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Brandon Marshall

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and i am using my second ever post to show you how you contradicted yourself by saying "Don't downplay Sanchez. I think the kid's GOING to be a star." that implies that you think he will be in the future. doesnt mean this season.


Did I quantify when I thought he was going to be a star?

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See, this is where I think the OL haters are wrong. There were MANY occasions when Edwards had ample time last year, but no one could get open downfield. This year, that's going to change with owens. If Marshall is also in the mix, what are teams going to do? Play dime all game? Great! run the ball, then.


There were also many times when Edwards had time to throw AND open receivers downfield and still chose the safe dumpoff. Captain Checkdown strikes again.

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It's tempting, but I just don't how we could tie up that much salary in WRs.


In other news, Marshall is still a real winner: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/trainingcamp...tory?id=4409867


"In his first public comments on the matter, Marshall said after Wednesday morning's practice that he was disappointed a member of the team's public relations staff told his teammates not to gloat over his acquittal in an Atlanta courtroom on Friday."


I still vote AQ. And I dont care about money either. Every year the Redskins through 100 Mil here, 55 Mil there, and are under the cap. How? I have no idea. All I know is the Bills spend about 10 Mil total an offseason as opposed to the 50+ the Skins throw down every year. We seem have the line all figured out, maybe one LT away, but Evans and AQ would give us a playoff caliber O for more than one season...


PS trade Kelsays salary for Boldin.

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1. Your crystal ball tell you this? John "the Godless Communist" Wawrow seems to disgaree with you.

i'll leave god out of this one because there's far bigger fish to fry on that end, though i will say that i am not a communist and also have never reported or stated that Maybin will never be a member of the Buffalo Bills. other than that, Joe, i think you're batting 1.000.



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