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Problems in the Netherlands


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He and others said the public discourse, even among members of government, reached an unprecedented pitch and included language that went far beyond the limits set for public forums in the United States.


A South African friend of mine, explaining the volital way Germans and other Euopeans 'debate' issues stated that their rules a very different then ours. It is nothing for them to call you all manner of swine to make a point (I had seen this 1st hand.) For them to take the gloves off means to me that our recent polarization will look downright civil in comparison.


Are they in Iraq? or am I thinking of Belgium? In any event, it looks like we may have some more, and highly motivated company in kicking some butt. That is if there is anyone left when they're done with each other...

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My wife and son are there right now visiting my in-laws.  I cannot wait until they get back on Saturday.



Here's to a safe & speedy return :P . If you don't mind my asking, how much does a round trip ticket to the Netherlands run these days? My ancesters (the Van Valkenburg's) hail from Valkenburg and I've always wanted to see the castle ruins there.

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Here's to a safe & speedy return  :P .  If you don't mind my asking, how much does a round trip ticket to the Netherlands run these days?  My ancesters (the Van Valkenburg's) hail from Valkenburg and I've always wanted to see the castle ruins there.



Thank you!!!


It depends on the time of year and whether there are any sales. We paid as little as $200 (by travelling on Christmas day one year) and as high as $700.


You should go. It is a great country and the people are really nice.


Let me know if you have any other questions.

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Thank you!!!


It depends on the time of year and whether there are any sales.  We paid as little as $200 (by travelling on Christmas day one year) and as high as $700.


You should go. It is a great country and the people are really nice.


Let me know if you have any other questions.



Thanks, I will!

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If left unchecked, the future holds all out war between  Muslims and everyone else in a struggle for survival.

May the best man win. Evolution continues. I dont want to convert to Muslim so I hope we win.



As long as we Americans maintain our monopoly on military technology, we're safe.

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What kind of comment is that?


P.S.  Did we reap what we sowed on 9/11?


Maybe you need to understand world history and understand what was done in the middle east since 1900. We supported dictators( shahs in places like Iran and Iraq), we supported creation of a Jewish state and displaced many arabs in doing so, we supported Iraqi Dictator when he was ragging a chemical war on his Iranian neighbor. Now I am not saying these directly caused 9/11 attacks but it shows why some in the region arent so happy with us.

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Maybe you need to understand world history and understand what was done in the middle east since 1900.  We supported dictators( shahs in places like Iran and Iraq), we supported creation of a Jewish state and displaced many arabs in doing so,  we supported Iraqi Dictator when he was ragging a chemical war on his Iranian neighbor.  Now I am not saying these directly caused 9/11 attacks but it shows why some in the region arent so happy with us.




Dont forget the CRUSADES spidey!


Wont somebody PLEASE think of the Crusades?????

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