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Five Must Haves For A Sports Bar


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competent waitress/waiter/bar staff... i sworn off the best local place in my area(best wings in town & good Bill's fan base) simply because of the lack of customer service one too many times.....


don't agree with the 'no kids' policy...sometimes having the kids with you is the only way the wife will let you go enjoy yourself on a sunday afternoon






This is pretty good. Don't go too sports bars too much any more but I can relate to a couple of these. #1 and #5 in particular.

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competent waitress/waiter/bar staff... i sworn off the best local place in my area(best wings in town & good Bill's fan base) simply because of the lack of customer service one too many times.....


don't agree with the 'no kids' policy...sometimes having the kids with you is the only way the wife will let you go enjoy yourself on a sunday afternoon


That was my thought, too. Good article, and I agreed with almost all of them, especially #1, but I think kids should learn early all the advantages of sportsbars and following their team. :lol:

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competent waitress/waiter/bar staff... i sworn off the best local place in my area(best wings in town & good Bill's fan base) simply because of the lack of customer service one too many times.....


don't agree with the 'no kids' policy...sometimes having the kids with you is the only way the wife will let you go enjoy yourself on a sunday afternoon


And there are probably more people that are in that bar on a Sunday to get away from rug rats. I hate kids in the bar.

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And there are probably more people that are in that bar on a Sunday to get away from rug rats. I hate kids in the bar.



I am not opposed to kids in the bar. Parents who have no respect from their kids or who just allow them to run wild is another story altogether. IMO the is nothing wrong with a well behaved kid enjoying the atmosphere and developing a passion for their chosen team.

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I am not opposed to kids in the bar. Parents who have no respect from their kids or who just allow them to run wild is another story altogether. IMO the is nothing wrong with a well behaved kid enjoying the atmosphere and developing a passion for their chosen team.


There was a bar that my wife and I used to go to for happy hour. Many times there were no seats available because there would be a family, or two, in there taking advantage of the cheap happy hour food. I always wanted to sit next the them and start swearing the TV. "Run you mother !@#$er run!!" Just to have the parents complain about my language in front of their kids. Hey lady, it's a bar. That's the type of language in here.

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i hate kids that run around without parental supervision...i try to keep my kids at the table with me...if they do get up they go and play a video game and come back...i don't let them run around the place....


And there are probably more people that are in that bar on a Sunday to get away from rug rats. I hate kids in the bar.
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competent waitress/waiter/bar staff... i sworn off the best local place in my area(best wings in town & good Bill's fan base) simply because of the lack of customer service one too many times..... Agree completely! I'll add that the guys should wear referee shirts and the girls wear cheerleader outfits.


don't agree with the 'no kids' policy...sometimes having the kids with you is the only way the wife will let you go enjoy yourself on a sunday afternoon


I side with the author on 'No Kids!' I, too, have tamed considerably over the years, but still get worked up over stupid plays by my Bills. An alchol beverage-serving establishment just isn't a place for children. Heck, many people go there just to get away from the kids for awhile..

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Where in the world are these people paying $6 for a draft? Stay home, for God's sake.



i paid $5.50 for a pint of rooster fish and another $5.50 for a pint sam adams octoberfest just 3 days ago at a local wateringhole.


there are some places like pizzaplant and buffalo brewpub that beer is and will always be expensive but good, although they are not the place i was at.

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who added that line in bold in my reply? I never said any such thing...... :wallbash:


I side with the author on 'No Kids!' I, too, have tamed considerably over the years, but still get worked up over stupid plays by my Bills. An alchol beverage-serving establishment just isn't a place for children. Heck, many people go there just to get away from the kids for awhile..
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a feature that I like at a couple bars here in richmond, is they have tv's all over the place, but they also have individual speaker boxes that you can take to your bar spot or table and tune it to the game you want, so you don't necessarily have to be directly in front of the tv of the game of your choice.....


not a fan of the individual tv's in the booth, it seperates you too much from the rest of your teams supporters....

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There was a bar that my wife and I used to go to for happy hour. Many times there were no seats available because there would be a family, or two, in there taking advantage of the cheap happy hour food. I always wanted to sit next the them and start swearing the TV. "Run you mother !@#$er run!!" Just to have the parents complain about my language in front of their kids. Hey lady, it's a bar. That's the type of language in here.



Two things - both point back to the parents.


One, if the parents are there just to be cheap blasterds it is regrettable but not much you can do about it. I go back to if the kids are well behaved and respectful of the people around them then let them have the enjoyment of the atmosphere. If the kids are undisciplined, disruptive and unruly then I truly believe it should be legal to take the parents to the back alley and shoot them. The kids could then be shipped off to a nearby military school / orphanage to learn to live and behave properly. A less draconian solution would be for the bar manager to require the family to leave.


Second, as for the language so be it. That is a decision for the parents to make. If they take the kids to a bar they will be exposed to it. Heck if they come from an extended family of Bills nuts (like mine) they probably hear it at home anyway. Kids can and do learn that the behavior of adults is not always appropriate. It is a part of life. If the parents are upset because the kids are exposed to it then to your point they do not belong there. They definitely have no right to ask anyone not to use such language in a bar as it is their right to go elsewhere. They should know what they are getting into when they walk through the door.


Parents that believe that their kids will not be exposed to offensive language, nudity, sex, drugs etc. at some time in their lives are simply naive and stupid. IMO better for the parents to think about when it might be age appropriate for kids to be exposed to such "evil." They can then grab teaching opportunities to show kids how to react and behave when they encounter these things. Trying to create a false world around them that suggests they will never encounter such behavior or conditions only sets the kids up for bigger problems in life.

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Good read.


It still baffles me that it took our Bills backers down here in tallahassee 3 years to find a good bar. So many places completely unwilling to reserve a TV to show the Bills game and basically turning down 4 months of 8-12 people coming in every sunday. We finally got set up at a Beef O'Brady's.


I'm with the side that says try to keep kids out of the sports bar. There's no place for them. Beef's is populated mostly with NFL fans on sunday, but you'll occasionally get families coming in trying to enjoy a post-church lunch. They usually leave when the language gets a bit rough. (Not that we're foul-mouth idiots, but hey, the Bills have had a recent tendency to bring out the worst in some people)

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Pretty good list, but rather than make better WiFi experience I say do the opposite: NO WiFi of any kind! Better yet, scramble the cell phone service, too. If people can't friggin' detach from the internet at a sports bar while drinking pitchers, eating wings and watching football than stay the f*ck home.

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yeah...i didnt get the whole wifi thing...i guess its so people can stay logged into see their fantasy status rather than watch the games


Pretty good list, but rather than make better WiFi experience I say do the opposite: NO WiFi of any kind! Better yet, scramble the cell phone service, too. If people can't friggin' detach from the internet at a sports bar while drinking pitchers, eating wings and watching football than stay the f*ck home.
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He talks more about video. How about a good, clear sound system. Whether it's just at the table or the whole bar. Some places crank the noise to a point where it's kind of annoying.


A competent wait staff is good, but if the waitress is good looking too, my viewing experience level goes way up :wallbash:

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yeah...i didnt get the whole wifi thing...i guess its so people can stay logged into see their fantasy status rather than watch the games

Fantasy addicts can stay home, or go to a Fantasy Sports Cafe of some kind where socially handicapped people sit around following their stats completely oblivious to the games. If you are so addicted that you can't pry yourself from the web for a few hours at a sports bar on Sunday than you need to get a life.

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