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If you don't have anything nice to say about Jauron


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Dick Jauron is not a sore loser.

He's not a sore winner either.

He doesn't gloat.

Hell, he doesn't emote.


Dick Jauron is a perfect HC for your kids Pop Warner team.

He fills his players with self esteem.

He will never yell at them, nor give them negative feedback.

His assistants are all nice guys.


Dick Jauron could probably organize a hell of a church picnic.

Don't ask him to organize a fund raiser though.

Everyone that participated in it would agree they had a wonderful time, and they enjoyed working for him.

But when the results are tallied up they'd find they only reached 43.75% of their goal, just covered their expenses and the organization is thinking of moving their headquarters to a new and more lucrative location where the population will be more supportative.

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Dickie Boy never got caught beating off in front of a 60 year old's window in Florida. I respect the hell out of him for that. However, he also doesn't seem like he has ever stayed at a Holiday Inn Express before he takes the field as a head football coach either. I mean, is there another coach who presents himself as a bigger stiff than him?

Maybe you are on to something, DJ and the team should stay at a Holiday Inn before games

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DJ has never exploited another team's weaknesses


DJ has never caused an opposing team or coach to lose sleep


DJ has not squandered a lead all preseason


DJ's offense has never caused caused a referee to have any "repetative use injuries" (or expose embarassing anti-perspirant failure) signaling touchdowns


DJ has taught me to be humble when asked what my favorite football team is


DJ has never startled a kitten by moving suddenly (or caused a corpse to be jealous by his expressiveness)


did ya ever get so happy and downright giddy that your wife became suspicious...not happening again this year

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Dick Jauron is high quality accountable man who assumes full responsibility for his team. He falls on the sword for his players and coaches. And that is character not commonly seen. I like the guy and hopes he can motivate his suck-ass players to play above their talent level.



I don't know if I should laugh or cry after reading this.

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