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America too conservative for these people?


I especially like the guy in Wyoming who feels that his children won't be able to get a decent education in the United States. What a joke that is. I guess what he means is that he's afraid his kids won't carry on his "progressive" ideals.


And the college professor who complains about "aggressive morality" is a treat as well. I guess too many morals, such as not cheating on your wife, or being fair and honest to others, is a bad thing.


If they want to leave the greatest democracy the world has ever known, fine. I'm not going to clamor to stop them. However, they talk about the positives of being inquisitive and curious. You'd think, with words like that, they would at least be tolerant of other people's views.


It sounds to me like they don't want to hear any ideas other than their own or those they are comfortable with politically.


Buh-bye. Send me a postcard from Europe.



It sounds to me like they don't want to hear any ideas other than their own or those they are comfortable with politically.



I think that pretty much sums up the so-called "progressive" left in this country.


Good think we have Michael Moore here to education the 51% of us who are so uninformed. :doh:

I think that pretty much sums up the so-called "progressive" left in this country.


Good think we have Michael Moore here to education the 51% of us who are so uninformed.  :doh:


I can't argue with the accuracy of drawing conlusions regarding millions of people based on the actions of a few. There is nothing wrong with condemning all based on the crimes of one. Right?

I think that pretty much sums up the so-called "progressive" left in this country.


Good think we have Michael Moore here to education the 51% of us who are so uninformed.  :doh:




KD have you not learned that when you type a post regarding education you MUST proof read your material? :blink:

KD have you not learned that when you type a post regarding education you MUST proof read your material?      :blink:




Good think v. Bad think? :doh:

I can't argue with the accuracy of drawing conlusions regarding millions of people based on the actions of a few.  There is nothing wrong with condemning all based on the crimes of one.  Right?




I wasn't condemning the group through Moore. That was a separate comment just about him. Also, it was a joke. Hence the :doh:


My comment about the left has to do with the message of intolerance and hate that I see every day from them in newspapers, films, personal contact, message boards, etc. Moore is just one of many examples.

I wasn't condemning the group through Moore.  That was a separate comment just about him.  Also, it was a joke.  Hence the  :lol:


My comment about the left has to do with the message of intolerance and hate that I see every day from them in newspapers, films, personal contact, message boards, etc.  Moore is just one of many examples.


How do you feel about the hate spread for years now by Limbaugh and more recently Hannity, Coulter, Ingram etc.?

How do you feel about the hate spread for years now by Limbaugh and more recently Hannity, Coulter, Ingram etc.?




define "hate" please.

How do you feel about the hate spread for years now by Limbaugh and more recently Hannity, Coulter, Ingram etc.?



Mickey, I'm not a huge fan of any of the people you mentioned. Except for the fact that Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham (not Ingram) are pretty cute. :lol:


My point is that everyone seems to have an ax to grind these days. To see basic principles like morality, decency and integrity get denigrated by Those Who Think They Are Better Than You gets me going.


Most people lead simple, honest lives. If someone believes they should live by the principles of God or a Higher Power, they should not be subjected to criticism by others. If their faith or beliefs do not harm others, what business is it of those who would criticize?


The people in the article seem to be spouting "Tolerance! Tolerance!" to those persons whom they consider to be, for lack of a better term, rednecks. They are intolerant of the very same people they are telling to be tolerant.



define "hate" please.



Hate apparently is defined by the left as "thoughtful consideration of all aspects and ramifications of a strategy, not simply the spontaneous emotional conclusion".


It might help them to recover from their continued slide into the chasm of insignificance if they study the rise of Talk Radio, a forum whereby persons who are uncomfortable allowing a 10 second sound bite or a political talking point to define their fundamental position on the broad subjects facing this amazing Democracy. While I would expect the left will find a small victory in gaining House seats in the mid-term elections, the long term reality for the Dems is that they will continue to decline overall as long as they insist on appealing to the shallowest of us with the EXACT SAME ANSWER for everything:


Question: How should we deal with insert any major political issue?


Dem Answer: We'll increase spending on insert same issue by taxing the rich!


Memo to the Democratic Party: Your approach is wrong, your answer is stale, please stop insulting the intelligence of ALL Americans with your pathetic lack of creativity. OR, learn to accept your continued humiliation by a the opposition. It's a shame if you settle for #2 since our two-party Democracy thrives on both partys being forced back to the middle when they lose touch with the majority of the populace.

How do you feel about the hate spread for years now by Limbaugh and more recently Hannity, Coulter, Ingram etc.?



I've never heard more than five minutes of Limbaugh's program, so I can't really comment (talk radio = RJ) on him. Ann Coulter doesn't express hatred in her columns. She presents facts and reason to make her points. I've still never seen anyone make a reasoned case against something that she wrote (you know, other than the usual "Nazi B word!"). Ingram? Come on...if we're down to that level, where is Maureen Dowd in the discussion?


Besides, we're supposed to be the evil GOP...we only care about money and war. But we've been told for decades about how liberals are "progressive" and "open minded". I'm just wondering what happened to all that.

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