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Somebody's getting chippy


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Maybe that's all Edwards needs, is some muff.

Actually, you could be right about that.


I think I stumbled on what's been bugging the poor kid - his love object apparently has no interest in him...


KStew Leaving Club With Dakota Fanning


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Maybe one of his teammates need to 'step up' and take Trentative to the 'Canadian Ballet'.

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Actually, you could be right about that.


I think I stumbled on what's been bugging the poor kid - his love object apparently has no interest in him...


KStew Leaving Club With Dakota Fanning


Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning Share A Lesbian Scene



Maybe one of his teammates need to 'step up' and take Trentative to the 'Canadian Ballet'.


LMAO! Thanks, Senator. I now need a new keyboard after spraying my coffee all over it.



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What worries me is Edwards saying he is just taking what the defense gives him...I'm sorry but if you are going to be an effective QB in the NFL you need to attack the defense and dictate to them...I think Jimbo needs to sit down with Trent and have a discussion...This conservative bullschitt needs to end and end soon if we are going to win games...


I hate when people say that. Does the defense ever give you touchdowns? Because that's what you need to win. It's up to the QB to score touchdowns. The defense doesn't give them to you.

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Evans said he and Owens have been urging Edwards to be more willing to throw the ball downfield and give them a chance to make tough catches.


"Absolutely," Evans said. "Absolutely. That's one of the things we've been talking about ever since this whole thing started. So we're going to keep talking to him, and getting him to that point."


This "whole thing" goes back to that Cleveland game. Edwards seems to have lingering confidence issues. He talks about the way he's coached, but he can't allow himself to be a reflection of a conservative coaching staff.


At some point, Edwards has to assert himself as the leader of the offense. He has to have the guts to attempt the big throw, and the courage to fail.


This is interesting. Does anyone recall when the "no huddle" concept with the Bills began? Did it start before or after the TO signing? The reason I am interested is because TO likes to come back to the huddle and let the QB know what's going on during his routes. he tells them what routes will work and probably tells them to throw him the ball more. I can't help but wonder if the no huddle concept was derived to prevent TO from giving Trent and earful in the huddle. I really hope not and it probably wouldn't even of crossed my mind if not for this over protective coaching staff. I remember after the HOF game a reporter asked TO what he thought of the no huddle and he said "It's alright I guess, it is what it is", that may not be the exact quote, but it's pretty close. I don't think he likes that fact he can't talk to his QB between plays. Anyway, I hate having these thoughts because of this damn coaching staff!!!

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This is interesting. Does anyone recall when the "no huddle" concept with the Bills began? Did it start before or after the TO signing? The reason I am interested is because TO likes to come back to the huddle and let the QB know what's going on during his routes. he tells them what routes will work and probably tells them to throw him the ball more. I can't help but wonder if the no huddle concept was derived to prevent TO from giving Trent and earful in the huddle. I really hope not and it probably wouldn't even of crossed my mind if not for this over protective coaching staff. I remember after the HOF game a reporter asked TO what he thought of the no huddle and he said "It's alright I guess, it is what it is", that may not be the exact quote, but it's pretty close. I don't think he likes that fact he can't talk to his QB between plays. Anyway, I hate having these thoughts because of this damn coaching staff!!!


well, the bills current no huddle isnt like the no huddle the bengals and esiason ran, or the no huddle the kelly bills ran for that matter. the team is slow to the line, and when lined up still take 5-10 sec to snap the ball. maybe they are running it slow now to make sure everyone knows where to go when its fast and furious?


even with this form of the no huddle, i highly doubt trent will be calling plays ala kelly.


third, TO should be telling trent which routes are working, so that when he runs them again it results in a catch, first down, or touchdown. a qb's field vision should be good, but they dont see everything.


and in trent's case, he seems to be nearsighted. maybe is time for a new contact RX? you know, so he can see downfield.

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This is interesting. Does anyone recall when the "no huddle" concept with the Bills began? Did it start before or after the TO signing? The reason I am interested is because TO likes to come back to the huddle and let the QB know what's going on during his routes. he tells them what routes will work and probably tells them to throw him the ball more. I can't help but wonder if the no huddle concept was derived to prevent TO from giving Trent and earful in the huddle. I really hope not and it probably wouldn't even of crossed my mind if not for this over protective coaching staff. I remember after the HOF game a reporter asked TO what he thought of the no huddle and he said "It's alright I guess, it is what it is", that may not be the exact quote, but it's pretty close. I don't think he likes that fact he can't talk to his QB between plays. Anyway, I hate having these thoughts because of this damn coaching staff!!!



