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Watching the game. Not a big deal.

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The team made a lot of mistakes. Hopefully they worked them out of their system. Green Bay ran a pretty solid game plan, and the Bills looked a bit lackluster. The turnovers were very costly. However, the refs were a bit over the top.


I'm only a bit into the second half. I don't care about this game. I think when we get TO back and they start playing like they give a damn, this will be a good team.

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i didn't watch the game until today. I made the mistake of reading some posts and thought the worst. I watched the game and shrugged my shoulders. Preseason is a joke. The vets don't want to get hurt so they take it easy. Nobody is pushing very hard. The 2nd/3rd string guys play alot harder.


Things i noticed from the game.


1st INT - It's Lee Evans fault. He sat waiting for the ball. If he would have went to go get it then it would be a nice play.


1st GB TD - Mckelvin got caught watching the QB. He should have been watching his man.


Trent's Fumble - He pulled a JP and tried to run out and way from the Players. Bad idea if he would have stepped up a yard or two he could have either ran it or maybe find someone down the field.


Byran Scott should be benched. He can't cover at all. GB had two big gainers over the middle with Byran Scott 3 yards behind the guy.


I think Byrd and Nic Harris should be starting on Defense.


4-3 defenses are so boring.


3rd and long and the Bills finally blitch but get hit by a draw. Typical poor play calling by Perry Fewell. Can we go to a 3-4 yet?

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Kota, as usual I agree with most of this. My responses are in bold.



i didn't watch the game until today. I made the mistake of reading some posts and thought the worst. I watched the game and shrugged my shoulders. Preseason is a joke. The vets don't want to get hurt so they take it easy. Nobody is pushing very hard. The 2nd/3rd string guys play alot harder.


Things i noticed from the game.


1st INT - It's Lee Evans fault. He sat waiting for the ball. If he would have went to go get it then it would be a nice play.


I blame the int equally between QB and WR. As was pointed out elsewhere, Edwards locked on to Evans all the way and his delivery was a hair late. Then Evans didn't quite make a good enough effort.

1st GB TD - Mckelvin got caught watching the QB. He should have been watching his man.


McKelvin needs to become more consistent. He's a gifted football player but makes lots of mistakes. BTW, these tight end drag routes over the middle are killing us.


Trent's Fumble - He pulled a JP and tried to run out and way from the Players. Bad idea if he would have stepped up a yard or two he could have either ran it or maybe find someone down the field.


I watched this play a few times. Trent was actually under tackle before the strip attempt. He should have had both hands on the ball but he didn't.


Byran Scott should be benched. He can't cover at all. GB had two big gainers over the middle with Byran Scott 3 yards behind the guy.


IMO the reason he's out there is because he's a good run defender and our run defense is soft.

I think Byrd and Nic Harris should be starting on Defense.


Byrd hasn't played enough to say that. But Nic Harris, except for one play against Jermichael Finley, played brilliantly. He was actually dominating his territory on many plays.

4-3 defenses are so boring.


3rd and long and the Bills finally blitch but get hit by a draw. Typical poor play calling by Perry Fewell. Can we go to a 3-4 yet?


I just started another post, about Gaughan's article and our futility against 3-4 defenses. One of the benefits of playing a bit more 3-4 (mixed in) is that our offense would benefit from practicing against it.

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The team made a lot of mistakes. Hopefully they worked them out of their system. Green Bay ran a pretty solid game plan, and the Bills looked a bit lackluster. The turnovers were very costly. However, the refs were a bit over the top.


I'm only a bit into the second half. I don't care about this game. I think when we get TO back and they start playing like they give a damn, this will be a good team.


I watched the game too and I was coming away with some similar "optimism"....However, my fear is that Trent is continuing to make the same mistakes he made last year....Last year he did not protect the football and when you don't inside your own side of the field, bad things will happen....Considering that we do not score Touchdowns, it is even more important for us to hold on to the ball, punt and play the field game.

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i didn't watch the game until today. I made the mistake of reading some posts and thought the worst. I watched the game and shrugged my shoulders. Preseason is a joke. The vets don't want to get hurt so they take it easy. Nobody is pushing very hard. The 2nd/3rd string guys play alot harder.


Things i noticed from the game.


1st INT - It's Lee Evans fault. He sat waiting for the ball. If he would have went to go get it then it would be a nice play.


1st GB TD - Mckelvin got caught watching the QB. He should have been watching his man.


Trent's Fumble - He pulled a JP and tried to run out and way from the Players. Bad idea if he would have stepped up a yard or two he could have either ran it or maybe find someone down the field.


Byran Scott should be benched. He can't cover at all. GB had two big gainers over the middle with Byran Scott 3 yards behind the guy.


I think Byrd and Nic Harris should be starting on Defense.


4-3 defenses are so boring.


3rd and long and the Bills finally blitch but get hit by a draw. Typical poor play calling by Perry Fewell. Can we go to a 3-4 yet?

I'm watching the game for the 1st time right now as we speak and I have come away so far with the same conclusion - the fans on this board overrated how bad the team played. Like you said, Lee didn't come back to the ball but it was more of a good play by the D. Our D stopped them on a short field. The next possesion Trent held the ball too long; it wasn't a jailbreak.


