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Maybin Update

The Dean

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Let's go back to your logic from the previous post (which you and I both seem to think is absurd, but whatever....)


I have 20,000$ in my bank account. I can earn another $4,000 by missing work for a few weeks, and getting some negative publicity. Am I going to do it? Yes.


I have 200,000 in my bank account. I can earn another $40,000 by missing work for a few weeks, and getting some negative publicity. Am I going to do it? Yes.


I have 2,000,000 in my bank account. I can earn another $400,000 by missing work for a few weeks, and getting some negative publicity. Am I going to do it? Yes.


Why should it all of a sudden change at $20,000,000? $4 million is a buttload of money, especially for someone like Maybin who grew up in a working class family. For anyone to suggest that he should sign for less just to please the fans is an insult.

OK, now - just for argument's sake - let's say you have that $20K, or $200K, or $2M, or even $20M in your bank account - and, no matter how much of an ass hole you and your agent are, and how much you try to 'hardball' the Bills, you're not getting one freakin' penny more - but you might just get less while alienating your new employers, teammates, and fans, and maybe even sit your sorry ass out long enough to lose a roster spot this season....


Now what would you do?


'Cause really, I was giving this clown the benefit of the doubt right until about this week, but enough is enough - and I've had about enough of this greedy ass hole who had one decent season as a college player, and who may end up a complete bust in the NFL.


Get your lazy greedy ass to camp and get to work, Maybin.

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Let's go back to your logic from the previous post (which you and I both seem to think is absurd, but whatever....)


I have 20,000$ in my bank account. I can earn another $4,000 by missing work for a few weeks, and getting some negative publicity. Am I going to do it? Yes.


I have 200,000 in my bank account. I can earn another $40,000 by missing work for a few weeks, and getting some negative publicity. Am I going to do it? Yes.


I have 2,000,000 in my bank account. I can earn another $400,000 by missing work for a few weeks, and getting some negative publicity. Am I going to do it? Yes.


Why should it all of a sudden change at $20,000,000? $4 million is a buttload of money, especially for someone like Maybin who grew up in a working class family. For anyone to suggest that he should sign for less just to please the fans is an insult.

But there's absolutely no guarantee you get that extra money. If you just showed up to work you would have gotten $2,000 for those few weeks (in example 1). So, do you go with the sure thing or hope to get the extra money, knowing that if you hold out for the extra cash, you may get fired?

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But there's absolutely no guarantee you get that extra money. If you just showed up to work you would have gotten $2,000 for those few weeks (in example 1). So, do you go with the sure thing or hope to get the extra money, knowing that if you hold out for the extra cash, you may get fired?


This is a good post.


In Maybin's situation playing hardball might cost him his rookie year and nobody benefits.


And if he does not sign for 24 million he risks getting nothing.


I dont know if I would risk the 24 million to add other 4 million to it.


Just my 2 cents.

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ok Agreed


but dont you think the Bills offered him at least 24 million??


I have no idea. I would hope so.


OK, now - just for argument's sake - let's say you have that $20K, or $200K, or $2M, or even $20M in your bank account - and, no matter how much of an ass hole you and your agent are, and how much you try to 'hardball' the Bills, you're not getting one freakin' penny more - but you might just get less while alienating your new employers, teammates, and fans, and maybe even sit your sorry ass out long enough to lose a roster spot this season....


Now what would you do?


If I knew it wouldn't make a difference, I'd probably sign and report. But I don't know that, and neither does Maybin. And neither do you.


But there's absolutely no guarantee you get that extra money. If you just showed up to work you would have gotten $2,000 for those few weeks (in example 1). So, do you go with the sure thing or hope to get the extra money, knowing that if you hold out for the extra cash, you may get fired?


The chances of him getting fired, or sitting until next year are right around nil, and anyone suggesting that it is going to come to that is engaging in some pretty severe hyperbole.

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and what makes you say we're not


Here's the Bills 1st round picks for the last several years....

