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Thank goodness for the Raiders. Otherwise, the Bills would easily be the most incompetent organization in the NFL.


4-12 and waiting for the funeral.




Al Davis holding a press conference to refute Lane Kiffin's allegations last season shows they are the most incompetent. Buffalo should be grouped above OAK and with CIN. Most fans don't realize that of the top 12 drafting teams, this happened:


1. DET Fired HC and GM

2. STL Fired HC and new GM

3. KC Fired HC and GM resigned

4. SEA New HC

5. CLE Fired HC and GM (Jets drafted 5th after trade)

6. CIN (owner runs team)

7. OAK (owner runs team)

8. JAC Fired VP of Personnel

9. GB Nothing

10. SF Fired HC during 08 season

11. BUF Nothing

12. DEN Fired HC and named GM


We are bottom of the barrel. Group Buffalo in with CIN and Oakland. At least those other teams made changes when they stunk. At least GB made the NFC Title game in 08.

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Call me skeptical but, I don't see how this makes the Bills any better.


I'm excited at the prospect of change. But, what is Alex Van Pelt going to bring to the table that is so much different? No one seems to know anything about him and I'm waiting to hear something. This is a guy who was a career back up, apparently got rehired as only the Bills will do (being an organization that always love nepotism aka members of the "Bills family" get promoted). I am optimistic based off the fact that I think (and always have thought) that Schonert was a bull sh-- hire. Another way Wilson tried to cut corners with the coaching staff. So I love the possibilities of having someone else in control. But, I'm not sure how this is any different unless Van Pelt has subtle offensive genius that no one has yet witnessed. This just feels like things are coming undone, not being put back together.



He knows how the no huddle should TRULY be run and can't be worse than Schonert. If not for anything else I hope hope hope he will to call some better plays.


I am not an expert but how many different plays are there really to run on offense? There are only so many routes a WR can run, so many blocking schemes, so many screens and draws etc. What I think is of the utmost importance is WHICH plays you call out of the book and WHEN you call them. They need to start calling some plays from this side of the millennium. All these routes where a WR sits down and wait for the ball, and out patterns for NO yac possibility are old school BS football. Hit some guys in stride, work the middle of the field, throw the deep ball for crying out loud!

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All this means is the *Patsie's* will create some bogus temp coaching job for Schonert next week....
Since Schonert's knowledge of the Bills offense consists of three and outs and getting the ball in the

center of the hash marks to set up a FG, I don't think he'll be of much help to NE

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All this means is the *Patsie's* will create some bogus temp coaching job for Schonert next week. At least AVP's wife is hot! But seriously, I heard grumblings of Shonert not listening to input from other coaches and also not giving Trent much of a say in anything. If that's the case, then it's a good move to get him out. But why did it take so long? It's not like all this started last week...



From what I have heard this was to be the first year in the Mularkey, Fairchild, Schonert era the the QB was going to be allowed to call audibles or his own plays at the line of scrimmage. If Trent is smart enough he'll be able to get out of bad plays into better ones if given the freedom after the in helmet communication shuts down with 15 sec left on the play clock.

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My sentements exactly.



I rationalized it this way; At this point, waiting longer would have just allowed things to get worse. Yes it's poor timing, but it is better than week 5. This way AVP gets a try, if he fails, they can plug in someone better next season, and the TS era-or is over.


Let's go Buf

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VanPelt hasn't run an offense before, but the guy is smart as a whip, and he really knows football and offenses inside and out. Did you listen to him when he was the color guy on the radio? He is really really smart.


I'm guessing that he is going to be a big success. Don't know if this year with these players and this line will be the situation, but I think he can do it.

There are many smart coaches in the NFL and every other coach out there calling plays on offense or defense has more experience than Van Pelt. He's never even called a pre-season game.

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All this means is the *Patsie's* will create some bogus temp coaching job for Schonert next week. At least AVP's wife is hot! But seriously, I heard grumblings of Shonert not listening to input from other coaches and also not giving Trent much of a say in anything. If that's the case, then it's a good move to get him out. But why did it take so long? It's not like all this started last week...


Wasn't that knock against Fairchild as well?

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Call me skeptical but, I don't see how this makes the Bills any better.


I'm excited at the prospect of change. But, what is Alex Van Pelt going to bring to the table that is so much different? No one seems to know anything about him and I'm waiting to hear something. This is a guy who was a career back up, apparently got rehired as only the Bills will do (being an organization that always love nepotism aka members of the "Bills family" get promoted). I am optimistic based off the fact that I think (and always have thought) that Schonert was a bull sh-- hire. Another way Wilson tried to cut corners with the coaching staff. So I love the possibilities of having someone else in control. But, I'm not sure how this is any different unless Van Pelt has subtle offensive genius that no one has yet witnessed. This just feels like things are coming undone, not being put back together.


If you were around for the K-Gun years AVP was a QB back then and ran it sometimes. He's a very smart guy and has a lot of experience with the K-Gun no huddle hurry up offense.



All this means is the *Patsie's* will create some bogus temp coaching job for Schonert next week. At least AVP's wife is hot! But seriously, I heard grumblings of Shonert not listening to input from other coaches and also not giving Trent much of a say in anything. If that's the case, then it's a good move to get him out. But why did it take so long? It's not like all this started last week...


They only need him for a day because they'll videotape everything. :thumbsup:

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Call me skeptical but, I don't see how this makes the Bills any better.


