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Congress sends letters to health insurance companies

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funny thing is that i work in the INSURANCE indusrty and my comments are not off base due to MY expierences.


Given your writing skills, I'd be fascinated to know what exactly you do in the insurance industry. But regardless, I wasn't suggesting that your comments were 'off base'. Just really, really stupid.


Private companies that aren't asking for taxpayers to foot their bills and aren't breaking laws should not be 'investigated' for how they choose to run their business.


Of course, I'm sure it hasn't dawned on you that endless government regulation is one of the major reasons for high healthcare costs.

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While I appreciate the humor in the "pot calling kettle black" moment, the reality is simply that -- given the absolute Laurel and Hardy-like acumen with which the current administration and Congress has handled health care reform -- their desperation becomes exceedingly evident as they once again take a large group of successful and profitable business groups, get America all twisted up that they took a business trip to Vegas, got paid millions of dollars in exchange for their success, and tell Americans suffering through an economic downturn that THESE greedy capitalist pigs are the very people who are to blame for all the problems in the world today. Result: we must control health care insurance because only the government can save you.

This current rev of government is an absolute machine at putting bullets in businesses for the sake of advancing more government dependence. It's disgusting to me, but hey..next time maybe the health insurance companies can dig a little deeper in their pockets during the next election.


Note to energy companies: put the turkey in the over and bend over. Cap-n-Trade is next.



Love the Thomas Paine Stimulus video in your sig

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