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Dr. Z's Power Rankings


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Fate intrudes. On Oct. 10, Chris Simms sprained his shoulder in the first quarter of the Saints game. In the maintenance room underneath the Superdome the phone rang. "It's for you," one of the carpenters told Brian Griese, who didn't like to be interrupted because he was up 40 bucks in the gin rummy game. "Coach who? Oh, coach Gruden. Yeah, I'll be right there." The little used reject from Denver and, gasp, Miami, adjusted his pads on the walk over, snapped the chinstrap on his helmet, and won the game, the Bucs' first of the season. "Look," coach Gruden told him afterward, "I know you like to play a little cards on Sunday afternoon, but I think we're gonna need you, OK?" "Sure," said Griese, anproceededed to win two of the next three, while compiling a portfolio of six TD passes to one interception. If you're interested in the movie rights, you're gonna have to wait in line, because this is one of the true-life adventure stories of 2004.

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