What I didn't like was the slow tempo no-huddle that substitued too much; while they got the 1st 3rd and 1, why not run the quick no-huddle and pound the ball up in there? I like the fact they used Nelson early split out wide; I think once TO comes back the offense will be better. In the 1st 3 games I noticed that Trent sometimes (not every play now!) seems to lock on his primary WR too much whether it be TO or Lee and if they are not open settle for the dumpoff.


This game was lost more to penalties, and good plays by the Packers rather than us being overmatched. The only dominace I saw was displayed by BJ Raji as he is a beast.

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4-3 defenses are so boring.


Yeah, like the Giants, Vikings and Titans.



3rd and long and the Bills finally blitch but get hit by a draw. Typical poor play calling by Perry Fewell. Can we go to a 3-4 yet?


I get tired of seeing the Bills' coaches looking outmatched on a weekly basis as well. Still, switching to a 3-4.....how is that going to help? This team is ill equipped for a 3-4 right now.






Worst part to me was how our lines were totally dominated & pushed around........ Ugh! :huh:



It was frutstrating, wasn't it?



The only dominace I saw was displayed by BJ Raji as he is a beast.


Cullen Jenkins and Johnny Jolly were also very good in that game. Raji's play got all the TV hype, as it was his first time out there, but there were other standout performances on the Packer D line.

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I get tired of seeing the Bills' coaches looking outmatched on a weekly basis as well. Still, switching to a 3-4.....how is that going to help? This team is ill equipped for a 3-4 right now.


This team is ill equipped to run our Cover 2.... :devil:


Although I love the 3-4 Defense and thought the good coach named Dick that we used to have (LeBeau) consistently proves why it is a great Defense, could you imagine pulling one of our DTs off the line, and having Mitchell, Poz, Ellison and Harris/Bowen out there instead of K. Williams? I dunno if Stroud even has the stature to be a NT.... :unsure:


With the 3-4 you have the opportunity to disguise your plays/blitzes and confuse the hell out of the offense and young QBs, like TE...I billieve it to be a great attacking Defense...wish we would use it as well, but we are stuck with our current system...Trying to find a 4th LB on our roster who is better than our 2nd DT... it is not going to happen :doh:


Yes this is only preseason and I could care less about the games as far as W-L, we should be evaluating the players who best fit our systems (which aside from ST, suck). However, we also should be preparing for the regular season, as Lori stated in another post, lack of practicing against a 3-4 where 6 games out of the 16 games are against that defensive philosphy, let alone your own starting QB is stating that he needs work on it and has trouble reading it, is appaling... :wallbash:


Think about starting a new job and only receive training from your management to correctly handle 1/2 of your job responsibilities... :rolleyes:

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People like to freakout in the preseason.



The Giants played terrible the first half of their game and they lost. Does that make them a bad team?



The difference is that the Giants are proven winners with a veteran QB. The current Bills roster has never shown an ability to "flip a switch" when it comes to the games that count. Many on the board want to point back to the Levy years to say look how presseason does not matter. I did not back then as that roster could "flip the switch" at will.


If you look closely at all of the series in which our starters played the GB starters there were multiple mistakes and many, many examples of guys losing one on one battles. If nothing else I wish the Bills had more pride. I would feel much better if there were individuals who would own up to sh*tty personal play (starting with Trent Edwards). Instead we have too many guys who have the "we are going to go back and practice hard and be good teammates then get our butts kicked next Sunday" attitude. Guess they play like their fearless coach speaks.


One simple example is that Raji single handedly owned three different Bills O-linemen (Hangartner, Buttler and Wood) on three different plays. Not one of them seemed to have an answer. Really good situation when one guy litterally blew up three separate plays.

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The difference is that the Giants are proven winners with a veteran QB. The current Bills roster has never shown an ability to "flip a switch" when it comes to the games that count. Many on the board want to point back to the Levy years to say look how presseason does not matter. I did not back then as that roster could "flip the switch" at will.


If you look closely at all of the series in which our starters played the GB starters there were multiple mistakes and many, many examples of guys losing one on one battles. If nothing else I wish the Bills had more pride. I would feel much better if there were individuals who would own up to sh*tty personal play (starting with Trent Edwards). Instead we have too many guys who have the "we are going to go back and practice hard and be good teammates then get our butts kicked next Sunday" attitude. Guess they play like their fearless coach speaks.


One simple example is that Raji single handedly owned three different Bills O-linemen (Hangartner, Buttler and Wood) on three different plays. Not one of them seemed to have an answer. Really good situation when one guy litterally blew up three separate plays.


Kelly said it best a few months back...you walk in the locker room on Monday and you can't tell if they won or lost...I hope TO really changes that...back in the day, you didn't have to worry about a cruddy preseason or even regular season game, those players did have the pride and desire (and dare I say ability) to 'flip the switch'...

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People like to freakout in the preseason.



The Giants played terrible the first half of their game and they lost. Does that make them a bad team?


Well, when the Bills are 18 months removed from winning the Super Bowl, I'll forgive a crappy performance in a meaningless preseason game. Until then, the whiners and moaners have free reign as far as I'm concerned. Some of the negativity is over the top and gets on my nerves, but you know what? It's hard to argue these days.

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Worst part to me was how our lines were totally dominated & pushed around........ Ugh! :rolleyes:


You mean like how we easily converted a 3rd and 1 with a 5-yard run up the middle? Or how we compeltely stuffed them on 4th and 1 with a massive surge up the middle?


All is not lost.

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