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OT- this makes my blood boil

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Many TV stations cancel 'Saving Private Ryan' over fear of FCC sanctions



(AP) --More than 20 ABC affiliates around the country have announced that they won't take part in the network's Veterans Day airing of "Saving Private Ryan," saying the acclaimed film's violence and language could draw sanctions from the Federal Communications Commission.



This stevestojan drives me crazy. What country do we live in? I'm glad Ashcroft is leaving. That guy is directly responsible for this new era of prudishness in the media and arts. Good riddance.

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Ashcroft has a lot of faults, but this isn't one of them. The FCC doesn't work for the Justice Department, it's a branch of the Commerce Department, who also had its head honcho resign (Don Evans). But the buck really stops with its own chair, son-of-the-SecofState Michael Powell. He's the prude here.


Helping out is Rep. Heather Wilson of New Mexico, who claimed she was so shocked by Janet Jackson's little incident that she started crying. Heather, have you never looked down in the shower before?

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The FCC specifically said that they don't monitor television broadcasts; they only respond to view complaints. This is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than the Janet Jackson fiasco and has nothing to do with anyone being a prude. The simple fact of the matter is that people expected to see a Superbowl halftime show and instead saw nudity (many watching with their children). This was unexpected. Private Ryan, on the other hand, has clearly been labeled as "unedited." People make the choice of whether they want to watch it or not. ABC is not going to be fined because they are letting viewers know ahead of time what's going to be on.


I don't see why so many here are getting that bent out of shape about it. Then again, I've noticed the number of posts linking to nudity and saying "Work safe" has gone up as well, so maybe that says something right there.



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Last time I checked the attorney general didn't run the FCC. Whatever your take is on Ashcroft, I don't believe he has ever had anything to do with the FCC.



Last I checked, the FCC didn't even advise anyone against showing Saving Private Ryan uncut. Were they too, they would have by now.


Not that I'm a big fan of the FCC...but it sounds like the affiliates are making this decision on their own without even discussing the matter with the FCC. Which kind of makes me wonder precisely why these stations are making that decision...

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Last I checked, the FCC didn't even advise anyone against showing Saving Private Ryan uncut.  Were they too, they would have by now.


Not that I'm a big fan of the FCC...but it sounds like the affiliates are making this decision on their own without even discussing the matter with the FCC.  Which kind of makes me wonder precisely why these stations are making that decision...


Fear. Well, fear of losing $$ through fines, that is....


It appears to be mostly the smaller affiliates.

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Problem is, the FCC doesnt even tell you what rules violations are UNTIL you violate them.    Its fuggin pathetic.    But I dont think John Ashcroft has anything to do with that.      Try Michael Powell, Colin's son.



Well...that's a load of crap. Still, given the precedent set by Schindler's List, and given that this administration is not likely to embarrass itself by protesting what's in effect a Veteran's Day celebration, and given that ABC has already offered to cover any fines...still seems like a stupid decision by the affiliates.

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Ashcroft has a lot of faults, but this isn't one of them.  The FCC doesn't work for the Justice Department, it's a branch of the Commerce Department, who also had its head honcho resign (Don Evans).  But the buck really stops with its own chair, son-of-the-SecofState Michael Powell.  He's the prude here.


Helping out is Rep. Heather Wilson of New Mexico, who claimed she was so shocked by Janet Jackson's little incident that she started crying.  Heather, have you never looked down in the shower before?



Then I'd like to see Michael Powell go. However, his father can continue on for as long as he pleases. as far as I'm concerned.

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Last I checked, the FCC didn't even advise anyone against showing Saving Private Ryan uncut.  Were they too, they would have by now.


Not that I'm a big fan of the FCC...but it sounds like the affiliates are making this decision on their own without even discussing the matter with the FCC.  Which kind of makes me wonder precisely why these stations are making that decision...



My understanding is that the stations have asked the FCC if they would be fined for showing it, and the FCC refuses to say they won't be fined. The FCC doesn't want to get caught in a predicament where it says "we won't fine you" then be inundated with complaints (why they would in this case is beyond me....). I also understand that ABC has offered to pay the fines.

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My understanding is that the stations have asked the FCC if they would be fined for showing it, and the FCC refuses to say they won't be fined.  The FCC doesn't want to get caught in a predicament where it says "we won't fine you" then be inundated with complaints (why they would in this case is beyond me....).  I also understand that ABC has offered to pay the fines.



If they get inundated by complaints from people who tuned into it not expecting it to be a violent and vulgar war movie despite multiple forewarnings...the complainers are the ones who deserve to be fined.

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Last I checked, the FCC didn't even advise anyone against showing Saving Private Ryan uncut.  Were they too, they would have by now.


Not that I'm a big fan of the FCC...but it sounds like the affiliates are making this decision on their own without even discussing the matter with the FCC.  Which kind of makes me wonder precisely why these stations are making that decision...


I believe the term is grandstanding.

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If they get inundated by complaints from people who tuned into it not expecting it to be a violent and vulgar war movie despite multiple forewarnings...the complainers are the ones who deserve to be fined.



Just like those who complain about the Howard Stern show?

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Just like those who complain about the Howard Stern show?



Precisely. If someone tunes in to Howard Stern and is suprised to find out he's offensive...they are too stupid to live on my !@#$ing planet.


Certain things in life are offensive. What those things are differs from person to person. It is the persons responsibility to avoid them, not the government's to make them less offensive.

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Precisely.  If someone tunes in to Howard Stern and is suprised to find out he's offensive...they are too stupid to live on my !@#$ing planet. 


Certain things in life are offensive.  What those things are differs from person to person.  It is the persons responsibility to avoid them, not the government's to make them less offensive.



That's how I feel about the 'values' issues that were debated during the last campaign.

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Many TV stations cancel 'Saving Private Ryan' over fear of FCC sanctions

(AP) --More than 20 ABC affiliates around the country have announced that they won't take part in the network's Veterans Day airing of "Saving Private Ryan," saying the acclaimed film's violence and language could draw sanctions from the Federal Communications Commission.

This stevestojan drives me crazy. What country do we live in? I'm glad Ashcroft is leaving. That guy is directly responsible for this new era of prudishness in the media and arts. Good riddance.



be sure to pick up the new steve earle album...his new song "!@#$ the fcc" will have you marching in the streets!


(you are 1000% right to be pissed by the way, that is bullshite)

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