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Hot For Teacher - Plus $1500


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im sorry, is this no the PINNACLE of the American Dream? to live in a society where not only will the cute 20-something teacher sleep with you, but also give you THOUSANDS of dollars...


there is no where to go from here but down. these stories HAVE to be the beginning of the end, right?

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Makes me wonder if there isn't a copy cat phenomenon going on. Or were teachers this slutty when I was growing up and I missed it? :huh:

When I was a senior, we had a student teacher for Physics. I often wondered, based on conversations with her, if I should have tried something.

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When I was a senior, we had a student teacher for Physics. I often wondered, based on conversations with her, if I should have tried something.


yes, you should have... is the answer to that. just like you (and i and everyone else) SHOULD have tried something with many other girls we didnt have the balls to at the time. ha!

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yes, you should have... is the answer to that. just like you (and i and everyone else) SHOULD have tried something with many other girls we didnt have the balls to at the time. ha!

My whole life is a bunch of woulda/coulda/shoulda. But enough about me, back to the hot for teacher story.

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