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How a Stanford grad calls out his coaches

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It is what it is: Preseason


Theres no proof that the bills have even prepared a gameplan for any of these games. Sure I'm a bit worried like the rest of you guys, but lets be realistic here...Edwards completed 65.5% of his passes last year with Josh Reed and Roscoe Parrish as his #2 Wr's and robert royal as his tight end. Our team has improved, maybe with less experience, but thats why they play these preseason games.




History from preseasons past...The Lions went 4-0 and then went 0-16 during the season last year. Way back when, the Bills went 0-4 in preseason and made it to the Super Bowl. Granted, I think that team actually scored a TD with their first team offense, unlike Trent and Company. I am a bit concerned also, but I'm not going to say we're on our way to the #1 or 2 pick next year until the season starts and then we'll see the true ability of this team.


I agree, this coaching staff is the problem. When players consistently underachieve, you have to figure they're not getting the best brought out in them. I don't think anyone has ever said "that Turk Schoenert is an offensive genius" and meant it. The Bills are like my old company, they watch their good people walk out the door and replace them with the mediocrity that's left over. That explains Turk's rise to OC, except we never had good people in place on our coaching staff in the first place, except Bobby April.

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If the "our coaches suck and that's the only explanation" bug wasn't so incredibly f-cked out on this board, then I'd say you weren't overreaching. But you are.


I'm not sure if you guys simplify things so your simple minds have an easier time understanding what's going on, but it's not as simple as playcalling, it's not as simple as OLine talent, it's not as simple as "looking downfield," it's not as simple as route running, it's not as simple as press conferences, and it's certainly not as simple as WHAT YOU SEE DURING PRESEASON!


So let's go through them one by one:


Playcalling: Are we running the no-huddle this year? Yes. Does that put more responsibility on Trenpidation? Yes. Do all of you have seats at the game that give you a view ample enough to know just which routes are being run when? No. Do the ones who CAN see the plays develop report that NOBODY runs routes down field? They don't. Do we have receivers not named T.O. who has demonstrated efficiency running the slant route? May be, but in his 2+ seasons with The Bills Trenpidation doesn't always hit that throw like he should, so the "we need more slant routes" seems to be an over-simplified "solution" too. How's our run attack looked so far? Not good? Well, that certainly rules out the efficacy of Play Action, right? So, with all these things in mind, it's hard to say "play calling is the problem," right? Okay.


OLine Talent: Anybody else watch Big Ben out there Sunday? If you did, you wouldn't be so much blaming our pass rush as you'd be giving him kudos for literally being IMPOSSIBLE to sack. The guy shifts, squirms, breakouts, scrambles, and even when he's got a DLineman draped across his shoulders, he can still make a 15 yard throw, on a line. It's amazing what his talents can do for the offensive line. For the last 6 years beating the Bills was as simple as blitz blitz blitz because we haven't had a QB who can handle it. Face it, we get blitzed far more often than the "competitive teams." This isn't a reflection on the OLine, well it is, but it's not that simple. Until we have a QB who can stare into the teeth of a blitz, slide and hit his receiver 7 yards into the open field, teams are going to bring it. Especially 3-4 teams who can hide their LB coverages. If T.O. is going to provide one saving grace this year, it'll be enabling this type of relief. You stop blitzing when you get burned. Until we have a QB/WR/TE/RB prove they're capable of doing that, we're going to get blitzed, a lot, and folks are going to simplify the matter and say, "it's because our OLine sucks." Again, it's not that simple. Next.


Looking Downfield: It's not just that he won't throw the deep ball, because he won't, but Trenpidation won't throw to ANYONE who's even remotely covered. That's the problem. If he's got a guy in single coverage down the sideline, his receiver better have three steps on the defender, otherwise, in Trenpidation's world, he's not open. Again, if you the chance to re-watch Ben, notice how many times he throws into tight single coverage and let's his receivers make a play. If T.O. is going to bark at Trenpidation this season, it'll be over this. Being the same age as Trenpidation, and observing him here or there, I'm not confident he's un-cocky enough to take this type of criticism. But, he needs to get over it, fast. Guys in the NFL don't get "open" the way they do in college and he needs to adjust...NOW.


