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"If you dont shut that baby up,


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well... he did.


finally, someone stands up for us non-parents



I'd like to see that dirtbag try that while the father was around. If a piece of schitt like that ever touched my crying child, let alone slap him four or five times, he'd be dead. No questions asked. Dead.


And if you're honestly serious that what this guy guy did "stands up" for you "non-parents," here is my sincere hope that you REMAIN a non-parent for as long as possible.

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Dude, standing up for you non-parents should never involve a 61 year old man B word slapping a kid.....this guy needs to be strung up by his balls..... :flirt:


based on your post(and I am praying to god that it was completely for joke effect) we are all very glad you are a non-parent


well... he did.


finally, someone stands up for us non-parents



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well... he did.


finally, someone stands up for us non-parents





While I am all for parents being mindful of their children's behavior and taking reasonable steps to control the child - slapping any two year old in the face is not cool. His actions are just flat out wrong.


As a person who does not have children I in no way believe this guy is "standing up" for me.

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I'd like to see that dirtbag try that while the father was around. If a piece of schitt like that ever touched my crying child, let alone slap him four or five times, he'd be dead. No questions asked. Dead.


And if you're honestly serious that what this guy guy did "stands up" for you "non-parents," here is my sincere hope that you REMAIN a non-parent for as long as possible.



yes, i was totally serious. everything in this act is true... :flirt:


a grown man slapping a 2 year old girl is fine by me


I guess tongue in cheek is too hard to get. :blink:

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shoulda slapped the parent instead, am i right?!?



Exactly. When I hear a crying child, I immediately look to see if the parent(s) remove him or her from the situation till they can behave. When they don't, I direct all of my anger towards the parents.

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I don't slap the crying baby I stand behind their parent and make funny faces at the kid. Usually stops the crying. Scars them for life, but stops the crying.



You would not need to make any faces to scare them for life. Your natural state is enough to accomplish this. However, far more constructive and appropriate approach to the situation.

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While I am all for parents being mindful of their children's behavior and taking reasonable steps to control the child - slapping any two year old in the face is not cool.

But it is legal, at least in NY. Not for strangers though, parents only.

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But it is legal, at least in NY. Not for strangers though, parents only.



What is legal is not always what is right. Don't get me wrong I have no issue with a prent disciplining their child and even in an appropriately physical way. Problem is slapping a two year old kid's face is not appropriate.

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What is legal is not always what is right. Don't get me wrong I have no issue with a prent disciplining their child and even in an appropriately physical way. Problem is slapping a two year old kid's face is not appropriate.


What if her boobs are only 24 months old?

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I'd like to see that dirtbag try that while the father was around. If a piece of schitt like that ever touched my crying child, let alone slap him four or five times, he'd be dead. No questions asked. Dead.


And if you're honestly serious that what this guy guy did "stands up" for you "non-parents," here is my sincere hope that you REMAIN a non-parent for as long as possible.


As a non-parent, I'd like to state unequivocally that that guy does not stand for me. In fact, I'd have beaten the sh-- out of him if I'd been there. You don't slap a kid across the face "four or five times" - any kid, let alone someone else's.


On a more practical matter...that's an awfully stupid way to get a kid to stop crying. ;)

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