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What a dumbass. That's pretty much it for him in the NFL now. He's 32 will come out at age 34 and some team may sign him but at 34 his tank will be pretty much empty.


So, he carries an illegal handgun, shoots himself, goes to jail and most likely ends his career and loses millions of dollars. What an idiot. :devil:

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yup...in NYC you have no chance of not getting convicted on that. thats the mayors 'pet' law. i typically try to be opened minded about these issues...but he had an opportunity to get off easier if he took the deal that was offered initially. he screwed up

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the mandatory minimum if he did not plead was actually 3.5 years. by pleading , plaxico got his jail time down to 20 months. so where did you get this 1 year or less figure?

He is getting a two year sentence. I would be shocked if he has to serve the entire thing, especially in NY. I bet ends up serving half and getting probabtion, as long as he is a model prisoner.

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What a joke. If he was some no-name guy, they wouldn't have even prosecuted him.


Iillegal handgun possession in NYS carries a mandatory sentence. But IIRC, he has quite a history of team suspensions, and PGH tired of his shenanigans.


My guess is that he didn't comport himself very well in court. Some people are afflicted with over-arching feelings of self-importance, are convinced that the world is out to get them, continually skirt the laws, and can't keep their traps shut.


He should have gone into politics. :devil:

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yup...in NYC you have no chance of not getting convicted on that. thats the mayors 'pet' law. i typically try to be opened minded about these issues...but he had an opportunity to get off easier if he took the deal that was offered initially. he screwed up

The best deal offered was 2 years. He did take the best offer.


He also did get off easy. He absolutely would have been convicted and and would have had a non-negotiable minimum of 3.5 years. The DA did him a huge favor in not taking this slam dunk to court (for a brief trial).



Therefore is no reason to think he will serve less than the 2 years in a case with a mandatory minimum.

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He is getting a two year sentence. I would be shocked if he has to serve the entire thing, especially in NY. I bet ends up serving half and getting probabtion, as long as he is a model prisoner.




hmm. but with mandatory sentencing, isn't the parole board's discretion limited? i believe you have to stay in jail for practically the whole term.

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He is getting a two year sentence. I would be shocked if he has to serve the entire thing, especially in NY. I bet ends up serving half and getting probabtion, as long as he is a model prisoner.


according to the article about it on Foxsports he can get out in 20 months for good behavior

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If you're prosecuted....


I guarantee you that if Burress were a guy off the street, the DA would reduce the charges, they'd plead out, and he'd be on probation.


There are so many scumbag criminals that do much worse things that constantly run through the criminal justice system, and they spend little to no time in prison.


But if you got a famous defendant, then look out! It's ridiculous.



And famous defendants have not gotten off easier over the years BECAUSE they have the $ or top lawyers?


It works both ways.

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What a country. Burress hurt nobody except for himself, but he's going to spend more time in prison than Michael Vick and Donte Stallworth combined. Not saying Burress doesn't deserve a short stint behind bars, but 2 years is overkill IMO.


What a city, not what a country. NYC has done a great deal to clean up gun crime, and their very strict gun laws have had a lot to do with it. I've lived here almost ten years now, and I'm glad they've taken such a hard line stance on the gun issue, for celebrities and regular folk.


As for Vick / Stallworth combo, how about Marvin Harrison? Dude shot somebody, then hired someone to finish the job when it looked like they might talk. And he's walking around, and free to sign with whomever?

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