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Blue States = Cheapskates?

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Well, it could be that they have no money left after paying all those taxes that then get spent in the red states.  Most blue states are tax creditors, they get back way less in federal pork than they contribute in tax revenues.  The red states are the biggest tax debtors in that they get back way more pork than they contribute in tax revenues.  Sucking so lavishly on the federal teat leaves them plenty of milk and honey to give away.



After I'm done with mortgage, car payment, utilities, state & fed income tax, sales tax, gasoline, food and of course-Bills Season Tickets, I have no money left for charities. I gave $10 to a group that sent me return address labels & I've gotten flooded with junk mail from all over sending me more labels, calanders, note pads etc hoping for a contribution. I contributed to a political campaign & they kept e-mailing me begging for more. I'd be homeless if I answered all their pleas.

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