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Current Depth at LB and Guard

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Every message board has its goat and hero, and this one seems to already be Ellison and Harris, respectively.


OK, I get it. We all think Ellsion sucks. But can Harris be that much better at this point? He is a converted safety from a weak and pourous Big X11 defense. I, too, like the fact that he chased hard and jumped on some piles late in the Titans game. This does not make him an NFL starter. Most of you are just slaves to the broadcasts; really watch that game and see how many times Ellison was a problem. It was no more than twice, IMHO. I agree, it's easy to rag on the smallest LB and blame him for our enigmatic D, but the finger could be pointed elsewhere.


The same lot of you think Levitre had a horrendous game because NBC's broadcast showed him getting lit up on a hands to the face. Open your eyes, guys. Evaluate for real, or asterisk your opinion. From here on out:


"I think Ellsion would be a good back-up.*"


*= Because some guys on the message board I follow think so.


No one would mistake him for an All Pro, but c'mon, you can't really think he's the weakest link on our defense.

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