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Traveling to Boston Next Week

Chef Jim

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You should bring lots of gasoline and matches and burn that sh*thole of a city with its sh*thead residents to the ground.


Thanks for the advice but I don't need any. My plane leaves Tuesday at 9:00am. I've already made arrangements to swing by the gas station around 8:30am that day.

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Oh ... and check out that new bridge they built. I think they also built a new tunnel under the habor ... you should go for a walk down there.


Thanks for the advice but I don't need any. I'll have pleny of bridge fun this weekend when the close the Bay Bridge (two blocks from where I live) for five days to do some work.

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You should definitely wear some Yankees or Bills gear .. be loud, be proud and visit some local sports bars, preferably late at night. You're sure to get a warm welcome.


Thanks for the advice but I don't need any. Two of the people traveling with me are huge Charger and Raider fans and seeing they're game two of the double header we'll be late, loud and proud. Kicking the shiit out of a Pats fan is number three on my list of things to do.

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Enjoy yourself and have some good seafood and good wine and have fun .


Thanks for the advice, but I don't need any. And telling me to eat and drink well is like telling Marshawn Lynch to smoke a doobie. While you're tellin us that I'm full of foie gras, lobster, caviar and Dom Perignon and Marshawn's on his third bag of Doritos.

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