2009 #11 Maybin - long hold out

2009 #28 Wood - signed, sealed, delivered.

2008 #11 McKelvin - signed July 2008

2007 #12 Lynch - signed summer 2007

2006 #8 Whitner - signed summer 2006

2006 #26 McCargo - signed early summer 2006


There is no recent history of the Bills lowballing high draft picks. The FO can be blamed for a lot of different things, but the non-signing of Maybin is not one of them.

His agent is trying to hit the jackpot.

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Let's go back to your logic from the previous post (which you and I both seem to think is absurd, but whatever....)


I have 20,000$ in my bank account. I can earn another $4,000 by missing work for a few weeks, and getting some negative publicity. Am I going to do it? Yes.


I have 200,000 in my bank account. I can earn another $40,000 by missing work for a few weeks, and getting some negative publicity. Am I going to do it? Yes.


I have 2,000,000 in my bank account. I can earn another $400,000 by missing work for a few weeks, and getting some negative publicity. Am I going to do it? Yes.


Why should it all of a sudden change at $20,000,000? $4 million is a buttload of money, especially for someone like Maybin who grew up in a working class family. For anyone to suggest that he should sign for less just to please the fans is an insult.


You have NOTHING in the bank. Your potential employer offers a reasonable salary...you want more. Potential employer says fine...goodluck at your future job but it's not going to be here. And by the way, you can't apply again for a year. Guess you'd throw $20 mil away looking for the extra 4.

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All these posts seem to have a common thread, and that is frustration with Maybin not being in camp. I wish he was there too, it would make me feel better about the upcoming season. But I don't know the circumstances of why he's not there, and neither does anyone else on this board. Additionally, there is very little chance of a holdout lasting very long into the season, if it even gets that far. Finally, there's nothing that you or I can do about it, so why expend all this energy worrying about it?


I propose we move on from these threads, and do something productive. Like a thread with some jokes about how long Chuck Lester has been with the team.

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All these posts seem to have a common thread, and that is frustration with Maybin not being in camp. I wish he was there too, it would make me feel better about the upcoming season. But I don't know the circumstances of why he's not there, and neither does anyone else on this board. Additionally, there is very little chance of a holdout lasting very long into the season, if it even gets that far. Finally, there's nothing that you or I can do about it, so why expend all this energy worrying about it?


I propose we move on from these threads, and do something productive. Like a thread with some jokes about how long Chuck Lester has been with the team.

OK, but can we bash Jason Peters while we're at it? :lol:

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The chances of him getting fired, or sitting until next year are right around nil, and anyone suggesting that it is going to come to that is engaging in some pretty severe hyperbole.

And the chances the Bills let their franchise, probowl LT become disgruntled and trade him are pretty slim as well. I'd say don't bet against the Bills' FO when it comes to paying large sums of money to players. I'm only suggesting that the Bills may very well not budge, whether he sits all season or not would be his choice.

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Let's go back to your logic from the previous post (which you and I both seem to think is absurd, but whatever....)


I have 20,000$ in my bank account. I can earn another $4,000 by missing work for a few weeks, and getting some negative publicity. Am I going to do it? Yes.


I have 200,000 in my bank account. I can earn another $40,000 by missing work for a few weeks, and getting some negative publicity. Am I going to do it? Yes.


I have 2,000,000 in my bank account. I can earn another $400,000 by missing work for a few weeks, and getting some negative publicity. Am I going to do it? Yes.


Why should it all of a sudden change at $20,000,000? $4 million is a buttload of money, especially for someone like Maybin who grew up in a working class family. For anyone to suggest that he should sign for less just to please the fans is an insult.


I guess it sounded like my argument was that $4 million isnt a lot of money or isnt that big of a deal, sure it is and I understand that. You and almost everyone else on this post has made me well aware of how much $4 million dollars is worth. It is very simple to state my opinion. If it were me I would be happy with the $20+ million that the Bills most likely have offered to Maybin.

