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MV to be interviewed on 60 minutes!

Steely Dan

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I always get a kick out of the holier-than-thou's who wont even admit to and fight tooth and nail to get out for as little as a !@#$ing SPEEDING TICKET...yet Vick did almost two years, lost money than most couldnt make in TEN lifetimes, is on National TV apologizing and offering mea culpas....but somehow, thats "not enough."


I dont know if he's "rehabilitated" or not...only time will tell. But I DO know is that the man has paid dealry for his sins and his crime. He did the crime, he did the time. And hes getting the second chance. Lets see what he makes of it....THAT will prove what kind of a person he really is.


And Curt.....bully for you for being man enough to admit the flaws in your own character.


What he lost financially has NOTHING to do with this! Everybody who goes to jail experiences financial losses. His financial loss is huge but if someone loses their only house because they couldn't keep up the payments is far worse off than Vick. When all is said in done Vick will still have millions left. JMO



I understand your POV...but hes a football player, and a good one. Thats where his talent lies and if the NFL will have him, then why SHOULDNT he play?


That's my problem. The NFL shouldn't have him. Imagine if you lied to your branch manager's face about this crime and he stood up for you. You were called into the CEO's office and lied to his face too. Then your lies were unraveled and you went to prison. Do you really think that company would take you back?


Vick can work anywhere else if the NFL refuses to readmit him. He can do UFL or CFL if they'll have him. If they wont then I'm sure he has lots of other options to choose from. I just don't get it.

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Vick can work anywhere else if the NFL refuses to readmit him. He can do UFL or CFL if they'll have him. If they wont then I'm sure he has lots of other options to choose from. I just don't get it.


I'm pretty $ure you under$tand why he'$ been welcomed back and why the Eagle$ hired him.


On top of thi$, Reid has per$onal i$$ue$ with hi$ two kid$ and i$ u$ing Vick a$ $ome $ort of bigger le$$on, in hope$ that hi$ kid$ get $econd chance$.

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Nice try.


Vick was made a millionaire years ago. He squandered most of that (more than most would make in TEN lifetimes) before he was arrested.


Other than the returned signing bonus fraction, the vast majority of the money he "lost" was money he hadn't even made yet.


And for being such a spectacular moron, he's earned a multimillion dollar contract and a fresh start.


And he's earned your symapthy.




for once, I totally agree with everthing you've said! :censored:

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