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run or pass


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Guest dog14787
Which- if either- do you think we will emphasize?

Is our run blocking good enough to make us a power running team?

If we can't run, it will be a dismal season.



We need to run the ball and control the clock better in my opinion and let our defense cause turnovers. I'm just not sure we have an O-Line that we can run successfully behind at this point.


I don't know, maybe things will change with the no huddle if we can put opposing defense's on their heels which clearly hasn't happened yet, but I would imagine T.O. on the football field might help matters considerably.

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What is a shame is that AVP is not going to have enough time to actually make changes to the offense, he has no time as the season is about to start.


This offense really needs some big time changes too, Parish never seems to get the ball in space, for a possession receiver Josh Reed seems to never be open.


Once Lee Evans gets double covered he is gone from catching anything...


Not having a really good receiving tight end is hurting the offense...not having a really good blocking tight end is hurting the run game.


Let's hope that TO can draw enough coverage to him so that other receivers can get open

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What is a shame is that AVP is not going to have enough time to actually make changes to the offense, he has no time as the season is about to start.


This offense really needs some big time changes too, Parish never seems to get the ball in space, for a possession receiver Josh Reed seems to never be open.


Once Lee Evans gets double covered he is gone from catching anything...


Not having a really good receiving tight end is hurting the offense...not having a really good blocking tight end is hurting the run game.


Let's hope that TO can draw enough coverage to him so that other receivers can get open

This offense could actually work with some tweaking to player's strengths and some confidence from that success. Run Reed and TO over the middle for quick checkdowns (since TE is prone to that right now) and let Evens go mid-long. Let the offense eat up 6 yards/play and get the DB's in on TO & Reed to get Evans single coverage. Throw in a TE who can block, pick up the blitz and catch a pass or two during a possession. Run the damn ball inside the 20 and get consistent at these drives. If AVP is smart, he will develop schemes that the offense can run effectively and not ask them to do things they simply aren't good at right now.


Some confidence will work wonders.

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Guest dog14787
What is a shame is that AVP is not going to have enough time to actually make changes to the offense, he has no time as the season is about to start.


This offense really needs some big time changes too, Parish never seems to get the ball in space, for a possession receiver Josh Reed seems to never be open.


Once Lee Evans gets double covered he is gone from catching anything...


Not having a really good receiving tight end is hurting the offense...not having a really good blocking tight end is hurting the run game.


Let's hope that TO can draw enough coverage to him so that other receivers can get open



I agree, it is to bad AVP didn't have had the whole off season and preseason to make what he thought was adequate adjustments to the offense.

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I agree, it is to bad AVP didn't have had the whole off season and preseason to make what he thought was adequate adjustments to the offense.

I think that it’s pretty obvious when you make a decision you know when you should do it. I wasn’t thinking about adequate adjustments to the offense three days ago. I wasn’t thinking about it two weeks ago. But when you start thinking about it I think you need to move on it and do something. So when I started thinking about it I gave it a good deal of thought and did it. Clearly I believe it’s the right thing to do. It’s just a decision I needed to make I felt and made it.


Dick Jauron

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In order for the run game to be effective, defenses must fear the threat of the long pass. If Trent continues to only throw 5 yard passes defenses will continue to stack the box.


I totally expect Trent to actually release one long ball within the first series or two against the Pats, maybe even on the very first play. I think AVP will MAKE him throw it (assuming he's still vertical), even if the receiver isn't open.

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on passing downs I would rather see Stevie Johnson on the field than Josh Reed. I hope AVP at least makes this change.


I will wait until after Monday nights game to rip Trent a new one. That is if he needs it.


I hope they run the No- touchdown....err No-Huddle at the pace where it can be effective,which is fast.


They need to use the pass to set up the run because you know Bellicheat is gonna stack the line and dare us to throw more than slant passes.


I cant wait until game time, even though my expectations are not that high at this point. If it is a close game either way I would be semi-pleased.

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