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RIP Ted Kennedy


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Next time I'm in Massachusetts, I want to find out where he's buried so I can piss on his grave. :lol:

Only Don Shula to go.


In an attempt to threadjack this trainwreck, the next time I'm in Massachusetts, I'm going slug a Patriots* fan right in the junk!

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The water was so shallow that the overturned Olds had its rear end and part of therear tires out of the water. The water was likely less than 6 feet deep. On his drunken stroll back to the compound, he passed a volunteer firehouse that had a phone outside that was answered 24/7 under a light. Why didn't he report it immediately at the compound that night?

It was a 'youthful' mistake. He was only 37 at the time.



The No. 1 search term at Google Trends Wednesday morning was "Ted Kennedy".Nos. 2 and 3: "Mary Jo Kopechne" and "Chappaquiddick."




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Lemme get this straight...you're going to be respectful when Bush and Cheney die. But IMMEDIATELY after you make that statement, you say that you want them to die soon. Way to prove you aren't partisan.


In his defense, he didn't say "before they pass away".


I can be respectful of Ted Kennedy in death...Chappaquiddick is now a matter of judgement between him and God; I have no need to dwell on it.

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I can be respectful of Ted Kennedy in death...Chappaquiddick is now a matter of judgement between him and God; I have no need to dwell on it.

:thumbsup: Whenever a person passes we should focus on the positives of their life. God takes care of the rest.

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Mussolini made the trains run on time. George Bush threw a nice opening pitch. See...its not impossible to find something nice to say. Gotta admit that Hitler and Cheney are a bit of a stretch though.

You picked the obvious one - and I'm surprised it took a whole 8 minutes for someone to come up with that response. :thumbsup:


But, like your misguided worship of that murderous misogynist, Ted Kennedy, your statement about Mussolini is also a vile canard...


Loco Motive

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Being old enough to have many fond memories of Camelot, this is indeed a sad day. Of course he had his demons. Let only those who don't, cast stones. He overcame so much in his personal and political life to accomplish so much. It's conceivable history may show his biggest contribution to US politics may be forsaking his long friendship with the Clintons, to back/support Obama last year. For me, it's hard to imagine Hillary could have pulled it off..


Thank you for your service, Ted.



Now, by "fond memories of Camelot", are you referring to the Bay of Pigs, the loss of Cuba, being brought to the brink of nuclear annihilation, and an escalation of the war in southeast Asia? (JFK accomplished all that all in a mere 1000 days - imagine what he might have done in full term...or two!)


I'm glad you chose the term "Camelot" - as the as the many romantic myths surrounding the JFK administration are as much folklore as the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table!


The notion of "Camelot" - and the very term itself, as it is used to refer to JFK's brief time as President - was coined/fabricated by Jackie purely for public consumption, in an interview with T.H. White for LIFE magazine a week after the assassination, and then expanded and perpetuated by a slew of other Kennedy sycophants.


Ted's dead. People who are naive about his past want to grieve. I get that. But please, no more blind hero worship. That family has a history of misogyny and criminal behavior that goes all the way back to Ambassador Joe's bootlegging, stock-market manipulation, and dealings with the mob - including 'buying' the 1960 Presidential election.


And, BTW - Obama was on Marxist Vineyard, right across Nantucket Sound from Hyannisport, yet he thought it better to squeeze in a round of golf instead of visiting the dying senator who basically derailed Hillary's campaign by endorsing/annointing Obama?


Nice guy, that Barry Obama.

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Being old enough to have many fond memories of Camelot, this is indeed a sad day. Of course he had his demons. Let only those who don't, cast stones. He overcame so much in his personal and political life to accomplish so much. It's conceivable history may show his biggest contribution to US politics may be forsaking his long friendship with the Clintons, to back/support Obama last year. For me, it's hard to imagine Hillary could have pulled it off..


Thank you for your service, Ted.



I've never killed someone, so I'll cast as many stones as a I like, thank you very much.

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Now, by "fond memories of Camelot", are you referring to the Bay of Pigs, the loss of Cuba, being brought to the brink of nuclear annihilation, and an escalation of the war in southeast Asia? (JFK accomplished all that all in a mere 1000 days - imagine what he might have done in full term...or two!)


I'm glad you chose the term "Camelot" - as the as the many romantic myths surrounding the JFK administration are as much folklore as the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table!


The notion of "Camelot" - and the very term itself, as it is used to refer to JFK's brief time as President - was coined/fabricated by Jackie purely for public consumption, in an interview with T.H. White for LIFE magazine a week after the assassination, and then expanded and perpetuated by a slew of other Kennedy sycophants.


Ted's dead. People who are naive about his past want to grieve. I get that. But please, no more blind hero worship. That family has a history of misogyny and criminal behavior that goes all the way back to Ambassador Joe's bootlegging, stock-market manipulation, and dealings with the mob - including 'buying' the 1960 Presidential election.


And, BTW - Obama was on Marxist Vineyard, right across Nantucket Sound from Hyannisport, yet he thought it better to squeeze in a round of golf instead of visiting the dying senator who basically derailed Hillary's campaign by endorsing/annointing Obama?


Nice guy, that Barry Obama.

The bay of pigs was a debacle, but a cia debacle inherited from Eisenhower. The Missile Crisis, the Peace Corps, the Civil rights legislation pushed through after his assassination were significant.


As to Ted Kennedy, lest the good be interred with his bones.




As to murder...sit down with the retired judge and look at the penal law definition and get back to me how you see mens rea or for that matter the actus reus that would justify such a charge...especially since no judge or grand jury made it at the time?


Oh...where are those 20 items you promised after the crap you were posting yesterday as holy writ from the whacko right?

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Mussolini made the trains run on time. George Bush threw a nice opening pitch. See...its not impossible to find something nice to say. Gotta admit that Hitler and Cheney are a bit of a stretch though.


Hitler's the reason Ferdinand Porsche created the Volkswagen.


Cheney...he's probably nice to his grandkids. That's really all I got.

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cool pics...one question...the last one you have on that slide looks like the exact same photo on the main page of your website....did you edit out the sweat on the one for your website?????


For those who liked TK, hated him or otherwise were interested in his celebrity here is a link to some photos that I took of him over the years that I was in contact with him.



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