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You guys are slipping with all the mean-spirited comments. Where is all the praying?


Hope you stay safe John!


Looks like all the sensitive, caring people took an early weekend.

Looks like all the sensitive, caring people took an early weekend.



That is why I am here. I took the day off to make it a four day (Monday is a scheduled day off) weekend before I head back to work on Tuesday.



I am about 5 miles away from the Cottonwood Fire outside of Hemet......1000 acres so far....0 containment


Will my housing insurance cover if my house gets burned to the ground? We are not being told to evacuate yet but that could happen today.


I will have to hobble my @ss home from work for this latest and greatest development.



You need to ask yourself only one question, John. What would Ted Kennedy do?



You need to ask yourself only one question, John. What would Ted Kennedy do?




Knock back three martinis and grope a blonde.


Sound advice in any situation, really.

Swim to shore, sleep it off... Then file the claim in the morning.


yeah, after sleeping it off his first thought must have been;


she drove herself off the dike bridge......... from the passenger seat.

wow, what kind of company do you work for where you can 'blog' on a buffalo bills web site but can't make personal phone calls to your insurance company...what happens if you need to call home or the doctors office during work hours???????


Usually take a pee break and call on my cell phone......but I left it at home today.


Its these meds I am telling you....:wallbash:

So is it time to buy a paver for John?

Well, the pavers are kiln fired right? How appropriate


Seriously, he is awaiting fire on the wesy coast, I am waiting for a hurricane season.....this is why I miss Buffalo

Hey guys I am good......the fire is still going but it looks like we are ok?


Our firefighters down here are studs....STUDS....113 degrees yesterday and they were fighting a 1300 acre fire.

I am in the foothills north of L.A. where the Station fire is now >20,000 acres, and the firefighters up here are also STUDS...The Engine companies on the ground are holding their lines and heroically defending people's homes. We are less than half a mile from one of the evacuation zones, but there's very little chance the flame-front could make it this far. (I've been watching it burn West-to-East along the ridge-lines for the past 4 nights.)


The terrain here is way too steep to get into on foot to try to suppress the fire (it blew right through the dozer line they set up like it wasn't even there) so they've been attacking it primarily from the air - flying non-stop helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft for 3 days trying to keep this monster down. I was outside on my front lawn today watching the little tankers drop their loads, when I heard this huge roar and looked up.to see a DC-10 flying sideways through our little valley spewing Phos-chek or similar ..pilot must have thought he was friggin' Han Solo or something...crazy!

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