Route Running: Without T.O. in the lineup we do not, repeat do NOT have a 1 and 2 receiver. Evans falls somewhere between 1 and 2 and after him we don't have a 2. So, what do you expect from an offense who has a 1.5 and 3 receiver as its main passing targets. Route Running goes hand in hand with the issues raised in "OLine Talent," and we don't have guys who get open. Getting open is a complicated thing. It's not as simple as quickness or precision, sometimes it takes some brains too. Reed seems to have the latter, though he lacks the former(s). All our other guys are too young and inexperienced, and Evans, for whatever reason, is a non-entity in short yardage situations (hence the fact that he's no #1). We need a guy who can get open, in space. T.O. should be that guy, and if you want to see "throws downfield" then he needs to be getting open in short yardage situations while the defense is blitzing. It's these types of routes we simply don't see, the improvised ones. And when you have guys who have to improvise to be successful, when that certainly doesn't simplify matters.


Press Conferences: Oh my God, this issue some fans take infuriates me more than any other. Can we stop pretending to know what goes on behind closed doors by making assumptions based on what a highly paid representative of a private corporate entity says into a microphone? Trenpidation has some growing up to do. You refer to it as "calling out his coaches" I call it finding any way shape or form to dodge the issue without accepting the blame. Jauron doesn't talk smack publicly. To some this is a sign of weakness, to me it's a sign of respect. And a good leader RESPECTS those who follow him (to answer another ludicrous question asked in a different thread).


Preseason: Folks, see: Marv Levy's preseason record. Yes, we've gotten kicked around a little bit, but we've also got a five game preseason schedule, and it's quite possible that these guys, coaches included, are just phoning these in, getting their reps. What kills me is that the same people up in arms about this year's preseason failures were the same ones diminishing last year's successes. T.O. is the best player on our team. That's right, I said it. He's certainly the best player on our offense, and until he's in the lineup for an entire game (that matters), CHILL THE F-CK OUT!


If you're a hammer, then everything looks like a nail. If you want to simplify our problems into nice little compartments, you're adopting a very very narrow view of everything going on, and you can twist and turn whatever microcosm of reality you're dwelling on to fit the opinion you want to express. There are a lot of pieces floating in the ether right now at OBD and a lot of that has to do with how young and newly assembled our roster is (only 8 players left from 2005, 1 P, 1 K, 3 WR, 3 DE). If you really think that starting over now would be the best alternative, then I hope you don't have high expectations for the next few years.



Big Cat, out.


Get a job.




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Well, Big Cat has spoken so there's nothing more to say on this subject.




Nah. He's just miffed everybody is picking on his beloved Jauron.


For all his bitching about "over simplification", I find it ironic how he states (essentially) it's preseason, and we should not take anything we see seriously because it's "quite possible that these guys, coaches included, are just phoning (it) in,...", yet in the same paragraph, declares TO the best offensive player on the Bills. Correct me if I am wrong, but to date, TO has only played in a couple of series of ONE preseason game as a Bill.


And if you notice, Big Cat is expecting (hoping?) TO will completely change the dynamics of this offense. Now who is "over simplifying" the problem?

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Nah. He's just miffed everybody is picking on his beloved Jauron.


For all his bitching about "over simplification", I find it ironic how he states (essentially) it's preseason, and we should not take anything we see seriously because it's "quite possible that these guys, coaches included, are just phoning (it) in,...", yet in the same paragraph, declares TO the best offensive player on the Bills. Correct me if I am wrong, but to date, TO has only played in a couple of series of ONE preseason game as a Bill.


And if you notice, Big Cat is expecting (hoping?) TO will completely change the dynamics of this offense. Now who is "over simplifying" the problem?


No, I'm more miffed that this board had been flooded with RIDICULOUS points of criticism against Jauron. He's not perfect, but some of the rationale employed to indicate this is just plain silly, and it's running rampant these days.


I can't for the life of me understand how T.O. only playing one series as a Bill doesn't COMPLETELY demonstrate the idea they're phoning it in. Unless you meant something different, your comments seem to totally contradict one another.

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Kinda funny how we are all complaining that he gets rid of the ball too quickly after we just got rid of a guy who held onto the ball too long.




The Bills are a living, breathing offensive disaster.

There's been one good offensive season since 2000....Bledsoe's '02 campaign with T Henry going for 1,000 yards rushing and Moulds & Price gaining 1,000 apiece receiving.

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