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Really cool lightning display out the window of my flight


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We are flying around a cell that is literally throwing lightening bolts between clouds. It looks like a fireworks show. I've seen this before but not with the frequency that is occuring with this cell. They are firing off at a rate of about one per second. It is just an awesome display.

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We are flying around a cell that is literally throwing lightening bolts between clouds. It looks like a fireworks show. I've seen this before but not with the frequency that is occuring with this cell. They are firing off at a rate of about one per second. It is just an awesome display.


Not a white knuckler I take it. Cool.

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nah - I fly often and the most dangerous part of the trip is the drive to and from the airport. Actually minimal turbulence.


I actually love to fly. I do not like the hassle of getting on to a plane, but if you are organized it is fairly easy. If I had the time, I would go hang out with this friend of my parents who flies a lot. It is a lot more fun in a small plane.

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I actually love to fly. I do not like the hassle of getting on to a plane, but if you are organized it is fairly easy. If I had the time, I would go hang out with this friend of my parents who flies a lot. It is a lot more fun in a small plane.




Yeah I really miss the days when I every so often got to fly on the corporate jet. IMO air travel basicall sucks. Cool that internet (wi-fi) is now available though.

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Yeah I really miss the days when I every so often got to fly on the corporate jet. IMO air travel basicall sucks. Cool that internet (wi-fi) is now available though.

the worst part is dealing with the nervous nellies and weirdos in the airport...-I have a decent system down....But if i were a rich mannn-def the private jet

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