Based on previous years 1st round picks I am assuming that the Bills didnt lowball AM and are offering him close to 5/$25 with $15 million guaranteed. I am also assuming that they are far apart from what AM thinks he should be making because Crabtree (who has nothing to do with where AM was picked) is holding out for money that would have placed him at 7 or 8. IMO this doesnt or at least shouldnt effect what AM should get. He should still get more than what the 12th pick received and less than the 10th pick receives. If Crabtree gets $50-60 million like he is most likely asking for should that make us overpay for AM and offer him in between $20-$50 million? If Maybin was offered the $22-$26 million that he is slotted to that should be plenty based on the slotting and last years numbers and I expect the Bills FO to have offered him somewhere in that range.

I was wrong to come out and say that $4 million isnt a lot of money to these guys. I dont have $20 million in my bank account or expect to get it soon so I wouldnt know. I would like to think that getting paid more in 5 years what most people will make in their lifetimes for something I love to do would humble me to the point where it wouldnt matter to me. Again, I cant say this for fact but it pisses me off and is everything that is wrong with the NFL and sports in general. Most of these guys would play this game for free if they had to.

As you suggested Im not going to get into this anymore. Ive said my peace and how I feel.

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I'd agree completely. There's no way Ralph and the Bills pay Maybin more just because Crabtree got more. OF course, that doesn't stop his agent from trying. We all know it won't work - just ask Peters. But, I suppose they gotta try. It just sucks, because the guy has now missed all of training camp and half the preseason games. I'd guess it's a very short list of rookies that have missed this much off season time and had any sort of productive rookie year.



I haven't read past your post, so maybe it this has already been covered.


I agree that the Bills wouldn't pay Maybin far above the slotted numbers no matter what happens to Crabtree. But if the Bills are staying solid at the very low end of the slotted range, the Crabtree may move things to the middle of that range.


I'm not suggesting the Maybin camp should wait until Crabtree signs, but I can see that limited area where it might help. If they think they are going to get more than the slotted range from the Bills, they are nuts.

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How I would get it done? I mean, I actually began to describe how I would get it done in my last post. But, then I realized how incredibly stupid it would be of me to hypothesize about a situation that I know hardly any facts about. The point I made in my last post, and in my post before that, is that little information has come out about the negotiations. And I believe that with little to no information out there, Bills fans have still been extremely quick to jump on Maybin. Now as more information trickles out, it might be more and more fair to get on him, but you can't view the Maybin situation through the lens of Jason Peters. You need to take into account how, at least in my opinion, the Bills need to share some of the blame for getting themselves into this situation. Contrary to what so many of you think, a team does not get off the hook by claims that they were blindsided. I feel like some of you have this picture of Russ Brandon sitting outside Maybin's 50 acre estate with a giant check on it and Maybin just saying "gimmee mo". That is NOT what is happening.


Regarding what I would do? I wouldn't have tried to make a point by getting into a "who's going to blink first" contest.

You keep making my point. It's disingenuous to accuse the Bills FO of being stupid then not even be able to describe what they should have done differently, other than not getting into a "blinking contest" whatever that means.


So basically you are saying you'd give Maybin's agent a blank check. Yep, that's gettin' it done. :blink":



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I haven't read past your post, so maybe it this has already been covered.


I agree that the Bills wouldn't pay Maybin far above the slotted numbers no matter what happens to Crabtree. But if the Bills are staying solid at the very low end of the slotted range, the Crabtree may move things to the middle of that range.


I'm not suggesting the Maybin camp should wait until Crabtree signs, but I can see that limited area where it might help. If they think they are going to get more than the slotted range from the Bills, they are nuts.


I completely agree with all of that.

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Now that his rookie likely is not going to meet anyone's expectations of the 11th pick in the draft, the Bills should insist that any contract be for 6 years rather than the 5 years that the rookies typically want. I remember this issue being a hiccup with Whitner. The Bills finally caved.


In this case, if there ever is a deal, it should be for 6 years.

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