowed to enter the US for his visit to the UN. We let the nutjob from Iran in, but he didn't to my knowledge blow up anything that killed a bunch of innocent people.


The day they let this jerk leave Scotland CNN had one of the parents of the Syracuse University victims on and she was claiming that this was all part of an "oil conspiracy". At the time I thought she was a little whack - obviously she was right.


My friend's daughter died on that plane. The US should have bombed Libya into the stone age.




I can see how you would want Libya bombed but weren't you against Iraq and Afghanistan being bombed after 9/11?


That's not very consistent.

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I can see how you would want Libya bombed but weren't you against Iraq and Afghanistan being bombed after 9/11?


That's not very consistent.


Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 so there's no inconsistency with that example at least.

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Oh, you mean Ronnie "Raygun" should have bombed them into the stone age?? :censored:


Sure must be easy to be a liberal and not have to worry about having any credibility whatsoever.

I have no idea what you're talking about, unless you're admitting that the Grand and Glorious Ronnie fuccked that up too. In addition to letting 243 Marines get blown to bits in Lebanon without much reprisal, he dropped a few bombs on Tripoli and said a few incendiary words after Lockerbie too. Saint Ronnie after all perfected the GOP's practice of "lowering the bar", where you talk tough but only pick fights you can win like our glorious victories in Grenada and Panama.


I don't know where you get your ideas of what "liberals" think - we don't have a problem with defending our country and its citizens any more than people of other idealogies. Unlike wingnuts though, we don't see a need to invade countries merely because we don't like their religion or their leader. We think it makes more sense to go after the people who actually done us wrong...instead of kicking sand in the faces of those we think we can beat.

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