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Get ready New Yorkers

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It's time to begin to identify the incumbents in each elected office to be voted upon this November. From state to local offices, even the Childrens Court Judge who lives next door, make a list of the incumbents, along with their opponents, then vote for whomever runs against the incumbent this fall. If the incumbent is unopposed, plan to write in the words "Fix Government."


Not voting, whining and wringing your hands, or bitching to your neighbor won't get it done. For the next two or three years New Yorkers must make a concentrated effort to oust ALL incumbents as a tactic to send the message we demand elected officials who will work together (currently an oxymoron in NYS politics) to address the problems of NYS.


Fix Government

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I sort of agree. Whenever it's "turn around" time....you don't necessarily want to throw out the baby = real talent, with the bathwater = the bastards who are running their own ideology/agenda instead of what's best for the organization...in this case NYS.


I think it's important to identify who the problem children are(cough, Sheldon Silver, cough), but more importantly, who is trading influence by following them, and remove them. The Sheldon Dbags of the world will be tough to get rid of fully. However, if you take away their ball-lickers....then you marginalize them. Watch this happen in 2010 to Crazy Pelosi.


However...given the current state of affairs....perhaps the giant middle finger to all of them serves us best. I can certainly see that as a viable option. If nothing else: it's a warning to those who would aspire to take their place.

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I sort of agree. Whenever it's "turn around" time....you don't necessarily want to throw out the baby = real talent, with the bathwater = the bastards who are running their own ideology/agenda instead of what's best for the organization...in this case NYS.


I think it's important to identify who the problem children are(cough, Sheldon Silver, cough), but more importantly, who is trading influence by following them, and remove them. The Sheldon Dbags of the world will be tough to get rid of fully. However, if you take away their ball-lickers....then you marginalize them. Watch this happen in 2010 to Crazy Pelosi.


However...given the current state of affairs....perhaps the giant middle finger to all of them serves us best. I can certainly see that as a viable option. If nothing else: it's a warning to those who would aspire to take their place.

If and only IF the American people are smart enough...Not so sure about that.

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IMO don't evaluate, don't "give 'em a chance to fix it," don't fall prey to the siren call of the red-breasted incumbent.


Just identify EVERY incumbent and vote for their opponents! Jesus, how far &*^%ed over do we have to get before we realize those in office don't give a fiddler's &*^% about the hewers of wood and the drawers of water?


Vote the bastards out!


Fix Government

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