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Maybe those people are in the shape they're in because they've made some poor judgement calls in their life. Yeah we don't work long hours and have things to worry about every day. Time is sooooo precious for poor people only. Hey you know what, you're right, I don't have kids, because early on we realized that our lifestyle wouldn't support them. Allowed us to eat half way decent meals when we made a few hundred dollars a week. Maybe they should have thought about that before they started squeezig puppies out. And they have more important things to worry about other than the health of their kids? WTF...


I was born rich, was rich in college, was rich right after college, I've been rich all my life...yup that's right. I know nothing about being poor. Oh yeah, except for that time I was in college eating bread crumbs and pizza crusts out of the trash. Damn, that was the thinnest I've ever been.


Why is your answer to my response always questioning how the person got there? Do you realize that's not the fuggin topic?


People are there, no matter if they should be or not. When you tell me that "everyone can eat healthy" and I say "they can't afford x because of y", you telling me that they shouldn't be in that situation in the first place has nothing to do with whether or not they can afford it or not.


Stop going off on other tangents. Jesus Christ.

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Yeah, because why would we beleive scientific evidence? :lol:


Try to understand the little "study" before you spout off on what it says. It is comparing the most healthful foods, which are obviously the most expensive. I was referring to reasonably healthy foods as i have outlined numerous times above, which isn't that much more expensive than junk food.


I also noticed in the study that one guy says he had a tough time living on the food stamp allowance of $6 per person per day. So for 2 people, the food stamp allowance gives them $84 per week. Funny thing is, the girlfriend and i usually spend about $100 per week on food, slightly above the food stamp allowance. The food we buy is fairly healthy, and very good tasting. We have veggies with every meal. (a few fresh and the rest frozen) And we usually have enough leftovers that i take for lunch the next day. But lets pretend that decent food that will keep you healthy is soooo expensive.


I guess its too much to ask someone to spend 30 minutes planning a menu and making a shopping list for the week, along with clipping some coupons/buying sale items to save some $.

Why is your answer to my response always questioning how the person got there? Do you realize that's not the fuggin topic?


People are there, no matter if they should be or not. When you tell me that "everyone can eat healthy" and I say "they can't afford x because of y", you telling me that they shouldn't be in that situation in the first place has nothing to do with whether or not they can afford it or not.


Stop going off on other tangents. Jesus Christ.


Ok, healthy food is not expensive. BETTER?

So I wake up at 5:30am... Get to work by 7am. Get home at 6:30pm. And you want me to spend 2 hours cooking a meal so that I don't eat until 8:30pm...?


He was giving an example of how you can work to make anything taste good.


You can cook a chicken breast and mix it withjarred sauce in less than 10 minutes. Add a vegetable (even frozen) a chunk of bread and some milk and you have a nice meal. 15 minutes tops. And it's not like all 15 of those minutes require you to stand over the stove. You can get it started and still watch TV.


You people who feel the need to make excuses for fat people should have a little more faith in them.

You people who feel the need to make excuses for fat people should have a little more faith in them.

You people who ignore all of the other factors involved need to open your eyes.

Did you completely forget that you said you spent 2 hours making a healthy meal....? :lol::P




You may have missed my post from Saturday. It was more of a feast than a meal. See I'm rich and I'm a chef so I can afford to cook for two hours. Here was the menu.


Tortilla soup with five peppers

Baby radishes with truffle salt

Roasted eggplant with garlic and basil

Sliced tomatoes with sheep's milk ricotta drizzled with extra virgin olive oil

Grilled assorted summer squash with garlic, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and topped with fried leeks.

Steamed baby zucchini blossoms stuffed with goat cheese with a roasted red pepper coulis

Assorted fresh figs for dessert


And for cocktails various pureed fruits with vodka, cointreau and lavender syrup

He was giving an example of how you can work to make anything taste good.


You can cook a chicken breast and mix it withjarred sauce in less than 10 minutes. Add a vegetable (even frozen) a chunk of bread and some milk and you have a nice meal. 15 minutes tops. And it's not like all 15 of those minutes require you to stand over the stove. You can get it started and still watch TV.


You people who feel the need to make excuses for fat people should have a little more faith in them.


You do seven breasts on Sunday and you only have to nuke them during the week. I do that all the time.

You people who ignore all of the other factors involved need to open your eyes.


I'd point people towards a long list of journal articles, but they'll just brush them off as random research.

I'd point people towards a long list of journal articles, but they'll just brush them off as random research.


Their individual anecdotal evidence from life experiences is obviously much more important.

If it makes you feel any better, we're not really talking about plastic anymore :lol:




Did you catch the other part of the article and the virus' that can make people fat. They pump it into a chicken and instead of wasting away, they get obsese... Nobody has mentioned those have they?



Did you catch the other part of the article and the virus' that can make people fat. They pump it into a chicken and instead of wasting away, they get obsese... Nobody has mentioned those have they?


I did.

You do seven breasts on Sunday and you only have to nuke them during the week. I do that all the time.



Yes and you can do that with homemade chicken soup, chili, cold pasta salad, chicken or eggplant parmesan etc. Cook one day a week, eat healthy for the next 4-5 days, with very little time involved for those days. Want a little variety, have a tuna/egg salad/pbj sandwich one day a week. Its not that friggin' difficult.


That single mom with 3 kids is likely to be on food stamps. Tell her to shop on the edges of the grocery store (where the real food is) and stay out of the middle of the grocery store (where the crap is). It really is a mindset.

You do seven breasts on Sunday and you only have to nuke them during the week. I do that all the time.


Me too. Cause I'm so rich that I can afford $10 worth of chicken.

Then why is everyone who eats chicken not obese?



Obviuosly somebody didn't read properly! :lol:


...Adenovirus-36 (Ad-36) -- one strain in a family of about fifty adenoviruses that are responsible for colds, respiratory infections, and eye infections -- was first linked to weight gain when Nikhil Dhurandhar, now a professor at Louisiana State University, noticed that chickens infected with Ad-36 became plump instead of wasting away with disease. Taking it to the lab, he has shown that when chickens and mice are infected with Ad-36, they become very fat compared with controls fed the same amount of food. Paradoxically, the obese animals had low levels of cholesterol and fatty acids in their bloodstream -- the opposite of what happens with normal obesity. The viruses preferentially infected fat cells over muscle cells and could be detected up to sixteen weeks after infection.


Dhurandhar coined the phenomenon "infectobesity." Taking the findings to human populations, he found that almost 30 percent of obese people have antibodies (an indicator of exposure) to Ad-36, whereas only 5 percent of non-obese people have them. Similar to the animal studies, the infected obese people had low levels of cholesterol and fatty acids in their blood, while the obese people without evidence of infection did not share this profile. However, it's unclear from this study whether infection preceded obesity or came afterward...


...Much more research needs to be done to understand how the virus acts in a human population. It's clear that not everyone infected with Ad-36 becomes obese and not every obese person is infected with Ad-36. But it's an interesting hypothesis and one that will surely lead to more interesting research...



Ah... Family genetics??

Me too. Cause I'm so rich that I can afford $10 worth of chicken.


Maybe not all at once! Really... Laugh as you will... But, there is a reason why a dollar menu does well!!


That other 9 dollars may have to go into the tank to get through another day of work and payday. People do the strangest things!

That single mom with 3 kids is likely to be on food stamps. Tell her to shop on the edges of the grocery store (where the real food is) and stay out of the middle of the grocery store (where the crap is). It really is a mindset.


It goes well beyond a mindset. It's a social and societal issue. Sure, it can be fixed eventually (hopefully), but it's not something that will go away over night.

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