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Something I don't get about Obama.


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OK this is something I don't get about what the right thinks Obama is trying to do. Now the right thinks Obama is the right wing radical that is trying to shove his dirty liberal agenda down Americas throat. He wants things like socialism and universal health care that kills your grandmother and makes you wait in lines to face his death panels. BUT this is what I don't get why? Why is this guy trying to do all that?


Is this guy just some agent of evil who doesn't care about getting reelected and wants to kill America. Why does he want to kill and fundamentally alter America? After this country made him a great living and he got to be elected to the most prestigious position in the country. If you believe Glen Beck the guy just wants to destroy the country and just turn us into some Orwellian state that monitors all our activities and inserts chips up our ass for no reason.


I understand and totally get the criticism of his policies and some of the hires he makes (That communist Green Czar I mean seriously that guy is nuts) but it borders on conspiracy theory to think that Obama is a guy who just wants to tear down the Constitution and destroy capitalism. What would he have to gain from this? Sure he wants more left leaning policies but its a hyperbolic fear mongering statement to say he is going to kill puppies and everything we love.


I just don't get it. Also I get that a lot of the right doesn't feel this extreme but the minority is very vocal and extreme.

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OK this is something I don't get about what the right thinks Obama is trying to do. Now the right thinks Obama is the right wing radical that is trying to shove his dirty liberal agenda down Americas throat. He wants things like socialism and universal health care that kills your grandmother and makes you wait in lines to face his death panels. BUT this is what I don't get why? Why is this guy trying to do all that?


Is this guy just some agent of evil who doesn't care about getting reelected and wants to kill America. Why does he want to kill and fundamentally alter America? After this country made him a great living and he got to be elected to the most prestigious position in the country. If you believe Glen Beck the guy just wants to destroy the country and just turn us into some Orwellian state that monitors all our activities and inserts chips up our ass for no reason.


I understand and totally get the criticism of his policies and some of the hires he makes (That communist Green Czar I mean seriously that guy is nuts) but it borders on conspiracy theory to think that Obama is a guy who just wants to tear down the Constitution and destroy capitalism. What would he have to gain from this? Sure he wants more left leaning policies but its a hyperbolic fear mongering statement to say he is going to kill puppies and everything we love.


I just don't get it. Also I get that a lot of the right doesn't feel this extreme but the minority is very vocal and extreme.


If he is indeed trying to push a socialist agenda, it's because he feels that a socialist state would better serve the entire population of the USA as opposed to free market capitalism. In his own mind, he's not trying to ruin the country, he's trying to improve it.


I'm not going to say I agree with the agenda (I'm a good little capitalist), but don't fall for the hyperbole of the "shouters" (on both sides) who simply try to destroy anything on the other side.

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OK this is something I don't get about what the right thinks Obama is trying to do. Now the right thinks Obama is the right wing radical that is trying to shove his dirty liberal agenda down Americas throat. He wants things like socialism and universal health care that kills your grandmother and makes you wait in lines to face his death panels. BUT this is what I don't get why? Why is this guy trying to do all that?


Is this guy just some agent of evil who doesn't care about getting reelected and wants to kill America. Why does he want to kill and fundamentally alter America? After this country made him a great living and he got to be elected to the most prestigious position in the country. If you believe Glen Beck the guy just wants to destroy the country and just turn us into some Orwellian state that monitors all our activities and inserts chips up our ass for no reason.


I understand and totally get the criticism of his policies and some of the hires he makes (That communist Green Czar I mean seriously that guy is nuts) but it borders on conspiracy theory to think that Obama is a guy who just wants to tear down the Constitution and destroy capitalism. What would he have to gain from this? Sure he wants more left leaning policies but its a hyperbolic fear mongering statement to say he is going to kill puppies and everything we love.


I just don't get it. Also I get that a lot of the right doesn't feel this extreme but the minority is very vocal and extreme.


The root behind Obama's why and what fors are right here...




"Alinsky's teachings influenced Barack Obama in his early career as a community organizer on the far South Side of Chicago."



and his pledge to socialize the country is right here...




His presidency is turning into a disaster because he can't be the phony moderate guy he campaigned as (and the Americans unwittingly bought) and because there's such a thing as blue dog democrats he can't pass any socialist bills that would "fundamentally transform" the country. This democracy thing isn't working for him and he secretly wishes he could pull a "Hugo Chavez" on America.

