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Will failure make your dreams come true?


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Everyone is talking about what if the Bills go 2-14 then Ralph will have to blow it up... what if he wants to still give Jauron another year? It's always a possibility but I think we all know that he would be gone.


It brings me to the real point however about Modrak and Brandon.


Brandon has yet to hire an NFL Coach. Marv Levy hired Dick Jauron. I feel like people are naive to think Russ Brandon would be gone. I say he gets at least 2 shots at hiring a coach and at least 6 more years of being the teams GM like it or not. That is of course saying that Ralph is still the owner for those 6 years (probably unlikely).


I see there being absolutly no shot at Russ Brandon getting canned if this team goes 0-16.


What does everyone else think? Do you really think Brandon could get fired after this year?

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