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Good Thing Is That It Sounds As Though

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No way a coach on our staff already can turn this group around in one season. These guys are set up for failure and it's a shame TO could not have come in next year.

I disagree. We have talent but a limb schlong for a head coach. Coaching makes all the difference in the world. Find the right coach and this team goes to the playoffs.



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Actually, I think the exception might be Bobby April. If Jauron is canned mid-season, I wouldn't be surprised, nor upset, to see Ralph give him a shot at HC, and depending on how that turns out, give him a 2-3 year contract to see what he could do running the whole show.






Are You not sick of what You have seen Yet? Bobby April is a very good Special Teams Coach...That's it...If He was more He would be more...He's 56 Years Old...


He's on this Staff now...He's tainted...Putting April in charge at this point would make the Bills odds on favorites to be the worst Team in the NFL over the next 5 Years...Nothing against April, but there needs to be a HUGE change in that Organization from the GM on down...It's a mess...They need someone who brings instant Championship credibility... :)

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I agree completely, but never underestimate this front office's willingness to sell the fans a turd sandwich.


that is exactly what they have done. the retained dick and the fans got pissed off. so they had to do whatever it took, WHATEVER IT TOOK, to get the fans back buying tickets.


the fans wanted a BIG free agent playmaker...hello T.O.

the fans wanted jason peters gone...goodbye jason peters.

the fans wanted focus on the lines...hello geoff hangartner, aaron maybin, eric wood and andy levitre.


the only way that this organization, mostly ralph, will get "it"...is if they show up on that sunday home opener, and the stadium is EMPTY...or PACKED out front with protests to get DICK out of here.


MY SIGN WOULD READ: "hey ralph, withdrawal your dick before its too late!"

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Ancient history that people on this board already know:


The Bills have had three eras of prosperity/winning/playoffs, etc:


--the Saban Years


--the Knox Years


--the Levy Years.


What all these guys had in common (besides an occasionally cooperative front office, although Ralph's FO handling had a lot to do with running off at least two of them) is that they were all former Pro Head Coaches. Ralph also tried that with John Rauch (failure) and Wade Phillips (mixed results, but there were playoffs).


On the other hand, Joel Collier, Kay Stephenson, Hank Bullough, . . . in each case Ralph seemed to think he owed the "interim" guy a shot at a full season.


So if Ralph really makes a change, based on his past pattern I hope it's at season end. But don't kid yourself that Cowher or Gruden would come here; maybe Jim Fassel.


But that means '09 is already a wasted season.

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You have to look at the leaders on this team. Wait a second, there are no leaders. I cannot think of one anyway. TE - no. Marshawn - no. Lee - no, TO - nope. Offensive line - nobody. Defense -- Schobel - no, Stroud - no, Poz - not yet, Mitchell - no. McGee - nope. Whitner - he tries I think. DJ & the Coaches - naw. The lack of leadership is this teams biggest problem.

Whitner tries to be a leader but if he does nothing on the field what he says in the locker room does not carry any weight.


I keep on saying that this team has no Balls. Evans is too nice of a guy. Marshawn plays around to much on and off the field.

How the hell Kelsey is captain I have no idea.


I cant wait for TO to explode on Edwards. You know its gonna happen.... tick tock tick tock then like Madden says ..BOOM



But seriously the regular season has not started yet. So we are 0-0. Every team still has hope. But i'm telling you if we get blown out in NE there's no way we recover. I hope i'm wrong but that game means more than we know. Mentally speaking.

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Yes You are... ;)


Seriously the Bills next HC IS NOT on this Staff now...They MUST go outside and get someone who oozes credibility...Sorry Kids but Bobby April is not the answer...He's here now and there are HUGE problems in this Locker Room right this second...He's here now and this Team is THE softest bunch of pansies in the NFL...April may be a great Coach but He's tainted cause He's here now...

Next... B-)

I think everyone in this organization (players and front office) that had any involvement with that dreadful 2003 team is tainted, except maybe Moorman. All those losers should have been dumped a long time ago.
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You have to look at the leaders on this team. Wait a second, there are no leaders. I cannot think of one anyway. TE - no. Marshawn - no. Lee - no, TO - nope. Offensive line - nobody. Defense -- Schobel - no, Stroud - no, Poz - not yet, Mitchell - no. McGee - nope. Whitner - he tries I think. DJ & the Coaches - naw. The lack of leadership is this teams biggest problem.


Lee was at one time. He has been effectively neutered.

TO will be. Whether his influence will be positive or negative remains to be seen.

Edwards? Don't make me laugh. Even his own teammates would not say he is one.

Whitner is a wannabe. He tries, but I don't think he has any influence.


As much as I hate to say it, it would be interesting if JP was still the QB. With TO and Evans, JP MIGHT have been a serviceable QB.

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With each passing week (especially this past games comments), it seems as though Jauron realizes how far away this team is to being successful. I really do not think he lasts past week 4. This defense is in the wrong scheme, there is ZERO ability at QB and it just dominos from there.


Wow, I mean WOW, what the heck has happened to these guys. The mental makeup on this team has been squashed and the confidence has been shot from coaching to players. Let's face it, 2-4 wins is going to GOOD for this organization. Let's enjoy the tailgating and suck it up for ONE more year until a new coach and QB comes in here. Ralph has got to see how bad it is bottomed out and it's a perfect opportunity to get a top coach to draft his own QB. What else could a coach want!! This is going to be THE perfect year to hit rock bottom.




This team has improved over last year. Not enough to make much of a difference, but except for the o-line, we've definitely improved.


Last year, we beat the bad teams and lost to the good ones. Expect more of the same.


Then, if I'm right, expect Jauron to be gone after the season. NOT DURING!! Ralph has made it clear many times that he never again wants to fire a coach in mid-stream.

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