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The root behind Obama's why and what fors are right here...




"Alinsky's teachings influenced Barack Obama in his early career as a community organizer on the far South Side of Chicago."



and his pledge to socialize the country is right here...




His presidency is turning into a disaster because he can't be the phony moderate guy he campaigned as (and the Americans unwittingly bought) and because there's such a thing as blue dog democrats he can't pass any socialist bills that would "fundamentally transform" the country. This democracy thing isn't working for him and he secretly wishes he could pull a "Hugo Chavez" on America.


Speaking of HYPERBOLE

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That being said, agree or disagree with Obama -- or somewhere in between, I think he and his staff have mismanaged the debate and it is probably too late to take control back. You never know however and the shrill rantings of the Republicans give him an opening I am not sure he deserves. That being said, he will have to take control from the shrill rantings of the left in order have a chance at success. Not sure that is in him

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That being said, agree or disagree with Obama -- or somewhere in between, I think he and his staff have mismanaged the debate and it is probably too late to take control back. You never know however and the shrill rantings of the Republicans give him an opening I am not sure he deserves. That being said, he will have to take control from the shrill rantings of the left in order have a chance at success. Not sure that is in him

His being where he is today is pretty improbable in the first place. I wouldn't underestimate him. I think he let Congress go "do its job" thinking a piece of legislation that arose from a consensus would be a good thing...clearly the children cannot play nice and he's going to have to speak up. I think he did wait a too long, but not too late. Overall what happens when people stop listening to wingnut hysteria and understand exactly what "reform" entails, they don't have a problem with it.

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That being said, agree or disagree with Obama -- or somewhere in between, I think he and his staff have mismanaged the debate and it is probably too late to take control back. You never know however and the shrill rantings of the Republicans give him an opening I am not sure he deserves. That being said, he will have to take control from the shrill rantings of the left in order have a chance at success. Not sure that is in him


Yellow Lines, have you ever heard the phrase "You're known by the company you keep?" With very, very few examples, I've found that to be true in life. This is why many 'wingnuts' are shouting and screaming. When you look at who Obama spent his political and personal life with as well as who he appoints as advisors it is easy to form a picture of the 'true' Obama.


He ran for President as a moderate. I will grant that his policy WRT the war he inherited are in keeping with a moderate point of view. But the rest of his foreign policy and his domestic agenda have been far to the left of where he ran. I personally think he is a socialist. There's far too many "mis-statements" for this to be a coincidence to me.


I'm sure we'll disagree, but I can't understand how people can't see the forest for the trees with this guy and where he ultimately wants to lead the country. I along with many others are very disturbed by this. Don't forget his right hand man's comment about "Never letting a crisis go to waste".

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From the above statements it seems that even the true believers (blzrul and yellow) are beginning to question the "chosen one". Quite interesting indeed.

Easy Swede, unlike you Republican coolaid drinkers, I have consistently criticized what I thought Obama does...is doing wrong and supported him when he has done things I agree with. Given the choice between him and McCain I thought Obama was the better choice and still do especially with Palin as his running mate.


But I told people earlier on that I was concerned about his political inexperience and penchant for missteps that would make him easy targets of the rightwing demonizing attacks. I am sorry that my concerns were correct and I truly miss some parts of Clintonomics that emphasized balancing the budget and downsizing government with a liberal set of priorities. I didn't like some of deals he cut relaxing prohibitions against unfair financial and trade restrictions.


However, I certainly don't want a set of ideological conservative priorities running this country including having American citizens watched by the CIA, religion taught in schools, contraception talk not allowed, rampant tax loopholes for the rich and lack of federal oversite on the stock market, insurance regulations and environmental pollution to name a few.


If Republicans stood for more of those values then I would support them... because generally they have tended to be more fiscally responsible until the last batch of Republicans were hatched. Which ever side decides to embrace more of these values than currently do I will be more than willing to support them.


What I disdain is false mindless name calling in order to claim one sides superiority. The right wing seems to do this very effectively for the masses to drink and the left seems to catching up. We pay for it in the lack of substantive debate. My problem with Obama seems to be a lack of leadership and follow through. I quibble less with his announced not impugned by the right, priorities.

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I am sorry that my concerns were correct and I truly miss some parts of Clintonomics that emphasized balancing the budget and downsizing government with a liberal set of priorities. I didn't like some of deals he cut relaxing prohibitions against unfair financial and trade restrictions.