I am of the mindset that this no huddle approach is simply a marketing ploy. The results on the field so far show the same old tired offense with no change in results. Huddle or not if you do not score points you do not win. Starting unit for the Bills = zero TD's so far this preseason. Seems to me that they are picking up where they left off last year.

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I am of the mindset that this no huddle approach is simply a marketing ploy. The results on the field so far show the same old tired offense with no change in results. Huddle or not if you do not score points you do not win. Starting unit for the Bills = zero TD's so far this preseason. Seems to me that they are picking up where they left off last year.

That's the scary part, this offense looks exactly the same as last year...

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What worries me is Edwards saying he is just taking what the defense gives him...I'm sorry but if you are going to be an effective QB in the NFL you need to attack the defense and dictate to them...I think Jimbo needs to sit down with Trent and have a discussion...This conservative bullschitt needs to end and end soon if we are going to win games...

ding ding ding ding ding...give the man a kewpie doll!!! This goes deeper (or higher) than Edwards though, we've got "it's tough to Dicktate Jauron" calling the shots.

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T.O.'s head is going to explode by week 4 if Trentative Checkwards refuses to open it up a little bit.

This year is going to be fun one way or another.

I have a feeling the Bickering Bills will look like the Osmonds compared to the shitstorm we are going to witness on the sidelines this year.


I know one thing for sure, I am going to have tons of popcorn ready for this show.

Not so! We've been assured by all of TO's new BFFs that he NEVER causes trouble with his new team in the first year.


Won't happen.

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Throwing down field earlier last season was never a problem for Trent, Why is it all of a sudden this big of a problem for him??? Did that concussion really make him this scared of stepping up in the pocket and making a deep throw? Or is he just trying to be to perfect? I'd love to know the answer to this question, LOL.

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Edwards is a complete idiot if he has truly watched game film and did not see open receivers downfield on plays he checked down. I have season tickets in the upper deck and I can tell you that I personally saw Lee Evans running downfield waving his arms on atleast 3-4 ocassions last year.


Not to dispute your overall point (because I agree that Trent needs to see down the field better) but that happens like 2-3 times a GAME for EVERY team. Watch the other teams we play when you're sitting in your season ticket seats, you'll see it a lot.

There are a multitude of factors that affect a given play that cause this to happen. It is normal.

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Edwards is a complete idiot if he has truly watched game film and did not see open receivers downfield on plays he checked down. I have season tickets in the upper deck and I can tell you that I personally saw Lee Evans running downfield waving his arms on atleast 3-4 ocassions last year.


You have season tickets for Lambeau Field. Wow.

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Throwing down field earlier last season was never a problem for Trent, Why is it all of a sudden this big of a problem for him??? Did that concussion really make him this scared of stepping up in the pocket and making a deep throw? Or is he just trying to be to perfect? I'd love to know the answer to this question, LOL.

He is afraid of the new Oline we have... can you really blame him for that?

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Change out all the QB's that have ever played for Jauron and you still have the same thing....a conservative system. I think it's more Jauron and company than Edwards....Remember, they are coached to not make mistakes...they always have to cut down on mistakes instead of make plays. Sometimes your coach has to tell you to give your playmakeers a chance....instead of "cutting down on your mistakes".

Thank you!!

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What worries me is Edwards saying he is just taking what the defense gives him...I'm sorry but if you are going to be an effective QB in the NFL you need to attack the defense and dictate to them...I think Jimbo needs to sit down with Trent and have a discussion...This conservative bullschitt needs to end and end soon if we are going to win games...



Too bad the coaching staff probably doesn't recognize the fact that defenses probably give him the checkdowns or short plays for a reason. Teams know that Josh Reed and the Bills cadre of Tight Ends don't scare anybody....and the running backs are running 2-3 dumpoff patterns....I'd give the Bills that too...


When TO was with Dallas they found ways to get him the ball...same with Steve Smith in Carolina. You move the player around, you get creative, because play makers have to touch the balls to make plays. The Bills play right into the opposing coaches gameplan when they "take what the defense gives them" instead of takng what they want.

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