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Why does a towel come out of the dryer nice and soft...


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Okay, okay... Serious answer here SDS! :censored:


All you rocket engineers out there. What does the dryer do that the deck (I know clotheslines are probably illegal in SDS' neighborhood... <_< ... What's this world coming to!) doesn't do?


Come on, think hard!
















It tumbles! That's why they call it a tumble dryer. Samething with a clothesline and a breezy day, much softer clothes.


Anyway... Are we really a generation away from seeing houses with clotheslines.



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haha, no clothes line...


My dryer is broken and FedEx delivered the part to the wrong house. Anyway, sometimes I dry my hockey jerseys out on the deck and I put my shower towel out their too (I play in a men's league). Damn, I'm WAY to soft to be drying with that piece of 100 grit.


Bad week for hardware in your world... :censored:

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I just use a sham wow. good for like 20 showers.


Are you the guy who bit the Sham Wow guy's tongue?



Because when you line-dry, you can't use dryer sheets. :censored:


You sheet in your dryer? :wallbash:




Man are you dumb! What are you doing channeling deerball today? That's Hayden Pantieririerieriere, you big lummox. <_<


I'm going to plead poor eyesight and a small picture. :wallbash: I shoulda aughta known because Hayden Panettiere is one of my favorite babes! :(

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