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I have the 1st overall pick in a ten team league


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Drew Brees #1 overall instead of Adrian Peterson? Every magazine and website says AP....but my gut says Brees. I always pick a RB in the 1st round and it seems like the winner every season has a great QB. My league awards 6 pts for rushing and passing TD's. RB's get 1 pt for every 15 yds, QB's get 1 pt for every 25 pass yds.

While AP is an awesome player, he hasn't rolled up the TD's and I feel like Brees is a sure thing for 4500+ passing yds and 30 TDs. What do you guys think? My draft is Tuesday and I need some advice!

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Still not sure why it's such a reach to take Brees #1? We have seen teams gameplan around stopping Peterson and they can do a decent job. Plus you're always worried about a hammy or knee/ankle. We have seen teams try to gameplan around stopping Brees and they cannot do it. There are only 4 really good QB's and several more decent RB's. By taking Brees I would also create somewhat of a "run" on the top QB's and maybe I would still get a decent RB at #20 or #21.

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