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Do you believe in equal treatment under law?

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Yes, a bit assumptive, but it doesn't make my assumption wrong. And it's not really mean-spirited as most people don't belong to a high tax bracket. I don't. It just never ceases to amaze me that people spend so much time worrying about policies that do not have a large impact on them personally. Don't you have enough to worry about?



I understand what I believe to be right and that mostly involves taking care of my family and helping others, though I'm not a religious person by any stretch of the imagination. If I understood what sells I'd be rich!



Confucius may have been in over his head here - there is no soul, though I agree that the substance and character of a person is more important than what he or she possesses.






As a Liberal, I'm a lover, not a fighter unless I need to be.


Always be quick to speak up when you made a mistake. That one really works for me.



The inferior man is always worried about things like rich people getting taxed too much? :thumbsup:



I am not a unique snowflake? All of this has happened before and all of this will happen again?


Well, no schitt.


Wow...that was a lot of work.

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Simple solution - Flat Tax - everybody pays the same % - Everyone adjusts - No deductions


And, if you say VAT - then you should not have skipped Economics 101

:ph34r::thumbsup::w00t: :w00t:


Of course, this will absolutely never happen. It would render the governments muscle man the IRS useless. Thus putting too many government employee shrews out of work. A lot of lawyers losing business as well and we know there is no shortage of them in Washington.


But could you imagine doing your tax return on a post card? No more 20 page tax returns. No massive tax law books published. Hell Obama should be pushing this from the green perspective! Where the hell is Al Gore ??

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Fixed, but they pay a higher percentage of their income in sales taxes, auto taxes, insurance requirements etc. Echoing AD, can't believe it.


I would agree taxes need to be lowered on the middle class and sales and state taxes should be lowered. But go ahead and blame dems for this when it has been a lot of Republican led state legislatures the last ten years increasing sales taxes.


Finally, I find most state and local legislative bodies full of it no matter the party.


Apples and oranges. Those are not income taxes and comparing what you pay to your overall income is irrelevant. I can just as easily apply your logic to note that the rich pay a much higher percentage of their tax credit income in sales taxes, auto taxes, etc.

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Of course, this will absolutely never happen. It would render the governments muscle man the IRS useless. Thus putting too many government employee shrews out of work. A lot of lawyers losing business as well and we know there is no shortage of them in Washington.


But could you imagine doing your tax return on a post card? No more 20 page tax returns. No massive tax law books published. Hell Obama should be pushing this from the green perspective! Where the hell is Al Gore ??


Take off your aluminum hat. The people at the IRS are not bogeymen and could care less - a flat tax would make their jobs easier, and it's not as if a government employee has to worry about being let go for lack of work.


The blocks opposing this (for reasons other than ideological) are the accountants and the tax industry.

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