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Is there a Doctor in the house?

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for months have had a bloated feeling like I ate a bale of hay. Poor appetite. Get the craps. No other symptoms. Any thoughts before I spend $ on tests?[self employed, no insurance]


Gall bladder?? Get it checked! A fellow at work had similar symptons and just had his gall bladder removed.


Gall Bladder Problems


About 90% of gallstones cause no symptoms at all. If problems do occur, the chance of developing pain is about 2% per year for the first 10 years after stone formation. After 10 years, the chance for developing symptoms declines. On average, symptoms take about 8 years to develop. The reason for the decline in symptoms after 10 years is not known, although some doctors suggest that "younger," smaller stones may be more likely to cause symptoms than larger, older ones. Acalculous gallbladder disease will often present with similar symptoms to those of gallbladder stones.


Recurrence is common, but attacks can be years apart. In one study, for example, 30% of people who had had 1- 2 attacks experienced no further biliary pain over the next 10 years.


Digestive complaints such as belching, feeling unduly full after meals, bloating, heartburn (burning feeling behind the breast bone), or regurgitation (acid back-up in the food pipe) are not likely to be caused by gallbladder disease. Conditions that may cause these symptoms include peptic ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease, or indigestion of unknown cause. [For more information, see In-Depth Report #19 Peptic ulcers and In-Depth Report #85 Gastroesophageal reflux disease.]


I guess they can remove it now with 4 small holes? Get better!

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Gall bladder?? Get it checked! A fellow at work had similar symptons and just had his gall bladder removed.


Gall Bladder Problems


About 90% of gallstones cause no symptoms at all. If problems do occur, the chance of developing pain is about 2% per year for the first 10 years after stone formation. After 10 years, the chance for developing symptoms declines. On average, symptoms take about 8 years to develop. The reason for the decline in symptoms after 10 years is not known, although some doctors suggest that "younger," smaller stones may be more likely to cause symptoms than larger, older ones. Acalculous gallbladder disease will often present with similar symptoms to those of gallbladder stones.


Recurrence is common, but attacks can be years apart. In one study, for example, 30% of people who had had 1- 2 attacks experienced no further biliary pain over the next 10 years.


Digestive complaints such as belching, feeling unduly full after meals, bloating, heartburn (burning feeling behind the breast bone), or regurgitation (acid back-up in the food pipe) are not likely to be caused by gallbladder disease. Conditions that may cause these symptoms include peptic ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease, or indigestion of unknown cause. [For more information, see In-Depth Report #19 Peptic ulcers and In-Depth Report #85 Gastroesophageal reflux disease.]


I guess they can remove it now with 4 small holes? Get better!

Couldn't you just blame it on gas? Although I sound more peptic ulcer. Tums is my constant companion,and has been for years.

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Couldn't you just blame it on gas? Although I sound more peptic ulcer. Tums is my constant companion,and has been for years.


Jim I am no doctor! Wait, that sounds kinda Treky... Nevermind.


I would love to say it is gas. I work with another fellow all the time that has been saying what you said for years... He is 12 years older than me (53)... Just last month he finally went for an MRI (I think that is what they use) and it confirmed the gall bladder... I told him earlier that it seemed like that... I remember my father having the same problem back when in 1980... He was 44.


By no means take my lame ass word on it... But, get it checked and get better!


Maybe that is why you have so much bile in you? <_< Only joking!!!! <_<

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Jim I am nothe doctor! Wait, that sounds kinda Treky... Nevermind.


I would love to say it is gas. I work with another fellow all the time that has been saying what you said for years... He is 12 years older than me (53)... Just last month he finally went for an MRI (I think that is what they use) and it confirmed the gall bladder... I told him earlier that it seemed like that... I remember my father having the same problem back when in 1980... He was 44.


By no means take my lame ass word on it... But, get it checked and get better!


Maybe that is why you have so much bile in you? <_< Only joking!!!! <_<

That would be McCoy. After looking at the link you provided[thanks] I am thinking ulcer, which I have suspected for some time. The cure is a proton pump? Almost can't wait to find out about that one. :P

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That would be McCoy. After looking at the link you provided[thanks] I am thinking ulcer, which I have suspected for some time. The cure is a proton pump? Almost can't wait to find out about that one. :lol:


Thanx! :cry:


Anway... The two people I mentioned (my father and co-worker) both had ulcers! My father yeas ago actually had 3/4 of his stomach removed! Back in the service (early 1950's) he had his appendix taken out... Guess what they said in 1980 when they took his gall bladder out? The doc said: "While we were in there we noticed your appendix was inflammed, so we took that out too." My father almost fell over: "Doc, back in 1954 they took my appendix out when I was in the Army (Germany)!" WTF? <_<:P


On that note... If the insurance thing is worrying you... Aren't you are Vet?... The VA is a lot better now! <_<

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Thanx! :cry:


Anway... The two people I mentioned (my father and co-worker) both had ulcers! My father yeas ago actually had 3/4 of his stomach removed! Back in the service (early 1950's) he had his appendix taken out... Guess what they said in 1980 when they took his gall bladder out? The doc said: "While we were in there we noticed your appendix was inflammed, so we took that out too." My father almost fell over: "Doc, back in 1954 they took my appendix out when I was in the Army (Germany)!" WTF? <_<:P

On that note... If the insurance thing is worrying you... Aren't you are Vet?... The VA is a lot better now! <_<

:lol: Anything to pad the bill :lol: No not a vet but I think I can handle it cash since I found out a "proton pump inhibitor"is a $64 word for a antacid[H+ with no electron is just acid, but technically you could call it a "proton".} Will find out. I really do think I have a ulcer-payoff for 30 years of 20 cups of coffee a day.

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<_< Anything to pad the bill <_< No not a vet but I think I can handle it cash since I found out a "proton pump inhibitor"is a $64 word for a antacid[H+ with no electron is just acid, but technically you could call it a "proton".} Will find out. I really do think I have a ulcer-payoff for 30 years of 20 cups of coffee a day.


Let us know when/if you find out. The first thing I said to my c0-worker was gall bladder! With you I will either be batting 1000 or 500! Not bad for a quack! :P


Get well!

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for months have had a bloated feeling like I ate a bale of hay. Poor appetite. Get the craps. No other symptoms. Any thoughts before I spend $ on tests?[self employed, no insurance]

I'm disappointed no one suggested it was your time of the month and get some Midol.

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for months have had a bloated feeling like I ate a bale of hay. Poor appetite. Get the craps. No other symptoms. Any thoughts before I spend $ on tests?[self employed, no insurance]

My advice ... don't take advice from anyone on this board ...

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I blew my nastiness for the week! Besides I was the only one up. :P


TSW should have a suicide hotline... I would be able to man it at night when I am on midnights... Oh, I don't think they would want me!



We'll let DC Tom run it ... :blink: {JUMP MOTHER-:blink: , JUMP!!!!}

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