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The easy fix to healthcare

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members of Congress are on a currently existing program. All American citizens will be given the exact same plan. This way the shout downers cant complain because they are getting same plan as the folks they elected. If the plan wasnt any good congress would fix the issues since they have to live with the decisions just as all their constituents do.

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members of Congress are on a currently existing program. All American citizens will be given the exact same plan. This way the shout downers cant complain because they are getting same plan as the folks they elected. If the plan wasnt any good congress would fix the issues since they have to live with the decisions just as all their constituents do.




OK - fork over an additional 30% of your disposable income.

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members of Congress are on a currently existing program. All American citizens will be given the exact same plan. This way the shout downers cant complain because they are getting same plan as the folks they elected. If the plan wasnt any good congress would fix the issues since they have to live with the decisions just as all their constituents do.


yeah, um, only problem with this theory is that most if not all congress members are wealthy and would just go out and buy private plans, or get coverage donated or some dumb sh-- like that. so in reality, they still do not have to live with their decisions

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