dbringer Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 The beginning of the end? How about the line "that's on it's way out", talking about revenue sharing and how a team like Minnesota shouldn't get handouts from other teams... http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8...mp;confirm=true
Arkady Renko Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 The beginning of the end? How about the line "that's on it's way out", talking about revenue sharing and how a team like Minnesota shouldn't get handouts from other teams... http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8...mp;confirm=true It's on its way out like the NFL Network is on it's way to my cable box. By "revenue sharing" I think he means the revenue sharing that is currently occurring outside of the TV contracts.
Max997 Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 of course Jones doesnt want to share, he is charging $90 for a pizza
Alaska Darin Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 Greed will eventually kill the golden goose and "smart" people like Jerry Jones will be the ones to thank for it.
Steely Dan Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 Jones said revenue sharing likely will decrease significantly, if not disappear altogether, when the collective bargaining agreement expires after next season. It's on its way out like the NFL Network is on it's way to my cable box. By "revenue sharing" I think he means the revenue sharing that is currently occurring outside of the TV contracts. That's still a bad thing. Jones is trying to move the NFL in the direction of MLB and we've seen how well that's worked out for them. This could be the first nail in the coffin. Jones may start making more money but the NFL will decline in popularity. JMO
BillsWatch Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 Almost all of the Northern teams revenue share with Southern teams and a few other teams - without all of other teams generating interest there is no way they can sell $1M/minute commercials and $500/seat $uperbowl$. When Jerry Jone$ starts dividing revenue equally for $uperbowl then I'll believe him.
DarthICE Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 Almost all of the Northern teams revenue share with Southern teams and a few other teams - without all of other teams generating interest there is no way they can sell $1M/minute commercials and $500/seat $uperbowl$. When Jerry Jone$ starts dividing revenue equally for $uperbowl then I'll believe him. I can see us back to say 28 teams in about 5 years. They cut off revenue sharing and its over for Buffalo, Jacksonville etal
NewHampshireBillsFan Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 Jones said revenue sharing likely will decrease significantly, if not disappear altogether, when the collective bargaining agreement expires after next season. That's still a bad thing. Jones is trying to move the NFL in the direction of MLB and we've seen how well that's worked out for them. This could be the first nail in the coffin. Jones may start making more money but the NFL will decline in popularity. JMO I don't think the NFL would continue to be the premier league it is today without salary caps and revenue sharing. MLB is somewhat different in that the lousy teams know they have no chance to make the playoffs most years but any given summer night they might beat the Yankees or Red Sox in a game. Baseball is a very unpredictable game and the worst teams beat the best teams several times a year. In football, if you have a lousy team and are playing a great team you almost certainly know you are going to lose and do lose most of the time. It is tough to get fans to come out or even watch on TV for such an event. You can only get so much from gambling and fantasy football. It won't replace local fan interest in local teams. Local interest won't be there if they know the games are hopeless beforehand.
Rubes Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 Greed will eventually kill the golden goose and "smart" people like Jerry Jones will be the ones to thank for it. You got that right.
loyal2dagame Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 Greed will eventually kill the golden goose and "smart" people like Jerry Jones will be the ones to thank for it. You got that right. i really think jerry jones doesn't care, because he'll still own one of the most valuable sports franchises in north america. so while "poor" teams like buffalo and jacksonville struggle to compete or flat out fail, he for sure wont lose any sleep over it. he probably looks at it like "i can't make MY omlette without breaking and scrambling a few eggs"
WWVaBeach Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 The league as a whole is more powerful than a single owner or even a few owners. This has been tried before and failed. Revenue sharing may shift a little but it won't go away. That's one of the things that make the NFL the great league that it is.
SF Bills Fan Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 He can't pay for his stadium. Dallas isn't capital of the NFL or the world. Suck it.
Corp000085 Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 It's guys like Jerry Jones that will change the face of the league over the long period. I think we're starting to see it now... Teams like Dallas will try to force the smaller teams out, its simple capitalist economics. However, the NFL is a socialist organization. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. With out the small teams like Buffalo, Green Bay, Jacksonville, etc., the large teams will fail, and fail miserably. You watch and see... If the NFL is to remain the best league in this country, there will be large market teams and small market teams and they will work together to make the NFL great. If the Buffalo's of the league go away, there is no more NFL in 50 years, period.
Southern McButterpants. Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 Jones said revenue sharing likely will decrease significantly, if not disappear altogether, when the collective bargaining agreement expires after next season. That's still a bad thing. Jones is trying to move the NFL in the direction of MLB and we've seen how well that's worked out for them. This could be the first nail in the coffin. Jones may start making more money but the NFL will decline in popularity. JMO And that's the problem with owners like Jerry Jones. He doesn't have the best interests of the league as a whole in mind. His primary objective is what's best for Jerry Jones. He will be much happier with 3-4 elite teams and a bunch of scrub teams so his Cowboys can with 15 of the next 25 SB's. Why compete on a even basis when Jones and other azzholes like Dan Snyder can ruin the league to satisfy their own egos?
MattM Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 The problem is that the big market owners (which also includes guys who bought recent expansion teams like the Texans and Browns since they paid such a high price for them) who think like Jones does (like Kraft, Snyder, Lurie, McNair, etc.) seem to have been the ones who chose Goodell and who have his ear. He knows where his bread is buttered and I strongly suspect who he'll side with here, to the detriment of teams like Buffalo, Jacksonville, Minnesota, New Orleans, etc.....
jwws9999 Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 won't happen, congress would get involved and strip away their anti-trust exemption
May Day 10 Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 if they did away with revenue sharing and it costs the Bills, it would make it much easier to completely drop the NFL
High Mark Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 The beginning of the end? How about the line "that's on it's way out", talking about revenue sharing and how a team like Minnesota shouldn't get handouts from other teams... http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8...mp;confirm=true If Jerry gets his way the NFL will turn into the NFC East and no one will give a sh*t anymore.
jimmy griffin Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 In a way, you cant blame owners like Jerry Jones and Danny Schneider for not wanting to share the money they make. In Wash, DC, Danny sells merchandise at a higher cost to WAY more people than Ralph Wilson can. They make more money off their club and their TV markets are much larger. Jones just sold hundreds of thousands of dollars worth the high prices box seat licenses for his new stadium. He wants that money. Teams like the bills and Bengals use 70% of their revenue to pay the club and salary cap. Big teams like the redskins use about 30%. Of course these owners have no respect for the old guard (Wilson, Mara, Paul Brown, KC guy, et al). The old owners want to share, like it was back in the Depression, when everyone was nice to one another and it was a land of milk and honey. Times have changed. There is no respect in business anymore. And the NFL is a business. Old deals and winks and nods are over. New fast-cat lawyers and businessmen owners will run this league into the ground. The anti-trust agreement is germane. As on poster stated, COngress could get involved. Charles Shumer, Sen from NY is Ralph Wilson's buddy. He sits on the Sen. Judicial Committee -- where this exemption would be hashed out, if it came to that. Ralph stuck his neck out a couple years back to push back Schneider and Jones on sharing. The owners all agreed to let Ralph has his way -- UNTIL THE NEW CBA which is coming up next year. THis is going to be a WAR ...and there is a rumor that they will play that season without a cap. yes, NO CAP.
Just Jack Posted September 5, 2009 Posted September 5, 2009 He can't pay for his stadium. Dallas isn't capital of the NFL or the world. Suck it. belinda
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