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Well, we already knew that


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All that work into a pretty boring article to state an allready known and overstated fact...Awesome job d-bag! :blink:



Actually I thought it was pretty interesting. The numbers point to the importance of the regional strategy the Bills embarked upon years ago. It is easy to postulate that the Bills (other than maybe the Packers) pull in fans from a geographically larger footprint than any team in the league.


If the goal is to kep the Bills in Buffalo this footprint has to be managed through active brand building across the region.


The article IMO points to two things clearly:


  • Bills fans are the most loyal in the league
  • Ralph has been a master at making lemonade out of lemons - most other owners would have walked away long ago.


Finally, while gate receipts are important, corporate revenue flow is more important (i.e. PSA's and boxes). So while Buffalo can and will continue to sell out it also has the severe challenge of wringing monet out of a market that is overmatched on the corporate front.

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All that work into a pretty boring article to state an allready known and overstated fact...



You just summed up the entire field of sociology. :blink:


Seriously, though, the numbers do help flesh out what most people already thought. Of course, in the end the NFL will only look at the numbers, or at least that is what we all fear, which makes the Bills' situation appear that much more precarious.

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