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Question about tattoos in the workplace.

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you got anything on the upper inside of your arm, chest, or ribs? :beer:


i have one on my chest that is at most about a quarter inch above the nip.


the one on my right arm goes from just above the short sleeve line to just below the neck line of t-shirts

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you got anything on the upper inside of your arm, chest, or ribs? :thumbdown:


I have one on each inner bicep. The one on my left one runs from less than an inch away from my armpit to about 2 inches short of my elbow (can be covered by a longer short-sleeved shirt, just in case we have a PREJUDICED HIRING SITUATION some time in the future). When I got it done, the left arm got done first, and he started on the outside and worked in. I can honestly say the last two letters of the word didn't hurt at all. If I had to rate the "pain" the first 45 seconds are so stung pretty good, but then it was fine for the other 20 minutes or so. The last two letters were more like a pinch or a bee sting than pain.


However, if I go through with the one I plan on getting across my upper chest just below the collarbone, I expect that one to hurt pretty good.

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at that point, you are better off getting your ears clipped like a dog and having the lobe somewhat reshaped


Reminds me of this smokin' hot cocktail waitress I worked with years ago. One day I noticed her earlobe was mangled. I asked what happened and she said she was wearing hoop earrings one day and holding her niece and the baby grabbed ahold of the earring and yanked the thing right out of her ear. Yeeeeeeooooouuch!

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better watch out.......that will be the next rage. bluetooth speakers for your ipod installed in your ear lobes.



Sub woofer in the navel, or perhaps ass.


Good thinking!

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I repeat - I'm in love!..........Ears - good........Nose - not so much.........Lips - how do you even kiss with a javelin stickning out of there?

Are you a gentleman? Than I'm in love. :thumbdown:


How about the ones that have the chain hooking their ear up with their belly button? Yuck!

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Are you a gentleman? Than I'm in love. :thumbdown:


How about the ones that have the chain hooking their ear up with their belly button? Yuck!



I always have to fight the temptation to give that chain a little yank.

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