Clintonomics = Future Housing Bubble through lowering of credit standards with Fannie and Freddy

Clintonomics = Tech Bubble


Clintonforeignpolicy = Missed opportunity to eliminate Osama Bin Laden


Ya, he was a great president, he left us all a lasting impact with the housing and tech bubbles and possibly 9/11

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If he is indeed trying to push a socialist agenda, it's because he feels that a socialist state would better serve the entire population of the USA as opposed to free market capitalism. In his own mind, he's not trying to ruin the country, he's trying to improve it.


I'm not going to say I agree with the agenda (I'm a good little capitalist), but don't fall for the hyperbole of the "shouters" (on both sides) who simply try to destroy anything on the other side.


I think you have a good point about the hyperbole of the situation of the right vs left shout fest. To me its not socialism vs capitalism with Obama its more of a free market capitalism that leans left with social welfare and regulation vs what we have now with more democratic socialism ideas sprinkled in (More spending on social welfare and more regulation of enterprise especially health care as well as cap and trade).


I guess Obama is turning this country into Sweden draws a lot less fear than Obama is turning this country into Soviet Russia.

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Easy Swede, unlike you Republican coolaid drinkers, I have consistently criticized what I thought Obama does...is doing wrong and supported him when he has done things I agree with. Given the choice between him and McCain I thought Obama was the better choice and still do especially with Palin as his running mate.


But I told people earlier on that I was concerned about his political inexperience and penchant for missteps that would make him easy targets of the rightwing demonizing attacks. I am sorry that my concerns were correct and I truly miss some parts of Clintonomics that emphasized balancing the budget and downsizing government with a liberal set of priorities. I didn't like some of deals he cut relaxing prohibitions against unfair financial and trade restrictions.


However, I certainly don't want a set of ideological conservative priorities running this country including having American citizens watched by the CIA, religion taught in schools, contraception talk not allowed, rampant tax loopholes for the rich and lack of federal oversite on the stock market, insurance regulations and environmental pollution to name a few.


If Republicans stood for more of those values then I would support them... because generally they have tended to be more fiscally responsible until the last batch of Republicans were hatched. Which ever side decides to embrace more of these values than currently do I will be more than willing to support them.


What I disdain is false mindless name calling in order to claim one sides superiority. The right wing seems to do this very effectively for the masses to drink and the left seems to catching up. We pay for it in the lack of substantive debate. My problem with Obama seems to be a lack of leadership and follow through. I quibble less with his announced not impugned by the right, priorities.


I wouldn't call me a Republican..more of a right leaning independant and I haven't had Kool-Aid in 20 years, but anyway I have said before and I'll say it again...I don't think Obama was ready for this. He's in over his head and if he does not learn to slow down he'll be gone in 2012.


It's a known fact that the CIA is forbidden to collect intel on American citizens due to US Code. That's the FBI's job.


I totally agree with you on the name calling...is the "chosen one" really name calling? :unsure: ...Congress seems to be 80% dug in on party lines. What I can't stand is these members of congress who deem the people below them. "this is my town hall meeting for you" or whatever. What ever happened to a governement of the people for the people? I say it's time for term limits on these fools.

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Yellow Lines, have you ever heard the phrase "You're known by the company you keep?" With very, very few examples, I've found that to be true in life. This is why many 'wingnuts' are shouting and screaming. When you look at who Obama spent his political and personal life with as well as who he appoints as advisors it is easy to form a picture of the 'true' Obama.


He ran for President as a moderate. I will grant that his policy WRT the war he inherited are in keeping with a moderate point of view. But the rest of his foreign policy and his domestic agenda have been far to the left of where he ran. I personally think he is a socialist. There's far too many "mis-statements" for this to be a coincidence to me.


I'm sure we'll disagree, but I can't understand how people can't see the forest for the trees with this guy and where he ultimately wants to lead the country. I along with many others are very disturbed by this. Don't forget his right hand man's comment about "Never letting a crisis go to waste".

George W. Bush had dealings with the family of Osama Bin Laden. Using your logic that makes the Bush family terrorist sympathizers.



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Now you are talkin my language. Absolutely!


Nice idea, but you then would have the lobbyists running the town more than they do now, also the staff would become more powerful IMO. They are there and know how things work and how to get things done. Though I agree for a short while it would shake things up and I am all for that.

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