I'm excited at the prospect of change. But, what is Alex Van Pelt going to bring to the table that is so much different? No one seems to know anything about him and I'm waiting to hear something. This is a guy who was a career back up, apparently got rehired as only the Bills will do (being an organization that always love nepotism aka members of the "Bills family" get promoted). I am optimistic based off the fact that I think (and always have thought) that Schonert was a bull sh-- hire. Another way Wilson tried to cut corners with the coaching staff. So I love the possibilities of having someone else in control. But, I'm not sure how this is any different unless Van Pelt has subtle offensive genius that no one has yet witnessed. This just feels like things are coming undone, not being put back together.

I went to the Pittsburgh game and the thing that stuck out to me was the lack of execution by the offense. It really started with TE, believe it or not there were times that Lee was open but TE doesn't have the experience to let the ball go. Given TE's development, Turk had to realize TE just wasn't getting the no huddle and it was too much for him to manage. I hope they work on execution with a smaller set of plays (as someone else mentioned) between now and the beginning of the season. Because as much as some people want to talk about "the right play call" it really comes down to execution every time. The particular play call can be easier or more difficult to execute depending on the defense, but in the end the team has to execute consistently. As stated many times by many people, a good team can run or pass ball when the other team is expecting it and that is about winning all the matchups on the field.


Does this help the team execute better? We'll see. If nothing else it lights the fan base up.

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Call me skeptical but, I don't see how this makes the Bills any better.


I'm excited at the prospect of change. But, what is Alex Van Pelt going to bring to the table that is so much different? No one seems to know anything about him and I'm waiting to hear something. This is a guy who was a career back up, apparently got rehired as only the Bills will do (being an organization that always love nepotism aka members of the "Bills family" get promoted). I am optimistic based off the fact that I think (and always have thought) that Schonert was a bull sh-- hire. Another way Wilson tried to cut corners with the coaching staff. So I love the possibilities of having someone else in control. But, I'm not sure how this is any different unless Van Pelt has subtle offensive genius that no one has yet witnessed. This just feels like things are coming undone, not being put back together.

Maybe we will stop seeing the shotgun used 80% of the time. Maybe we will stop seeing the shotgun/empty backfield on on short yardage plays. Maybe teams will not be able to tell if we are going to run or pass depending on our formations. It must be so easy to play D against this team.

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I dont know guys......I am both happy and sad at the same time.....dont know how to feel about this....


- Happy because we might see improvement


- Sad because we though we were GOING to see improvement under Turk.....remember when they made him OC and he was giving those interviews on BB.com.....I was looking forward to a much improved offense. It never happened.

All I know is that the offense AND Trent Edwards regressed under Turk's guidance. I saw no reason to be optimistic looking at our starting offense in the preseason, so what do you do if you are Jauron?


If you are a hands-off delegation-type HC then you have to hold your OC accountable for the performance of the offense.


I thought we played predictable and scared last year, and it looked like more of the same this year only we added a faster 3 and out potential to the mix.


I am more excited about the potential of the offense this year because I already saw what Turk could do and he was not getting it done.


A move like this rarely happens unless players stop believing in an offensive system and other offensive coaches agree.

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All I know is that the offense AND Trent Edwards regressed under Turk's guidance. I saw no reason to be optimistic looking at our starting offense in the preseason, so what do you do if you are Jauron?


If you are a hands-off delegation-type HC then you have to hold your OC accountable for the performance of the offense.


I thought we played predictable and scared last year, and it looked like more of the same this year only we added a faster 3 and out potential to the mix.


I am more excited about the potential of the offense this year because I already saw what Turk could do and he was not getting it done.


A move like this rarely happens unless players stop believing in an offensive system and other offensive coaches agree.

Great point.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again... it is unfortunate, but nothing at OBD will change until Ralph Wilson passes on. It is RW that has insisted on hiring bargain basement coaches for the entire existence of the franchise. We got lucky with Marv Levy, but otherwise our coaches, like our franchise, have been mediocre. Until he dies and new ownership takes over, we will not get the front office/coaching personnel in place to make this team successful. Sad but true.


Stay to the facts. Lou Saban was not bargain basement. Neither was Chuck Knox. During the Donahoe era, TD hired the coaches.

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I went to the Pittsburgh game and the thing that stuck out to me was the lack of execution by the offense. It really started with TE, believe it or not there were times that Lee was open but TE doesn't have the experience to let the ball go.


I think I saw Evans open once the entire first half and Trent went to him but missed badly.

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If you were around for the K-Gun years AVP was a QB back then and ran it sometimes. He's a very smart guy and has a lot of experience with the K-Gun no huddle hurry up offense.




How does a 2 yr. 3rd stringer gain a lot of experience with the K-Gun?

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If it truly was Jauron's decision, he must realize that the heat is on to succeed.


If it was Ralph's decision, it's about time that he put a boot in someone's ass around here.

My sentiments exactly... if the team is shooting for an offense that has proven capable of going weeks without scoring then by all means keep the status-quo and proven ineptitude of Turk.


My only gripe is that this should have happened at the end of last season, but other than that I am really hoping to see a pass that goes for more than 3 yards and a QB that doesn't act like he is wearing a shock-collar around his neck. Trent looks so damn scared of making a mistake that I wonder if Turk had him neutered too.

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