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Cheney says Bush went Soft


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Memoirs to reveal Dick Cheney thought Bush had gone soft on war on terror


The former vice-president, Dick Cheney, grew increasingly disenchanted with George Bush in the latter's second term as president, believing his boss was going soft in the so-called war on terror, it emerged today.


The rift came to light as Cheney, the driving force behind many of Bush's hardline actions – the invasion of Iraq, the torture of terrorist suspects – discussed his forthcoming memoirs with former colleagues and policy experts.


What emerged from the latest account of Cheney's disgruntlement was that the former vice-president thought Bush had gone soft in the last years of his presidency as he veered away from the "you are with us or you are against us" approach following the September 11 attacks in 2001.


In the last days of his administration, Bush halted the waterboarding of terrorist suspects, closed secret CIA prisons, sought congressional approval for domestic surveillance, and put out feelers to Iran and North Korea, governments he previously denounced as part of the "axis of evil".


According to those who have been speaking to the former vice-president, the shift stuck in Cheney's craw.

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