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History has shown that the only way to lasting peace is decisive war.


Witness that Israel kicked the snot out of Egypt, and won the Camp David accord.


Would it be so bad to just take off the handcuffs and step out of the middle east "peace process" and let this thing be decided once and for all? Because I get the feeling that this thing will never end until one side or the other is abjectly defeated.

History has shown that the only way to lasting peace is decisive war.


Witness that Israel kicked the snot out of Egypt, and won the Camp David accord.


Would it be so bad to just take off the handcuffs and step out of the middle east "peace process" and let this thing be decided once and for all? Because I get the feeling that this thing will never end until one side or the other is abjectly defeated.


I think World War I proved that quite well.

History has shown that the only way to lasting peace is decisive war.


Witness that Israel kicked the snot out of Egypt, and won the Camp David accord.


Would it be so bad to just take off the handcuffs and step out of the middle east "peace process" and let this thing be decided once and for all? Because I get the feeling that this thing will never end until one side or the other is abjectly defeated.



Who wrote this, George Bush? How do you "win" a war nowadays? I really don't know how you do it unless the people are about 99% behind your attack and the attacker.


What do you suggest? We obliterate all the substantive military in the Middle East? Then what? We can't win peace in one diddle-dick country that could hardly feed itself for 10 years and had the snot kicked out of it in 1990. Care to see how things would go in Saudi Arabia? Egypt? Iran?

Those mushroom clouds are real cool...or we make JSP in charge of defense department...he can attack and destroy Iran, SA, Syria, hell get Israel too


And you could be in charge of folding those "fru fru" napkins they put out at dinner parties.


Everybody has to contribute.

Who wrote this, George Bush? How do you "win" a war nowadays? I really don't know how you do it unless the people are about 99% behind your attack and the attacker.


What do you suggest? We obliterate all the substantive military in the Middle East? Then what? We can't win peace in one diddle-dick country that could hardly feed itself for 10 years and had the snot kicked out of it in 1990. Care to see how things would go in Saudi Arabia? Egypt? Iran?



I'm not saying US, you moron. I'm saying let the ISRAELIS and Arabs duke it out.


Because they're jsut gonna continue this tit-for-tat if you don't.

Those mushroom clouds are real cool...or we make JSP in charge of defense department...he can attack and destroy Iran, SA, Syria, hell get Israel too



I'd like to take this opportunity to turn down the Secretary of Defense job. Thanks for the invite, but I don't like big government.

I think World War I proved that quite well.




Check your history books. WWI was hardly decisive. It ended in an armistice!


WWII was a decisive conflict. TOTAL WAR. And Europe's been at peace ever since. It took a horrible conflict to do it, but two of the most warlike cultures on earth (Germany, Japan) have been completely tamed by WWII.


Let the Israelis and Arabs finish it. forget 1967 and 73. I'm talking total war.


I'm sick of this nattering and rock-throwing. If you want conflict, Arabs...grow a pair and get it on with the Israelis.

but two of the most warlike cultures on earth (Germany, Japan) have been completely tamed by WWII.



Aren't they allowed to start building their militaries up again soon?

I'm not saying US, you moron. I'm saying let the ISRAELIS and Arabs duke it out.


Because they're jsut gonna continue this tit-for-tat if you don't.


Are you saying Israel against Arabs or Jews against Muslims? You forget that there are many Muslim nations that might not call themselves Arabs. Iranians generally refer to themselves as Persians, others are Pakistani, Indian, Indoneasan, African.....



Its just amazing how folks think this is a simple issue to work out with war someting that has been brewing for centuries. Final victory and democracy in Iraq will not end any of the distrust that Muslims have for Israel and its supporters.

Are you saying Israel against Arabs or Jews against Muslims?  You forget that there are many Muslim nations that might not call themselves Arabs.  Iranians generally refer to themselves as Persians, others are Pakistani, Indian, Indoneasan, African.....

Its just amazing how folks think this is a simple issue to work out with war someting that has been brewing for centuries.  Final victory and democracy in Iraq will not end any of the distrust that Muslims have for Israel and its supporters.



Let me simplify the statement since it seems to be eluding so many of you:


It is my belief that we should take the shackles off Israel and let them do whatever is necessary to secure their own final victory. Like we should have in 67. Like we should ahve again in 73. Had we allowed Israel to finish what the Arabs started, we wouldn't have this mess now would we?


Let's just nook the whole mid-east! That place has been a hotbed for war since man scratched his ass for the first time.


Otherwise I agree, let Israel fend for itself.

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